The case for man defeating a gorilla in a fight.

28  2019-07-02 by ManBearFridge


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Can't if I wanted to autojannie

If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


  1. The case for man defeating a gorill... -,,

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What a fucking retard. No human, and I mean no human is going to beat a fully grown silverback gorilla. They'll literally tear any person to shreds.

I'd pay to see it.

Check out OP's submission history. He's going to be fun to watch.

Ah, a Islamic libertarian. This will be interesting.

All Muslims are libertarians in the Aisha sense.

how many mike tysons (in his prime) would it take to fight a gorilla? 12? 15? 20?


I don't think murdering four Tysons would tire out a gorilla. Maybe 20.

He'd bite their gorilla dick off.

Look I like Mike too but that silly bitch is gonna get gorilla fucked

with 20 thats 5 restraining each limb, which i feel is almost overkill, i think with 4 on each foot and hand you can have 1 successfully gouge its eyes out so my estimate is 17, maybe 18 or 19 if you need more restraint on the head. iron mike was a BEAST in his prime on the human scale

The gorilla isn't going to let any Mike's get a hold of him. It will just murder every Tyson that gets within reach. The only thing that will stop the brutal, bloody mikepocalypse will be the gorilla getting exhausted.

aight imma say max 40 iron mikes

That seems reasonable. I think the gorilla would be getting tired by that point and maybe the rest of the Mikes could dog pile him

If they come in one at a time, sure. Multiple Mike Tysons surrounding the gorilla could do some real damage. It'd take no more than 10, probably closer to 5.

You're vastly overestimating Tyson and underestimating silverback gorillas.

Heavyweights, and Tyson in particular, punch fucking hard. If the gorilla could take out a given Mike instantly, then sure, he could take an arbitrary number of Mikes on. It takes time though, plenty of time in which the remaining Mikes could land some haymakers they could have only dreamed of landing in the ring.

A gorilla's skull is much thicker than a human's. It has to be able to take blows from other gorillas that are about 6 times stronger than a human.

Mike Tyson wouldn't even phase a gorilla. A gorilla can literally tear Tyson apart.

The only thing stopping the gorilla is exhaustion.

This used to be a fucking meme off the Misc on the BB forums. People would spend hours calculating how many brahs it would take to take down a single silverback.

Two skinny Africans and a few Spears on the other hand.

3 Humans and a pile of fist sized rocks is enough to dominate every 'apex' predator on the planet.

Killer whales could handle that.

I'm sorry but if you read the linked post, your'd know that the human fist is the greatest weapon to ever exist.

Which is why we still fight wars exclusively with fists





They'll literally tear any person to shreds.

Pull that up Jamie!

Humans are fucking weird man.

Compared to other animals, humans can analyse any situation way better than other animals, but they also are the only animals who cannot feel murderous intent or cannot judge how strong they and their opponent is.

It's like the intelligence is a double edged sword or some shit.

Animals who normally work on instincts are all about the same, seemingly retarded but they are all normal, they have sense of fear and don't jump into fights they cannot win.

Humans? We have Einstein and a guy who wants to 1v1 a gorilla with bare hands.

What the fuck.

And now I’m gonna tell you all about DMT.

holy shit this guy took the /fit/ post seriously hahah someone buy a silverback and throw him in the pit with him hahaha

reminds me of this /int/ classic

Is Nigeria the Florida of Africa?

more like the India of Africa

based Adebisi

Never even begun for homosapiens-cels tbh. Suck to be the nerd ape :/

Woah there buddy.

It's politically incorrect to call these people homo sapiens.

The human must be large and muscular, weighing at least 250+ lbs of lean muscle

This may actually be trivially true.

Yup, nothing beats a pile of rocks and the hand I wank with.

That fucker should be the first to try.

Where’d you find this shit from two years ago?

Joe Rogan wants to know your location