FRESH r/publicfreakout video of kids next to naked pride parade participants. "Is this OK?" "Yes, you bigoted homophobe!".

80  2019-07-01 by Corporal-Hicks


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Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. FRESH r/publicfreakout video of kid... -,,

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When you’re so woke you decide that all LGBTQ+ people perfectly fit the alt-right stereotype.


Pony sneaker

Colt Converse

Foal Footwear

In Seattle we have a solstice parade every year with hundreds of naked people biking down the street. Shits great and the children haven't turned into crazy sex fiends yet afaik

I’m sure they all grew up there and were traumatized by gay parades.

make your child look at my feminine penis bigot!

The absolute state of prideshills

Tbh I don’t know why you’d bring a kid to a celebration of sexuality, gay or straight.

I know a good amount of woketards who do lol. It’s the same reason my coworker knitted her 8, 6 and 3 year old pussy caps and made the older ones carry signs.

Nothing scores woke points like indoctrinating kids

yeah, rightoids never bring kids to protests or try to indoctrinate them.

I mean, I don’t know if many rightoid protests. But a kid at a anti abortion rally kinda makes sense. Considering it is ya know...not aborted.

Bringing a kid to an anti-abortion rally - or come to think of it, going to an anti-abortion rally to begin with, is totally sane, and not at all fantastically retarded.

I mean since I’m not a agendaposter I see both sides. Some people consider the reproductive process to be at best nothing but clumps of inanimate cells and at worse parasites.

The other side sees it as murdering a innocent and as a affront to skydaddy.

As a moid I don’t really give a shit.

I mean

I mean

Go back to SRD




Unironic neoliberal politics poster from nyc coming at. Drama guy to go back to srd

I’m not sure what he meant by this to be honest kite

i mean, i have seen a smattering of people take issue with 'i mean' lately but i dont really know what they mean. i mean, i hadnt connected it to srd, but i guess they can be mean.

It’s a mannerism of mine from real life. I’m just over a month into reddit, will have to watch my “I mean” posting

it seems pretty regular to me. like taking issue with someone saying "yeah" or "i have no idea" or something.

How the fuck did you get here a month into reddit?

I came here because some autistic guy in /fit/ mentioned you

Are you swole but fat? And eat semen for the protein?

Those are the only two things I know about /fit/

I’m actually right where I wanted to be right now for the first summer in like 4 years . And the Mrs feeds me it back like a baby bird. We make the most of it that way.

..what was that about erotically eating your wife’s vomit??


It's a SRDianism. Like "y'all". I mean, any time anyone begins a comment with "I mean", I just can't help but hear a whiney squeaking voice saying it.

i dunno how often you leave the house, but that is a totally regular thing to say, by average people, in a regular indoor speaking voice

Just straight up admitting to your normie status.

dude if i am a normie you people are fucked

I’m clearly not online enough

I've been upvoting lolcows long before you sweaty

I know this. I’m new here lol.

Leave and never come back long nose 🤥

Da fuck you talking about clown?

As a moid I don’t really give a shit.

A moid that hasn’t knocked anyone up yet. Then you’ll change that tune 😂

I’m fairly positive I can’t have kids by this point

I’m sorry to hear about your testicular loss.

Another anti trans comment? Unreal


Nah, I’ll just walk out on the kid if it ever comes to that


That's actually a good point. They'll say showing children your genitals is good but god forbid you take them to a rally that celebrates them being born.


Horseshoe theory and all. I think we should compromise and let gays fuck dead fetuses

You shouldn’t do either, of course. In terms of long term brain damage, exposing your kids to the sort of mouthbreathing retards you find at anti-abortion rallies is obvious worse, but nobody should be pretending that watching homos twirling their dicks is a necessary childhood experience.

Let's just agree that bringing a baby to an abortion clinic is not a decision made by a person who is thinking straight.

Protesting isn't really a rightoid thing.

They’re always whining about some shit or the other. They just call that nonsense a rally instead of a protest but it’s all the same shit.

I know a good amount of woketards who do Damn, how many liberals live in your trailer park?

Imaging I don’t own 25 acres of prime reality just north of the city.

Oooo sweaty

prime reality

😂 I’m dying

As a kid I used to pray for future kids that they wouldn't be indoctrinated about Jesus and that their parents weren't like mine...

Now I wish Jesus came back and saved them 😭😭😭

No. Faggots are better than Jesus. At least they’re not fucking socialists.

