In an astonishing turn, George Soros and Charles Koch team up to end US ‘forever war’ policy

40  2019-07-01 by Spirit_OfDarkness


You’re not a woman. You’re a tomboy at best.


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I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. In an astonishing turn, George Soro... -,

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Unironic good. All diplomacy should me exhausted before we start anymore wars. These 19 years and the endless conflicts since the end of WWII have been ridiculous foreign policy and we've wasted so much money on the military out deficit is huge and we're barely getting any actual programs for the people from it.

and we're barely getting any actual programs for the people from it.

it is basically a jobs program

and we've wasted so much money on the military

i have to disagree, having power projection is nice and we basically protect europe (other than ukraine, oops)

Nicer than a functioning healthcare and education system?

Maybe people should just stop being poor. Have you thought about that, sweaty?

It's not that hard.

just get a fucking construction job poorfags. i did it.

Working class chud.

Shiiiiet nigga why didnt you just say so

europe has neither retard, you cant fix things with just money

Except for the fact that it does. Try comparing America to Europe or Canada or Oceania under this, and come back to me with a response that isn't muh waiting times.

B-but if we give everyone healthcare then w-we'll run out of doctors!

... you linked a vox "five ways government healthcare Is A Good Thing"? fuck me

it references a report by a pro-government healthcare think take that ranks healthcare systems and says the non-govt ones are last. ok.

And? Are you suggesting the data is false simply because of who made it?

here's two great daily stormer links about how society would be happier if all jews were gassed

and here's two maoist daily news links about how for every straight white male that isn't born, one more minority won't be killed

do not say the data is false simply cuz of the source. that "ranking" is mostly subjective, except for a few things

for instance muricans not filling prescriptions is actually better than europe for antibiotic overuse and waste reasons

Care to name anything that's subjective? The disparity in care between higher and lower incomes, the inefficiency of the system, the cost of healthcare, infant mortality, the number of people who opted out of getting medical help because of costs etc. are all backed up by stats. Also imagine comparing a somewhat progressive corporate news outlet to straight up neo nazi and genocidal communist outlets.

The disparity in care between higher and lower incomes

better than everyone getting the low income type

the inefficiency of the system

lines exist but the actual care in the EU is much worse

the survey bits

Also imagine comparing a somewhat progressive corporate news outlet to straight up neo nazi and genocidal communist outlets.

vox is a retarded source even if they aren't nazbols

Better then everyone getting the low income type. Brainlet did you even look at the graph. It's easy to see with it that overall the USA still has worse care for both classes. Along with the cost mentioned, the USA also provides a worse quality of healthcare as well. lines exist but the actual care in the EU is much worse. Imma need a source on that. Vox is a retarded source even if they aren't nazbols. I'm kinda curious as to what you'd consider a good source.

I'm kinda curious as to what you'd consider a good source.

there are no perfect sources, something that isn't vox is better but still u have to evaluate it - but start with like the nyt or some indepedent analysis boi

also ability to pay my own doctors without the govt stealing it too literally saved my life cuz i was able to get 2nd opinion

Lol imagine trusting public healthcare. Hard pass.

Based and militarindustrialcomplex-pilled

Why bother with invasions just carpet bomb Tehran or anything other country that acts up much simpler

Without some of those wars the dollar wouldn’t be what it is today.

“billionaires join forces to protect and extend their mutual empires”


you’re right, can we get a nice war going? That’s what real people want unlike those billionaires

Virtue signalling

We should go to war just to own the libs. Imagine the look on the libs faces when you die in a hole somewhere in the middle east.

Got em

Jews gonna Jew

You know things are bad when the two most unlikely people team up on something like this.


Koch is swamp German not Jewish tho

I'm just sharing my love of (((globalism))), fam.

Triple-parenthesis people are now a diverse array of ethnic groups, from the classic Jews to the more recent Scots, Swiss, swamp Germans, Canadians and regular Germans. Not to mention the oft-overlooked Hibernian. All share a common desire for financial and political domination.

I don't trust them as far as I can throw them but whatever, they can do what they want and I'll just be waiting for the moment of evil

same tbh

Horseshoe theory confirmed

someone gotta photoshop them into “me and the boys”

bogeymen of leftoids and rightoids teaming up

Is this radical centrism?


This is just like the time Harry teamed up with Snape.

It's nice to see people who disagree on things (((get along)))

Peak radical centrism.