Crazy Bernie and Joe "The Sniffer" Biden supporters are on suicide watch. This is truly good for drama coin

67  2019-07-01 by FreeDory


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. Crazy Bernie and Joe "The Sniffer" ... -,

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I will unironically vote Trump if Harris wins that primary.

Can I get a run-down of what makes her retarded?

Shes a rich black woman.

Got un

black woman

Retarded take. She is literally le 56% face.

I said rich already.

2014 Kamala: laughs at the idea of legalizing weed, which implies that the state should keep throwing people in prison for it

2019 Kamala: says she herself smoked weed in college, is all pro legalization now

Maybe not retarded, one could even call it smart, but definitely hypocritical and fake as fuck.

Who fucking cares? Weed is legal now you pothead loser. Were you even old enough to vote the last election? You'll probably vote Trump once Bernie loses the DNC primary once again.

Implying I'm even a burger 🤢🍔🤢🏈🤢🗽

Did you not just go on a long ass rant about a Democratic candidate? Why say anything if it doesn't affect your life?

When it comes down to it, does it really affect the average burger's life in any significant way? Unless Yang somehow miraculously wins I mean.

This stuff is a show, I watch it for entertainment, like Game of Thrones, or the latest celebrity meltdown. Where do you think we are?

When it comes down to it, does it really affect the average burger's life in any significant way?

Fuck yes it does. Look at the 2000 election. Bush won the election and it pissed off Al Qaeda so bad that they crashed a plane into the WTC. If Gore had won instead, Al Qaeda would have been legal in most states by 2019. Instead we went to Iraq and we still never found the Holy Grail!

Obama won in 2008 against John McClane, which was kinda bullshit because McClane was a pretty good cop before he did politics. If Obama didn't win the 2008 election it would have been great for black comedians because they could still make "What if the president was black?" jokes. Obama basically ruined any chance for us to see Head of State 2 that would have starred Chris Rock and Bernie Mac!

Fast forward to 2016 where Hillary Clinton ran against and lost to Donald Trump. This was the darkest of timelines. We advised that neither of the two candidates was fit for office. But your human council ignored our suggestions and alas you chose a celebrity just like the Israelites did with that fucker Solomon. We were ready to reveal ourselves to you all but Ted Cruz didn't win. Many of us have given up on you guys and have gone back to our dimension but a few of us are retired and don't have much else to do.

I wouldn't say she's retarded, in fact quite the opposite: she's slick to the point of being a sleazeball. She changes positions as soon as it's politically oppurtune to do so, seems to have no issues that she herself is personally passionate about and instead has the most focus-grouped plank possible, and will do literally anything to get elected.

She is smart. I'll give her that. But she's one of the most unappealing candidates in recent memory to me because her whole thing is trying to be the most appealing candidate to voters who don't know the issues. Wow, she's a strong young black woman who sticks it to Trump! Ignore the stuff about her being a slumlord enforcer, it's in her past now! She's a better person!

Honestly I don't get what the plan is outside of tricking low info voters and getting the usual crowd of liberal gen xer's and boomers to vote for her because YASSS QUEEN! Most of the other groups hate her for one reason or another, and she literally cannot break 50% without pulling more people in.

Far left: "her past is shady, she's basically a conservative which is basically a fascist which is literally Hitler! Also she's an Uncle Tom who threw black people under the bus! And worst of all, she was anti-weed!"

Moderates: "she's a spineless tool who'll bend over for the highest bidder and change her positions because she thinks it'll help herself, not because it'll actually help us! Also she's a liberal west coast elite!"

Conservatives: "she's literally just a sockpuppet for the DNC who will say whatever they want her to. And the DNC is evil and trying to tear our great nation down! If she gets into power, there'll be mandatory abortions for all God-fearing Americans and illegal aliens will get subsidized Islamic radicalization temples in our schools!"

far-right: "she's an uppity nigger, they don't belong in politics. REEEEEEE GET OUT!!!!"

Really, it is just the mainstream libs who like her, and I do not think that's enough. Unfortunately, it may be enough to get her the nomination, which then dooms her for the general, because Trump has the incumbent and economy bonus and she's just not liked enough to overcome that.

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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I’ll vote for Trump ironically if Harris wins.

That might be the most sensible thing I’ve ever seen you post ps 🤔👍🏿

Wait pizza is old enough to vote? There goes half of my fanfiction

Well even yang raised his hand over giving illegals healthcare. IDK man we need a centrist candidate. Some out of left field like Elon Musk or something just stupid enough to work.

I don't give a shit about illegals. Anyone that invests any energy in pretending this country has some illegal problem or the illegals are even top 20 on the list of "serious issues in the US" is a rube.

Projected 1.5m walking into our country every year is fine

We literally have a net loss of illegal immigrants:

The number is as low as it's ever been.

it's a moderately sized problem, not extremely big. it's also relatively easy to solve. or it would be, if democrats were sane.

Between the Republicans retardedness on climate change and, well, everything else and the Democrats retartedness on illegals, and, well, some of the other stuff, I always would choose Democrats, even if they are pretty retarded.

Elon Musk

I would choose full blown Mad Max anarchy and nuclear devastation over a weeaboo redditor in the White House

bro you just don't know what peak alpha looks like

He did it because he would get cancelled if he didnt

I voted for Hillary last time but I'll probably vote Trump this time regardless of who wins the nomination.

You're locked in a room with Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, and have to fuck one of them? Who do you bang?

It's not even close. Kamala obviously. According to Roseanne (who has never misled us) she slept her way up, so she's got some moves obviously. Liz is geriatric.

This is the scariest thing coming out from you.

Joe Cool is gonna take Special K out to a lovely lobster dinner...

and then never call her again.

fuck koonala harris


This is fake news bc Yang isn't in first

I bet that woman who got raped by Trump in the dressing room wishes it was only Joe Biden touching her on the shoulder.

The woman who took her story from a law & order episode?

Over a decade before it even aired.

You're a full time retarded faggot. She didn't make the allegation until long after the episode aired. The alleged assault happened before it aired. lol


I'm surprised how close Bernie is to Joe. Wonder if Bernie has an actual chance this time around.

He'll have a chance until they actually vote

Make dramacoin the legal tender.

after the 2016 shitshow Bernie will likely run independent if he loses the primary