I know a couple who were trying to bring their newborn to an Antifa rally. San Francisco is just mind-bending idiocy.

What antifa rally? You need the rightoids to show up for those to come and there aren’t any in SF.

It was at SFO. They were trying to blockade Uber or ICE or something.

That doesn’t sound like much of an antifa magnet, it’s no wonder there is nothing on the news.

It was in 2016, when errbody was getting they black hoodie on.

Uh huh ok

These cities you site don’t have replacement levels of children and rely on immigrant slaves to be the serfs of the ruling class maybe get a better example

Man reddit sure does seem cool with grown man peen being exposed to children lol. Weeeeeiiiiiiirrrrd.

I thought reddit didn't like libertarians

As long as it's framed in a progressive way, you can convince ledditors of anything, including the destruction of women's rights

For the most part redditors, including ourselves, react primarily to the tone and framing of an argument.

Male feminists and pedophilia/rapists, the venn is a single circle

Lol Reddit is the same site that was 100% ok with the literal pedophillia that was jailbait not too long ago.

For it to be libertarian the kids should be with child of the naked man nearby...

That's what pride is though. Full frontal nudity and the occasional public blowjob. Don't take your kids there. And going and having a meltdown about it is just funny.

>don't take your kids to overt displays of sexual activites

you fucking homophobic bigot

parents say children can handle the kink

Stop the world, I wanna get the fuck off.

parents say children can handle the kink

freidman-ed and libertarian-pilled

Tbh in next decade it will completely okay to unironically say

parents say children can handle their dick

Down, down the slope we slide,

from Stonewall fight to pedo pride.

”First of all, nobody likes nakedness more than children,” Bergman said.

And then

“First of all, nobody likes nakedness more than children,” Bergman said.


This is Muslim-level degeneracy.

Bergman huh

Who saw that one coming?

It’s their right as queer spawn. And as a parent, I might want to take my kids to Pride, because they might be lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer or two-spirit.

Sane people definitely talk like this

Just don’t take your kids to public spaces because public areas aren’t for the public.

Don't forget the 10 year old drag queens stripping for money!

Idk seems like lots of people there want to take their kids to see naked men drink chocolate milk out of a trannies proto pussy

I just threw up a little bit.

How dare you kink shame in 2019. That is a valid display of pride. Bigot.

Reminder that homosexuals reproduce by molesting children.

Degenerates like them belong on a cross


Instead let them watch uncle randy get his dick sucked


God forbid you quote a bible verse tho

Reminder that homosexuals are 2% of the population but 40% of all pedophiles.

Is that even true? I know that homosexuals have elevated percentages of pedophilia, but I didn't know it was that high.

Roughly 9% to 40% of pedophiles are homosexual in their orientation toward children — but that is not the same as saying they are homosexual. Homosexual adults are no more likely than heterosexuals to abuse children.


Consensus now exists that pedophilia is a distinct sexual orientation, not something that develops in someone who is homosexual or heterosexual.

No slippery slope here. I was really hoping for polygamy to be the next stop, not trannies and pedos.

Why does entire LGBT love the 40% so much?

Not only that but 94-99% of all pedophiles are m*les. Clearly this allows us to infer that men are pedophiles and it's time to institute government mandated discrimination to protect us from the moid menace.

This but unironically inshallah

Homosexual males, in particular.

Terfs are unironically right

your comment made my smile merci

Your comment made me hard. Gracias

This unironically makes me annoyed. We all agree that letting kids near priests and old people isn't a good idea but as soon as the idea of wokeness comes into play it's "What? are you an evangelical christian bro? you like wieners? That's why you don't want kids to be flashed!" Like duh I like a good penis and bussy but it's kind of illegal to show them to Timmy, it's an obvious risk factor there. I wouldn't let him alone with a naked priest why would a naked wokie be any safer?

“First of all, nobody likes nakedness more than children,” Bergman said.

In Seattle we have a solstice parade every year with hundreds of naked people biking down the street. Shits great and the children haven't turned into crazy sex fiends yet afaik

shits great

Absolute state of redditors

Why are they obsessed with children being there? 🤔

Yeah, I also often feel frustrated at how overtly sexual pride events can be. How do you express pride in your sexuality without being too sexual? It's a tough spot to be in

Just hold hands. Why do they need to join the parade while doing all kinds of positions?