Avengers: End this Franchise Already fails to beat Blue Man Movie. Capeshitters on suicide watch

137  2019-07-01 by CapeshitterCOPE


Congrats, fellow sperg, you've finally joined us in the big leagues


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I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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I still think Engame is a better movie solely because I cant remember the plot of Avatar beyond: Space Natives get cucked by Chad Colonists until crippled White Savior rescues them.

That is the plot.

Well sure, but I cant even remember who's in it beyond Sigourney Weaver, and the Hispanic woman who dies in literally every movie she's in.

Those are the people who are in it.

rent free

I forgot green lady normal sized alien from Avengers is also in it as the blue lady giant alien.

I guess that's the secret to making a billion dollars, slap some paint on and then kill Zoe Saldana.

Jane Law is a multiverse cop that hunts down and captures other dimensional criminals. Until the day she faced her greatest threat: herself. June Law, a parallel version of herself, kills Jane's dog in a botched self hit and Jane swears revenge. She assassinates every version of herself throughout the multiverse, searching for June. Each time she does, she and the remaining Laws gets stronger.

Will she be able to extract revenge? Can this movie preform Avatar and Endgame?

Watch Zoe Saladana repeatedly assassinate herself for two hours, in a movie that's definitely not just the plot of two other movies slapped together by a producer on cocaine, to find out

Zoe Saladana is Jane Law in The Parabellum One.

Lol that's unironically awesome! What's the other movie with that plot (multiversal self-genocide)?

The One with Jet Li


I unironically want to watch a John Wick / The One mashup. But instead of Zoe Saldana they need to cast some random old white guy like they did with Liam Neeson.

Zoe Saldana

It is SO problematic that they green- and bluewash a histpanic actor.

Don’t forget the Aussie desperately trying to convince you he’s American.

I cant remember the name of a single character

There was sleazy corporate guy, grizzled marine captain guy, drunk driver girl from Lost, Scientist Ripley, six legged wingless Pegasus with mindcord hole. And the rest.

Probably because it came out a decade ago

I saw it a month ago and I barely remember anything from it.

Silence of the wolves, only with aliens.

Based and Cameronpilled.

It wasn’t about the plot it was about the dope ass visuals. Also I didn’t see endgame, but the plot you described is still better then capeshit

Avatar 2: Revenge for Quaritch is gonna be awesome

I remember unobtainium and the mech knife fight at the end. Truly a cerebral movie.

but you only remember Endgame because it was released a couple of months ago

Josh Brolin has more acting talent than the entire cast of Avatar (excluding Sigourney Weaver) combined so I dont think that's true.

you forgot the hot nav'i ponytail sex

>white savior


imagine getting your opinion from leftist youtube videos

but wasn’t there a big mutual dicksucking in the capeshit subs when James Cameron congratulated Disney for exactly this

That was for passing Titanic.

"gz on beating my 20 year old movie new guys, the 10 years old one is still there if you feel like flexing some more"

Average movie with good CGI manages to beat slightly better movie with good CGI

Avatar CGI aged really poorly

But when you combined it with the 3-d fad, it was mind blowing at the time.

Still the best 3D experience I've ever had. That shit was nuts

Yeah I totally get why it's been number 1 so long. It's the only 3d movie I have ever seen that made sense for 3d and added to the experience. James Cameron is a fucking monster, trying watching the documentary about him filming The Abyss, shot 40 percent completely underwater in the end of the 80's, and still stands up now fairly well. The actors were put through hell for most of the shooting and all became fully trained divers just to be able to safely shoot, at times they had up to 45 people underwater at a time which is insane considering times then. The man is a pioneer and it's not surprising his most successful film, the most successful film, was helped by pioneering technology with 3d at the time. Not that he made 3d, he just made the only worthwhile 3d content.

If your watching it at home yeah. It’s theater and especiallyImax experience has never been beat

I hope some dumb shit like the Emoji movie 2 btfos every other film at the box office just to watch Cameronfags and capeshitters seethe.

The Minions 2 to have more milk from the lolcows.

The film had been released by Disney again, to break Avatar's record. The re-release had a special message from director Anthony Russo, a teaser for Spider-Man: Far From Home, a Stan Lee tribute and a scene with the Hulk.

this is so fucking pathetic.

Lol is that all it had? That sounds like 5 minutes worth of content.

Not true, it's six minutes worth

Based marvel getting more money from manbabies

Yes I too would love to pay for a preview of a movie that is coming out in a week.

To be fair, it probably would have worked anyways.

Avatar will win regardless because they will put it again in theaters before Avatar 2 so they are wasting they money and time.

Disney wins either way.

Yup, I dont see what the real deal with this shitty war is.

Capeshitters want item 1 in their list of accomplishments.

It's to get retards to fork over their neetbux

in my wildest dreams i see marvel bankrupt and their diehard fans outcasted in some desert

please don't make fun of people who are unhappy with their life, support them and let them know that they're cared for


The re-release had a special message from director Anthony Russo, a teaser for Spider-Man: Far From Home, a Stan Lee tribute and a scene with the Hulk.

damn, if that content didn't rake in the dough i dunno what will!

Killer Cam wins again. When will people learn?

Avatar is a much better movie. There’s no substance to any of the Avengers films.

meh, at least the Avengers movies are somewhat original. That gets them way more points than a shitty Dances With Wolves ripoff in my book.

at least the Avengers movies are somewhat original.

Lol. They’re all from comic book stories written awhile ago.

Avatar is an objectively better film than any Avengers movies. Just look at the box office numbers.

The characters and main story plotlines are from comic books, but they change almost everything else around. If it were actually like the comic books then there would be a lot more goofy shit that makes no sense.

Also the less popular a movie is the better it is. Everybody knows that.

The whole movie is goofy shit that doesn't make sense

Not as much as the comics I can guarantee you that.

> movie with original wordbuilding and lore is just a rip off of Dances with Wolves while the 22nd villain of the week movie in a 60 year old comic book series is original and unique


This is your brain on capeshit

original worldbuilding and lore

Lmao you fucking wish. They couldn't have come up with a more generic "alien" race if they tried. If you're seriously so pumped up by the idea of dunking on capeshit that you've deluded yourself into thinking that Avatar is a good movie then you're just as bad as the capeshitters.

I've never heard of hair being used to control animals for example but okay.


Btw I've never seen Avatar but come on anything's better than Capeshit

I'll give you hair being used to control animals. I dont think that's ever been used, but one original aspect doesnt make up for the rest of the unoriginality.

And if you've never seen Avatar the consider yourself lucky, it's on the same level as capeshit to me, especially now that they've decided to make a sequel out of it.

You are a capeshitter. Don’t pretend you aren’t defending their honor in this thread. You sound just like the bad military guy on the avatar planet.

How dare you. How fucking dare you.

I can live with being an animeshitter. I can live with being a gameshitter. But you accuse me of being a capeshitter?

A curse upon your family scum.

Just like a cat thing from the Avatar planet

James Cameron is the only one capable of beating James Cameron's record.