r/Teenagers gets duped again.

55  2019-07-01 by Ghdust2


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every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. r/Teenagers gets duped again. - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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You know you love us Snap


Yes that's the joke retard

The actual joke is that homo (tbh i dont think that adding sapiens is politically correct anymore) are fucking stupid.

y'all retarded as fuck.

Which alt account are you for?

What's wrong with sapiens

The literal translation is not politically correct.

Someone needs to make this sub and just auto crosspost everything from r/teenagers over

gas u

It gone

Snappy exists for a reason.

Adding teenagers to my list of “honorary mayos” along with journalists. But teenagers are at least a mayo I can stomach like chipotle mayo

You think this is funny, I'm assuming? You LIED to THOUSANDS of people, scamming a lot of money out of them, and you are playing this like the story is legitimate at ALL? Not admitting that it's fake at this point both gets your post removed and makes you an ass to people that actually have real stories like this, not karma whoring, emotionally exploiting LIES. No wonder it got removed in the first place. PS if anyone actually has one of these stories that is actually real, I wouldn't recommend posting it here.

If you are dumb enough to believe such shit AND spend money on reddit you deserve to be 'scammed'

Easiest play of OP’s career

Today I discovered /r/KarmaCourt. Oh my! :D

Deleted. Somebody link the screenshot/archived snappy please. Really interested to read?

literally just change the "r" in reddit.com to a "c"

I'm on mobile, but I'm down to open my pc for this comrade.

Holy shit fucking r/teenagers, perhaps one of the collectively dumbest groups of people on this site. How many times are these kids going to steal their parents credit cards to gild fake posts. Literally a couple of months ago they all got scammed for a fake cancer post. Mods are gonna make bank if they start manufacturing these posts.