Streetshitter copes about his country

52  2019-07-01 by Quietus42


homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


  1. Streetshitter copes about his count... -,,

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1.34 billion 😳

This is why I really like the streetshitter threads. There's always at least one ragey indian that comes out of the woodwork. I figure their hatred for the first world is because their H1B visa didn't get approved.

Indians where I live are completely normal ubers drivers, I doubt they took part in that shit.


They are amazing.

Lol he is accusing me of ranting when he is typing out multiple paragraph responses to my single sentence ones.

Shit water do be a problem. There was some autism-Chan thread thinking that advocating toilet use is a conspiracy by you know who. The reality is that it’s just a very simple health measure to take, I remember like 6 or 7 of the world’s 10 most prolific parasite illnesses are caused by shit water.

Yeah I got roped into going to Bali and got "Bali belly", for some reason they haven't worked out how to make clean ice cubes or even stop monkeys from stealing your phone or wallet.

Beautiful island though, just avoid the tourist areas, which ironically is such a tourist thing to say.

Ah the ice cubes. Classic way to get the death-shits. I’m sure it is beautiful though.

Next to the British, Indians cope the hardest when you mention how shitty, dirty, poor, overcrowded, and environmentally destroyed their country is. The British will still cope hard when you mention how shitty and poor (it’s as poor as Mississippi basically) Britain is but the Indians are close. In a way it makes sense, since the British had such an impact on their colony there. That communist Gandhi was basically an r/politics poster with the same levels of cope.

Overall though the british are still the trashiest and worst tho.

Another reason the US rebelled against those dirty red coats.

Trump should sink all their islands and put the women in his camps

Nah. Them looking on in envy of us being the top superpower is incredible. Also less time consuming and less money to be spent.


What cope?

Wanting to keep the British around 🤣🤣🤣

OH. Well. The redcoats are at least good at one thing. Being massive laughing stocks.

Even the most unbased have to agree with that

they also gave us harry potter

Ehhhhhh that's subjective at best. Plus with all the stupid shit the author tries to shoehorn in it turns me off from the series. Granted I read the books and thought they were a great read. I just don't pay attention to the stupid shit the author tries to put in after everything is said and done.

bong "women"

Yeah no thanks lol

Overall though the british are still the trashiest and worst tho.

You're just jealous of our diverse dental health statistics. 💅

I’d rather die, thank you.

Man those pictures are rough. like Ive only seen like 3 dead bodies in real life and it has stuck with me all my life, these people must be desensitized as fuck.

When you swim in a river and regularly bump into a free floating spinal column I expect that desensitizes you pretty quick

I've never even seen a dead body in real life and I live in india. So yeah it's not as common as you would think. What I have seen in my city is people shitting on train tracks and pissing basically in every open space imaginable.

Reddit is gonna need to start filing some H1Bs when they start paying jannies.

In streetshitter threads:

  1. Butthurt Pajeet who tries his best to cope by saying the first world sux ass. (Always there)

  2. A self hating Pajeet who says India's mentality is like that, it's sad, now Mr mayo pls accept, I'm not like other streetshitters (sometimes).

  3. Smoothbrained Mayos who didn't know this autism happened there and think that that autism is literally prevalent everywhere they walk in streetshitterland.(The rivershit's a well known fact internationally)

  1. SUPERPOWER/POOPER 2020 (Always there)

Same shit everytime. It's like those users on other subs that comment r/woooosh. Literal bots. Not even creative. We need some new insults from you guys. You're all lacking behind.

Butthurt Pajeet who tries his best to cope by saying the first world sux ass. (Always there) A self hating Pajeet who says India's mentality is like that, it's sad, now Mr mayo pls accept me, I'm not like other streetshitters (sometimes).

Literally every Indian you meet online is either one of these two. It's so fucking bizarre.

I hate Indians, but I hate Indians who try to get me to like them even more.

one may call him a pajeet, a currycel, a tech support scammer, it all runs of him like fluid excrement into the ganges river. But call him a street shitter and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'

The pajeet cries out in pain as he shits on your lawn.

Shit on lawn is fine, especially if rain is coming.

Shit on concrete though...

Implying burgers will be able to squat, Slavs will definitely thrive in those parts.

We atleast mind our own business and do not go interfering into matters of faraway countries

not for a lack of trying.

because everyone tells them to shut the fuck up.

Indians are literally so desperate to leave their country but try and act like they're minding their own business lmao.

The India thing I find bizarre for several reasons. 1, there are plenty of countries poorer than it that don't have such severe defecation problems, and 2, India has historically been a culture that values cleanliness and purity. The whole reason people bathed in the Ganges was because it was supposed to be clean. How did things end up like this?

The went fro 200 million people to a billion and a half in a century

The Green Revolution was a mistake.

They shat their brains out.

I mean this is a problem elsewhere in the developed world too. There are still Chinese who will shit in the street, just a generation ago they were rural farmers and they barely know any better


Fuck India

Fuck Indians

Fuck Modhi

Hinduism < Islam

Talk about the devil and he shall appear...hey guys..a fellow street shitter here