Shit just got real in Hong Kong

141  2019-07-01 by volcel_wisdom


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Shit just got real in Hong Kong -,

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that top one is staged and over-the-top dramatic enough to be an AOC publicity photoghraph

dont understand the bottom two at all, get the first guy back and give these guys some clearer blocking

This is the article.

so all these people are about to be extradited

It seems that the extradition law was postponed but now it has turned into a moment against the chief executive and they're demanding greater freedoms.

Based Honk Kongers.


You just got zucced 👉😎👉


What ?

Based and uninformedpilled.

They better hope they die before china takes over

The one over the shoulder of the middle policeman looks so disappointed.


More detailed yet less dramatic.


Yeah. By the protesters themselves...


In other words, the common people of Hong Kong hate the Chi-Coms so much they want the British Empire back.

The top one isn't a real picture. There is no way they ripped open the road with that flag pole.

You’re so retarded you think you’re actually smart for figuring out what the picture was mimicking.

I'm actually kind of shocked that this pic is known outside of the US. Don't get me wrong, in America is one of the most iconic pictures in history, but surprised to see that other cultures would use it as symbolic protest. Although Hong Kong is in proximity of Japan and I would bet some HK citizens fought the Japanese in WWII.

Either way, neat.

I'm actually kind of shocked that this pic is known outside of the US.

I watched Iwo Jima

In what way did I give off the impression that I thought I was smart for seeing the similarities?

When you made your edit pointing out the similarities no to the source material


Good job you absolute retard at being a completely oblivious retard.

I'm sorry for not speaking moron.

Don’t ever let anyone dull your sparkle :)

I'm gonna keep myself safe and write to wapo to get this sub banned

holes in roads arent real

Someone get this guy a medal

wow I am SHOCKED that this picture resembles Iwo Jima , did NOT see that comin g!!

Ok buddy

> The top one isn't a real picture.

REALLY?! Holy fuck! We got a modern day Sherlock over here.

that top one is staged and over-the-top dramatic enough to be an AOC publicity photoghraph

I answered this you absolute retard.


Maybe my praise of you as a sherlock was made in haste.

Hong Kong protestors broke into the parliament and set up the old colonial flag

Plus, their social credit scores just dropped into the low 460's, and now they can't access public restrooms.

So was the picture it's aping.

Based and cargo-culted.

Imagine if Hong Kong becomes the new area for proxy wars?

NA and EU vs China. It wouldn't surprise me tbh.

Doubt Hong Kong could fight a real war. Maybe they would goad China into overreacting as they love to do to create more civil unrest.

Do you know what a proxy war means?

It would be entirely funded by the US and EU. Hong Kong will just need to resist via guerrillas.

Hong Kong is just a giant densely populated city.. Not exactly ideal for guerrilla warefare.

Tell that to Hezbollah.

Urban is perfect for guerrilla warfare

That dense though? There's over 6k per km2. There's no where to run and China wouldn't care about innocents.

China wouldn't care about innocents.

Pfft everyone forgets China's brave rescue of those students on June 4th 1989.

Yeah china could easily shell every inch of that island

Any smart commander surrounds the city and starves the people into submission. Sending men in tanks and men with rifles into a city is a classic case of 'when all you have is a hammer' thinking.

It will become unspeakably horrible in the city before all is said and done, but the only thing about war that has ever really changed is the scale on which it takes place, and seeing 7-million people starve to death probably doesn't look all that different from seeing 10-thousand starve, something which has properly happened once in history for every meal a typical westerner eats in a lifetime.

Honestly, its unfair that we only ever ship guns to poor people living in the middle of nowhere. It is time for use to finally test our thesis that guns protect us from strong governments. We have millions of extra M16s lying around ever since we phased it out for the M4, we should give them to Hong Kong. Hell, they are have Brit so we can also test what happens when Anglos get guns too.

Doubt the EU is gonna blow Daddy's horn anytime soob.

But colonialism was baaad!!!

Not if China does it

*become communist*

*annex or make all surrounding states puppets in pursuit of nationalist irredentism*

here's your anti-imperialism bro

This is cuck shit

Yeah the vast majority of countries would be better if they were still under colonial rule but being another peoples bitch is considered a bad thing. Plus the colonists have gotten much more woke since then and much less likely kill large swathes of the population if it inconvienced them since they left.

this is a pretty retarded take, do first worlders also elect different political parties to office because they are tired of "being the other party's bitches"?

This is what being a cuck actually looks like

braver than any chapos

You just have to go outside to clear that threshold.

Imagine being such a retarded country that your city state would rather be britbongs than you

Proof that everything China does to these self-hating, white supremacist shitheels is justified many times over.

pfft using the old colonial flag

what is your shitty image submission supposed to communicate?

Hong Kong will always be part of China. It will never be a colony again to these running dogs and violent thugs. The government needs to call in the PLA to put down this riot. These violent thugs and rioters have gotten out of have, disrespecting their great homeland and culture. This is treason.

Hong Kong culture is not mainland culture. Neither is Macao's

But they all want the best price.