Today I accidentally did an OwO

33  2019-07-01 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


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This, but unironically.


  1. Today I accidentally did an OwO -,

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I know it's fake, but after reading this I really feel like I need Satan in my life.

Holy fuck.

It's real. Check out OP's profile for some sweet sweet dog cum.

wtf. This is beyond degeneracy.

nooo :(

How about I don't and preserve my innocence for another day

There's elements of truth in it.

His father in law is a better man than he is and is ashamed of him. His wife wears the trousers and doesn't sleep with him because he's pathetic. He's a useless father.

I know these things because:

  1. His FIL bought them nice whiskey for Christmas. This is the gift of a real man. OP described it as "some weird Scottish whiskey." Those are not the words of a real man.

  2. He didn't get his dog castrated, based on his FIL's demand. These are the actions of a Redditor, not a man.

  3. His wife is gone briefly and he's already masturbated his penis to the point of non-functionality. If he led a satisfying sex life, this would not be the case.

  4. His kids are at their grandparents. Nobody trusts this guy even to look after his own children. If he were a real man, he'd be reading his children a bedtime story after a long fulfilling day of wholesome activities.

  5. He's trying to get internet points from TIFU by making up silly stories.

If I had to guess, I'd say his wife isn't coming home and the children are gone as well.

Cautionary tale about what too much Reddit does to someone's soul.

I think I'm going to puke 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

Janny to aisle four.


This is the gay agenda and it is awesome.

So tolerant!

What the goddamn SHIT

I'm not sure if it would be worse if it's fake

This is fucking disgusting, why would someone write this, it's not even funny in an outlandish way just gross

I'm both sorry and chuffed that something I found managed to disgust such an esteemed internet veteran as yourself.

I've read stuff that's many degrees more nasty in concept, but somehow the way that this was written made it far more disgusting than it should be.