The Lizard King goes OFF on Antifa.

52  2019-06-30 by Ghdust2


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. The Lizard King goes OFF on Antifa. -,

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The Zodiac Killer slashes the competition!

Better listen, cause Ted knows how to murder and get away with it, even while taunting the FBI.

Yeah, let's hear about how outraged conservatives are over a journalist being assaulted.

Not like they elected a guy that literally attacked a journalist before said election and then glorified the guy that did it.

Not like Trump's base runs around attacking the media and threatening journalists either.

This is why I don't like conservatives. It's not even their terrible policy ideas, it's not their science denial, their rejection of empirical data and reality as a whole, it's this faux bullshit outrage. It's the throwing of stones from glass houses.

How come longpost bot never goes off on you anymore?

Even longpost bot got tired of him 😴😴😴

you need to crouch your seriousposting in "dude daddy lmao" for people to take you seriously.

Is this guy a pizzashill alt?

no pizzashill was better at seriousposting

He is pizzashill you mong, it's long confirmed

That was 100% a power move though, not about politics.


Why do you think Trumps retardation makes you not retarded?

ya butt wudda bout the donahld?

Ted's just mad nobody cares about his murder sprees anymore.