Adidas unveils new line of gamerwear

232  2019-07-02 by loli_esports


Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. Adidas unveils new line of gamerwea... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Wait...this is real?


Hello, I would like you to know that it is NOT okay to hate on another race!

Dudes account is suspended lmao

Now this is based

Based and slurpilled

Same thing happened with the Patriots a while back didn't it?

Yup. That's why you don't automate your PR.

How retarded do you have to be to not realize this.

This was probably the "brain"child of a boomer marketing executive who just found out about Twitter

"look, we banned all the bad words, so it'll be fine this time."

How many times do I have to explain to people that banning words is bad and never works.

The Pats fucking up the first time should have been enough for every major marketer to put a check in place.

How hard is it to write a RegEx to detect for offensive words on stuff like this?

Or is this just outrage marketing?

They probably did have a filter but farmed it out to some unpaid intern who didn't bother checking for substitutions like 1 instead of I, and so forth.

RIP Ganesh, he was about to put a down payment on his first toilet

How hard is it to write a RegEx to detect for offensive words on stuff like this?

Pretty hard to be honest, once those g*ymers start replacing letters with numbers and other creative misspellings.

RegEx is pretty shit for this kinda thing.

It's better to just have all chars that can be used to bypass filter, for example, then permute all possible words, and if at least one word is bad, you ban them.

For example, a very good filter will take ******, replace it to "nigger" and will ban the user.

In fact, it's still not perfect, so just rolling a dice and banning user for every comment based on chance is way more reliable, and overall healthier.

based bot

They're targeting gamers. Gamers.

Lol, be phony and suffer the consequences.

Apart from the obvious, look at what the header image of the Adidas account says - Nite Jogger. Swap the first two letters of those two words, you get Jote Nigger = Gay Nigger 🤔

Adidas is powerleveling like crazy,

Gotta get those Gunbreaker levels up

Virgin "p-pls stop shooting black ppl" Nike vs Chad "Kill all niggers" Adidas.

People always forget that Adidas is a German country, from back when Germany was cool

Germany was never cool.

all the cool ones died in the wars

It never even began for jewcels

adidas was a German country

Mods seething over some shitposter lul.

I grant sovereignty to any company that drops N bombs on Twitter

Just take the r-slur. We're all retards here.

We live in a German country

The really incredible part is that is still up.

You know the social media lackey that runs their twitter clocked out for the day already.

It's in the early AM for the UK. Dude who oversees this account is probably blissfully in dreamland, unaware of the total shitshow awaiting him when he wakes.

I feel bad for the dude.

It's 2019, how can you not account for pranksters when setting up an automated campaign?

They probably did it on purpose for free publicity.

3 hours later still

not anymore


This world never cease to amaze.

This is beautiful. I am so sorry poor mAn about to be fired.

Fuck, i hate twitter smug gifs and reaction pics.

I hate how they all loop poorly

What was it? It looks like it finally got deleted

An automated response to a Twitter user "@DieAllNiggers" telling them they are welcome to the family, complete with that Twitter handle on the back of a jersey

i like the way you think , have an upvote :)

The tweet got deleted. Anyone have the screengrab?

Thats what snappy is for

Uh oh I'm a little dumb

It's down, here's an archived version:

Lmao this is hilarious but anyone who thinks someone manually did this is dumb A F.... this is a script automatically producing the image based and message based off usernames. They probably should’ve set it up with a keyword list to skip over names with vulgarities. Live and learn adidas lol

There was a keyword list, but no regex... How naive can they be.

So it would only check the name against exact bad word and not if it contained the word? lol

Epic gamer moment.

How did Addidas not learn from Microsoft? It took the internet 24 hours to turn that bot in to Hitler.

Finally, clothing that caters to gamers

It's all deleted. You people better have screenshots or an archive.