Daddy doesn't like Mr.Pibble either 😍

76  2019-07-01 by OwMyBenis


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I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


  1. Daddy doesn't like Mr.Pibble either... -,,

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If he bans pitbulls (and all the other names they go by) I will absolutely vote for him

That makes two of us.


That's not how wild animals work

The word breed was invented because we bred them to be that way. There's no wild pibbles lol.

Maybe mosquitoes would stop being responsible for killing over 700,000 people a year if we stopped treating them so poorly.

"Pit bull" hatred is based purely on pseudoscience

Reminds me of how Bill Gates tries to genocide mosquitoes for "spreading malaria", as if that was their intrinsic trait and not something caused by purely environmental factors. It's such an obvious dogwhistle I don't have anything to add.

What do you mean? It's not like dog breeds have been selectively bred for temperament and behavior for generations. Dogs are all blank slates that turn good or bad depending on if their humans were meanies or not.

Dog breeds are a social construct. There's only one dog breed: the dog breed.

Don't worry sweety, I won't kill your shitstain dog. I'll just make it get sterilized and throw you in prison if you refuse to do so.


The brains of animals and even sexes between humans are different. Why do you think guys commit more crime? We bred mr pibbles to kill other dogs and lock down humans. They have huge rows of teeth, a giant bite force, a lock jaw, giant muscles and are prepositioned towards violence.

Why don't we ban all dogs over 20 pounds

Kill them in front of their owners eyes and record it for you to enjoy

Don't play with my emotions like that, watermark. 😍

Isn't that the plot of game of thrones or something?

Might it be because the vast majority of dog breeds have not been extensively bred for violence and are not predisposed towards violence?

This but unironically

Euthanize all dogs under fifteen pounds and all pit bulls. Mutt breeds of pit bulls wont get offed if they're mixed with an acceptable breed, but they will all be spayed or neutered in order to stop the spread. All pure bread pits will be immediately killed.

If so, orange man officially good.

Blumpf cancelling pibbies would actually be cool.

It is amazing how hate for pitbulls transcends race religion and politics. It is universal.

It is universal among the uneducated, ignorant, authoritarian, and cruel. Honestly believing in pit bull bans should be taken as a marker of sociopathy. People who are anti pit bull should be treated exactly as they wish to wish to treat pit bills.

This is not violence, because clearly you don't advocate violence right, and I'm just advocating what you advocate at a different innocent target.

Stfu retard

Idc about changing your mind. I don't like pitbulls.

Bussy lmao


But a pibble life is infinitely more worthless than a human one.

Eh, small dogs are still scarier, cant change my mind.

Eh, small dogs are still scarier

Most retarded take imaginable

the goat potus juts gets greater every day

what a retarded subreddit

if you're so scared of a dog that you think it should be banned you're an authoritarian faggot

just carry a gun if you're really that afraid

Lmao I'll happily shoot your pitt if that's what you're asking me to do 😊


Anti-pibble agendaposters are the absolute worst. It's just retarded to care about a breed which kills 20 people a year, most of whom are toddlers and geriatrics that don't matter anyways. Someone's dog killing me is at the bottom of my list of fears.

It's not even on my list of fears because I live in a sensible country that's already banned Pitbulls.

I live in a suburban hellscape where boomers leave their shitbulls out to run across the neighborhood at all times. I don't care because I'm not a child.

I live in a sensible country

"I live in a country that does not matter"

Another brother that supports shooting all shitbulls 😎👍

This sub advocate violence against innocent pets, it should be banned. The innocent are innocent.

Innocent Pitbull is an oxymoron.

Pibbles and their sympathisers get the wall once daddy instates his fascist regime

wtf I love daddy now

Reddit always has to preface at how much they loath daddy before they even hint at liking something he did.

Reddit be like

I absolutely hate, loath, and despise Trump. I wish he was impeached three years ago. I also hate his racist and Nazi dog whistle followers. They should be strung up on light posts. But I actually agree with Trump here but I still despise him.

Fun fact the reason there called pit bulls is because they were bred for the cuddle pits of Olde England

thats where dogs would snuggle babies and chaps would bet on which doggie would snuggle the most babies

edit: its a sport

We need to enact pibblecide just like mayocide. We breed them out by only letting them breed with Chihuahuas and yorkies

Sucks that i got banned there for saying n-word.

TIl the constitution does not include the right to keep and bear pibbles.


Would the NRA be against a pibble ban though?