Yo boys i found a great little cancer drama pit which i'm sure some of you will have a lot of fun with

13  2019-06-30 by LightingPhoenix

Look up this tag on Twitter #ActuallyAutistic You will see what I mean about it being a drama ridden cancer pit of disabled people who don't like it if you use "there" hushtag if your just a normie non disabled.... talk about entitlement 🙄


the actuallyautistic hashtag mainly came from tumblr because the main autism tag was mainly parents and general talk. There's also tags such a actuallyborderline and so on. Some people (maybe a lot?) who post in the hashtag are self-diagnosed.

Haven't seen the twitter version of the whole thing but some drama does cop up occasionally in the asd community.

The Twitter ones drama ridden this women goes around demanding if your not autistic I'm going to bully you till I get my way and parts of that Twitter community are in a war with William Shatner

Oh I heard about the one with william shatner something about a bad autism organisation right? There was a post on r/aspergers

Yeah and other autistics in the Twitter community decided he was attacking them so some went after Shatner not realizing that Shatner would fire back i mean lets be honest we all know he will threw shit back at people who have cracks at him

Cancer forums are actually super rich for drama and one-upmanship. “Your cancer isn’t really that bad, what are you complaining about? Mine is a super rare 1 in 4 million cancer that will kill me in 3 weeks”

(I’m allowed to say this because I had cancer & a relatively shitty one and still got messages like this)