Woman says she horny 24/7 and finally knows what it’s like to be a man

53  2019-06-30 by Kaiser-romulus


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I don't have ovaries, but I recognize the feeling of suddenly feeling attracted to everyone around me (except family and children) for no particular reason.

a femcel talking about mind raping any man who comes around

Great now I’m going to be looking over my shoulder every time I see a foid

So never.

I’m not banned from comicon. Yet.

|period app


I feel so objectified reading through that thread.

smdh foids

Do you ever feel sexual attraction and realize it's because you have libido so you can pass on your genes? Because same.

All the comments like

woahhoohoo buddy! Let me tell ya my wife is instantly attracted to me!

Followed by multiple other male posters. Ok I wasn’t great in fucking science but I believe if I remember, XX means female.

So firstly.

Why the absolute fuck is any male posting in that sub, unless it is explicitly asking for a male fucking opinion. I don’t go into a god damn forum for people big on carpentry and give my fucking 2 cents.


Why did these foids boyfriends let their faggy ass husbands chip in. Unless maybe I guess Sunday is their 1 day a week.

fucking science

those words together make me ill

So glad I no longer have Facebook. Almost 4 years clean and damn it feels good.

Try this one out for size. Science is fake and Gay. Debate me.

I find myself looking twice at pretty much any tall, dark-haired man that crosses my path.

Daily reminder that it never began for manlets.

Should I kms then?

I'm 5'7.

Consider transitioning. 💁

I'm 21, I think it's too late to pretend that I'm a girl.

Passing is optional. It's 2019.

Ok, I'll transition then, I'll get fat enough to have manboobs and just will wear a green wig.

I dunno, do you speedrun any video games?

No, I'm bad at everything I do and if I unironically tried to speedrun a game, it would look like I'm just casually playing it.


as long as you're attractive girls care about height a lot less than they think they do

Yeah but if I'm a Manlet I'm not attractive by default, simply because they don't see me as a real man.

God I hate foids.

They are good for only one thing...


3 things: cooking, cleaning, vagina. But im pretty good at cooking, and really good at cleaning. really narrows down the value of a foid.

bussy > trussy > gussy

Fun fact: your brain has physical changes during pregnancy to make you love the baby more & have an innate desire to protect it. Kinda disturbing how much our body tries to control us.

They are disturbed by a mothers love for her children. Wtf is wrong with them

Yikes! It is wrong to control women. So their body producing hormones so they like their baby is kinda problematic.

Let this sink in!

wew maybe it's because most people don't like to admit the body has a significant influence on the mind

There's even scarier stuff about babies btw. Consider why chicks scream like retards demanding food (bird chicks in particular). There's a game-theoretical conflict going on, where parent birds don't want the screams to attract predators and so prevent them from propagating their genes, so they feed the loudest chicks first, while the chicks don't care much about their parents' genes propagating through their siblings compared to their own, so they endanger the whole nest by screaming as loud as possible without actually creating imminent danger to themselves.

So I read a paper once claiming that human babies do similar shit as well: they are being difficult and needy and annoying and wake up in the middle of the night on purpose, to get the parents tired enough that they don't have sex and then have to divert some care to another sibling.

Thats a veeeeery far stretch...


It's not because frustrated parents would be interrupted having sex. Instead, it's because mothers don't ovulate while they're nursing

But parents certainly do get tired and frustrated, helping towards the same result.

You don't have a body, you are your body.

all those who deny the soul go to hell

The mind body problem solved.