The astro-tards of /r/politics literally cannot believe that Mommy Kamala literally targeted black and brown communities

163  2019-07-01 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


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That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. The astro-tards of /r/politics lite... -,

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New conspiracy: SnapshillBot says Kamela Harris is on drugs, therefore she is a "user".

Time to don my tinfoil hat.

Since when does vice news not make it to the front... Oh, it shows Harris in a bad light. Can't allow that.


Pretty based for an r/politics-cel.

Cancelled. Lol she’s called herself LA’s top cop and she’s as part of the machine as you can get she just happens to be black and a have a gussy.

Is she black? People keep saying that but I don't see it. Maybe an Italian that spent some time in the sun. Like I'm pretty sure that's her natural straight black hair

You should be thanked more often. So thank you!!


Black and Asian.

Ah Black on applications but you know which side got her through college.

On a scale from 1 to 10, you're an 11.

always striving for 1 extra just like my chromosomes

The black isn't even American actually, but Jamaican.

ah so we have an obama situation

Shes half black half Indian. Some actual African American got in trouble on twitter after the debate for claiming she wasn't representative of the black community too.

She's not.

Not technically slave American. Half dot Indian half Jamaican.

This is part of the white woman's jihad, they project all their woke nonsense on minorities. Have no idea what the Dalai Lama actually standards for, chimps out when 3rd world shitholer reveals himself to be 3rd world shitholer. Does not know what a blaxploitation movie is, chimps out when blaxploitation movie comes out and is filled with chauvanism and 0 wokeness. Is desperate to vote for anything female like they were for Hillary, shocked at the idea that POC have always known for even POC "cop" to be scum and invent conspiracy as an excuse to argue otherwise.

LA's top cop

California. Other than when she was AG of the entire state (which is when she called herself California's top cop), she had no affiliation with LA (she was SF based).

So, to summarise.

Wokies upset at woman nig, because woman nig make policies that are bad for nigs of colour. Endpoint.

That's a bit racist, buddy, we prefer the term basketball-american around here

Sorry. I'll make the effort to be more culturally sensitive around these parts.

Do better.

nigs of colour

From the Department of Redundancy Department.


Why link a thread where all the kamala supporters are down voted and then present it as if those are representative of the subreddit?

This is r/drama not r/enlightenment.

It's false advertising and a shit thread.

Yea good point this is ruining the reputation r/drama has established for providing a fair and balanced picture of the U.S. political scene.

Its ruining the good reputation of this sub. I come here for good threads with actual drama.

Seethe harder


a shit thread

exactly the kind of thread you should expect giving the subreddit you're browsing

Drama is mostly good

yikes bad take sweaty

It's more dramatic that way.

No it gives guys like OP an excuse to post shit threads. r/politics is a mine for retards and he posted a boring thread. Sad!

/r/drama is simultaneously about posting drama and being overly dramatic.

Both are acceptable forms of posting.

Because it’s R politics lol

Found the Kamala supporter.

I'm a Marxist. Just like her dad, I fuckin despise her

You just published the article from the white lady who quoted the white man saying how blck people are going to feel?

Top controversial opinion, apparently.

Gotta be a bit bold to go into the deep hugbox describing how a foid PoC put a bunch of melenin in the slammer supermax or bullshit charges.

Just remember PoC solidarity is a myth cooked up by bread tube faggots

90% of black people vote democrat

Of the blacks that vote

They vote Democrat because it's an anti-republican vote, not because they like Democrats.

Jam Harris targeted black communities during-

“And brown!!”

-during her career prosecuting crimes in the largely black community of Oak-


I’m from San Francisco and you don’t know what your saying the coloreds love her here. I saw one once and he even spoke English and didn’t point a gun at me

Friendly reminder that 4chan tricked politics into upvoting a non existent anti Trump article from Salon.

The link led to a 404. The post made it to +700 before anyone noticed.

I'm going to try this now

that sounds hilarious. any links?

You're leaving out the fact they brigaded it from multiple rightoid subs which likely accounted for most of the upvotes.

There was no evidence anyone had brigaded the politics post. The 4chan poster only linked it after it had already gotten to 700 and was locked for being a 404.

And everyone knows t_d is full of retards

Lmao no evidence except them fucking bragging about it and literally being all over the post saying "HAHA UPVOTED FAKE NEWS, SEE BOTH SIDES!"

Source sweatie?

Go read the fucking post, I don't even have it anymore. But anyone that sits around Trumptard subs knew what was happening.

They aren't subtle, like at all. I literally used to be a mod of multiple Trumptard subs because I managed to sneak my way in repeating anti-SJW arguments.

They literally think they're soldiers in some internet culture war and call shit like this "black ops" they're the dumbest humans on the internet.

Watching these retards argue about who is the most retarded for the next year and a half to ultimately have to cope with the Trump reelection is what makes life worth living.

Please let the woke contest continue. I won't be happy until Biden is a pedo, Kamala isn't black, Bernie is a racist, Elizabeth Warren is an alcoholic, and Yang emerges from the flames victorious to then be hit with 6 months of absolute shaming and bullying from Trump until he's forever known as "small-wang-yang"

My favorite thing, my new favorite mod, is that they really don't even consider a Trump win possible. It's a wonderful setup for an amazing 202 for drama, I just hope they don't bleach the site before then.

my new favorite mod

no, you're my favorite user.

Please let the woke contest continue. I won't be happy until Biden is a pedo, Kamala isn't black, Bernie is a racist, Elizabeth Warren is an alcoholic, and Yang emerges from the flames victorious to then be hit with 6 months of absolute shaming and bullying from Trump until he's forever known as "small-wang-yang"

I thought 2016 could not be topped, but this definitely would set the bar too high to be topped for the rest of 21 century.

I love that the Democrat primaries are already an intersectional look at who has the least demerits to their woke status. They're going to tear each other down so fast and so brutally that it'll make Trump's treatment of poor Rubio and Cruz in 2016 look kind by comparison.

Top comment describes a variety of ways in which she hurt minorities. Top reply to it only gives a shit about dank w33d. Classic.

Daddy Hitler please come back

Holy shit, this is literally "feels over reals":

Here's a thought: instead of writing racebait hot takes sourced with quotes from one (1) poli-sci 'expert,' why not show us a poll on how black people feel about her.

They're not usually quite so blatant.

So warren it is.

Please yes that shit will be entertaining as hell to watch

"She's polling 4% of the white vote"

yeah because Noids don't do research or check polls, or vote their interests. They just vote for the democrat in the lead