Fantasy nerds seethe and COPE over Netflix’s The Witcher.

47  2019-07-01 by Ghdust2


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There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


  1. Fantasy nerds seethe and COPE over ... -,,

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It looks pretty good.

It’s sword shit tho

Dude what about the bdsm leather that is filled with studs?

very erect

Dude contrary lmao

Ban shitty novelty react username accounts when?

right after you learn to love it

Novelty Accounticide when?

Idk anything about this but i hope they release another poster with the dude looking forward and he turns out to be black.

but it's just henry cavill in black face so everyone is mad

this is peak centrism

They changed the main love interest from white to black.

Good. The Mayocide shall continue as planned

Which one? The child, the witch or the lady-wizard?


lol no

She's 50/50 mayo/street-shitter.

Lame, I wouldn't be happy with anything but a black hole from which no light could escape.

Good. Brown gussy deserves a good man too.

one sword

i mean... i understand the hate now

I think the only thing more embarrassing than knowing shit about the witcher. Is not knowing what you're talking about but still acting like you do. Quoting the linked comments:

"the other sword is on roach like in the books."

the fuck is a book

It's like an old iPad

It's like Harry Potter but worse uWu

Okay Grandpa...

in the books


twitch emotes on reddit. please cease to be

Humains are monster too...

🤯 omg that’s so deep and edgy

He only has a steel sword for most of the books but that’s clearly his silver sword. How do you fuck that up Netflix.

Yeh, and IT had a pedo orgy in it. Not everything in a book needs to be in a movie

Nothing more annoying than a cunt who constantly screams about something not being the same as a book.

The game wasn’t even that good

This but unironically.

The most boring gameplay I’ve ever experienced tbh.

The game was boring and the voice actor for the main character sounds like a retard

I’m going to seriouspost for a bit but I really do hate the hypocrisy of Netflix and wokies when it comes to this. The Witcher is Poland’s only big cultural export. They’re incredibly proud of it and a lot of the stuff is based on polish folklore.

But these people are like “nah too many whiteys we’re putting a bunch of browns in there” which is retarded because they’re judging a Polish series by their own American standards of how diverse something should be.

It’s just so blatant that they’re treating it in a way that if they did this shit to a series that came out of Africa people would lose their fucking minds but nah Slavs are white so it’s ok lol

Well....the reality is this.

a) the % of it based on polish folklore is always overstated. It's actually a mix of different eastern/central european folklores mixed with eurasian on even middle east stuff.

b)it's a netflix series, of course they would do a diverse casting. Granted yes "diverse" only in an americentric way, but it's not like the author himself would be very against such changes. Even without studio moneyz, he's a pretty progressive drunkyard. Who also hates the game studio, when he really should be dabbing on his lawyers....or the ones he had in 2007.

c) the cast of this film is actually dissapointing in one way and it's NOT the race change of some characters. It's quite simpler than that - only 2 slav actors are involved in the recurring cast, I think. That's the real dissapointment, even thought they had separate castings in both Hungary and Poland.

d) slavs not white

slavs not white

Whoa ok Hitler.

I generally agree though, I ain't Polish (just south of them) and I don't really care about being represented if I'm honest, but I really don't like when some European media is getting a western adaptation and some dumb "progressives" are screaming about lack of diversity, when the country the source material comes from is basically never represented. Of course they don't see that because some european geography or history is not featured in "how to get likes on social media" handbook.

Such individuals would never understand just how much of actual cultural or even racial diversity was there in the lands of former commonwealth. So quick to send people to "educate themselves" and yet their education is heavily lacking.

It's made in America it looks like Americans

If it was made in Japan should they use an all white cast

'Murica..with british/scandinavian cast?

Get the fuck out here you twat, maybe go suck on papa Josif's dick more.

Cry more

slavs not white

Neither are anglos what's your point?

Technically we're all tanned

Not their fault that polacks and East nazis are shit actors

Maybe retard poles should have invented Netflix instead of some discount Harry Potter spinoff

Go cry more

It's made in America, we have a right to make a series with actors who look like Americans. If Poland wants a bunch of unstained mayos they should make their own.

It's not like Polish people were the victims of a war of extermination less than a hundred years ago wh* teboy. If they were they'd complain about it all the time, ask for reperations and blaim the aggressors for all their shortcomings. That's what groups of people do after they've been oppressed.