AITA absolutely SEETHES when father tells son his psychopath foid mother was a bad parent for intentionally dropping him

35  2019-07-01 by GattsuCascade


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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. AITA absolutely SEETHES when father... -,

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I thought the whole thing about dropping your kids on their head unironically was a hoax

This comment is an example of how to tell you’re a young zoomer l.



? Did you use a bit too much fentanyl again

If I dropped my baby purposefully and wanted it gone I would feel too guilty to look at that child ever again.

Ok you pass as a man now.

JFC even when the foid tries to murder a child, she’s the victim.

Gender of peace strikes again

The “women are wonderful” effect is a mental illness. I’ve known plenty of women that I got along with more or less and that never did anything bad to me, but were still clearly trash grade people that should probably burn in hell.

Women can be shitty people too, Reddit. It’s 2019.

AITA is insanely retarded when it comes to giving the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the g-slurs. Literally any excuse for bad behavior passes if the local neckbeards realize the prep is a m'lady.

"Muh mental health" doesn't work as an excuse during a potential murder attempt.

That's why shit like TRP, MGTOW and even dare I say MRA are a thing...

Sadly those faggots are opposite of this shit and just make it worse for everyone.

TRP and the manosphere are copetards, like you said they just assume every femoid is amoral and or retarded, despite menoids being far more evil and stupid on average.

Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half.


Men are responsible for over 9000% of the crimes despite being less than 50% of the population.

All I'm saying is that men are the pibbies of gender.

Lmfao. Wtf. If he managed to get custody as a man, he clearly HAD to be the more responsible parent. Sucks bitch, your actions have consequences.

This is like people protesting that the dog that ripped off a kid's hand through a fence shouldn't be put down because the kid's hand was technically on his property. I'm a member of childfree and even I'm like WTF.

he managed to get custody as a man

It’s really not difficult if he has a lawyer. When both parties have lawyers it’s about a 50/50 gender split on who gets custody if they both are financial capable. Most of the modern day guys who complain it’s so unfair usually show up without a lawyer and then get their ass beat by someone who does family court for a living.

Idk what world you live in, but having a vagina in this universe has +300% bonus to defense and attack in court.

The one where I’m not delusional and know about the modern family court system instead of listening to guys tell one sided stories on the internet where they leave out they didn’t prepare or hire any representation. Basically anyone who works family court cases in the US will tell you your views on that are well outdated

You’re username is an ode to someone who is trans. You probably don’t no the difference between sex and gender anyways m.

Indeed, I don't know any difference.


Because there isnt any.

"I told my son that his mother tried to intentionally murder him when he was a baby"

"Wow what an asshol that's not ok"

Reverse this, also flip it completely, as in, foid is lying about father being a bad parent, foid is still a victim.

There is still not enough wows

Will there ever be?

OMG why won't you let that go she just tried to kill your son ONE time! Everyone gets at least one freebie okay?