We did it gamers!

106  2019-07-02 by Agreeable_Hour


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Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. We did it gamers! - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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My username has the word Queen in it; someone decided that I was a "tranny" (I am trans IRL but like no way for him to know that) and put up a votekick to kick me every few mins because I was "disgusting".


I am trans IRL but like no way for him to know that


Also, you're not disgusting.

How would this person know?

You know you're pathetic when you're white knighting for troids.

What about trappysarah?

Depends on how often trappysaruh showers. Most trannies I've seen look like they shower once every other week.

r/trappysaruh 😂

It’s not white knighting if she’s hot and helps get you unbanned when you fuck up. 😡

The real white knighting is when you say "you're not disgusting" completely unprovoked.

Just don't get banned.

Well, she was the one who banned me until I sent her a dick pic despite me not breaking any rules. But I know deep down it was my fault. 😓

Can you send it again? 🤤

do u promise not to share it?

No 😔

ok one sec, lemme upload it to imgur

Trappy is based and doesn't need any white knighting.

My armor is built from dried up shit, it's not even close to being white but ok.

Trappysaruh is queen and i want her in my bussy 🍆💦💦💦

Trappy is the best mod ever! You shut your whore mouth if you don't think so.

Like he's probably disgusting lmao. 9.5/10 internet troons are.


Lmao trannies can't help but talk about themselves.

I'm always amused by how easy it is to spot these fuckers from a mile away, even on the internet. Like even without the fetishy overfeminized names and shit, there's just a particular way insane troons talk that makes them stick out like sore thumbs.

Some 12 year old having acute trannydar over a multiplayer video is insanely funny.

based beyond comprehension

dude thats fucking hilarious lmao

As an example, one of the forum’s most popular threads is titled ‘Post your kniggas,’ in which players share images of their character builds. The thread started in 2017 when Mordhau was in alpha, and has attracted more than 2,600 comments since. One of those comments says "step up my kniggas," another says "listen here, faggot." When one player questions the racism in the thread’s title, another responds: "you are gay."

Based beyond my imagination

That is literally less racist and queerphobic that most conversations in American high school locker rooms

Muh locker room talk

Maybe if Americans wouldn't act like savages we could progress as a society

Agreed. Freaking out like face-ripper monkey whenever someone says a nono word is holding us back.

This tbh lmao.

It's understandable if someone tells you "kys" (but unironically), but I still don't understand how "nigger" can make someone mad.

Unironically black people are raised from a young age to chimp out over that shit. I work with kids and some fresh off the boat six year old Cambodian called some black eight year old "boy" not knowing it was insulting to black people and the black kid got real mad.


Trying to figure out the thousands of phrases that offend Americans is fucking exhausting.

You are gay

He wishes he would be.

No, just a tankie incel to retarded even for dramacord.

let me guess you've got a pencil neck and you never liked playing sports

serious posting


It's less racist and homophobic than your average discussion in progressive circles lmao

step up my kniggas

Beyond based and chivalrypilled

When one player questions the racism in the thread’s title, another responds: "you are gay."

idk why this is making me laugh so hard, just, "you are gay." not "ur gay" not even "you're gay," but the very solemn and formal "you are gay."

you are gay.

If you get your kicks out of calling people nogs and whatnot, even if that begins as an edgy joke that you don't really mean, it doesn't take long before you've inadvertently reconfigured your own psyche into meaning it.

So that's why I love bussy

They're projecting their subhuman tier mental processing. Absolutely pathetic.

When you dropped out of school after 10th grade but now you are a psychologist...

That is the definition of a slippery slope argument.

1.4 votes and 1.4 comments

Absolute seethe. Just go outside

Gamers in 2010: https://youtu.be/N3lWyrnETUM

G*mers in 2019: wow sweaty did you just call that person a faggot on a forum? Your account needs to be banned, and that's the tea sis 💅

lol I need to look up more heated gamer moments

is it bad that i was worried this could be one of the videos i'm in from my days playing cod4/w@w/mw2/blops 1?

seriously i know they're on youtube somewhere

ngl if i somehow chose video game journalism as a career i'd have no problem creating outrage and reporting on it as fact in the hopes of getting a job offer elsewhere that'd get me out of being a video game journalist. it's not like it could get worse.

This article was wildly successful and got a huge amount of views probably, cope

i'll try but 🤷‍♂️

... that’s part of his point

The annoying thing is that /r/Games has started lapping it up. It should be a very simple sub: games news, reviews and discussions. Instead it's turning into just another US politics activism hub.

Litterally turning into conservative puritans from the 90s

2000s: Games are too violent, and as a result, gamers will become more violent.

Gamers: Fuck off.

2010s: Games are too violent against women and minorities and as a result gamers will become nazis.


Is it proof of the horseshoe theory if the average /r/Games user is now idealogically the same as a Catholic mother?

It's prods that get bent out of shape over videogames last time I checked.

Catholics are just more worried and neurotic about it. Prots go preach it, catholic moms just care about what their own kids are doing and then look down their noses at everyone who isnt

So you're calling us Jews? Although that is incredibly relatable to my childhood.

Based catholic parents.

But video game journalism let's me follow my passion... of getting paid to shitpost.

That post is full on outrage culture, filled with people that have the reading comprehension of a 5 year old and a few lying for that bandwagon karma. Somehow its a BIG issue to let people either have full male or female only characters in game (client side only fyi). Such a BIG issue that no one can actually explain why its an issue.

The toxic shit is irrelevant with mutes and ignores. The average redditor doesn't know how to use these so I'm not surprised thats such a big topic.

There's zero reason to allow people to override the individual players choice of expression.

Creating a character to resemble yourself should be a felony.

There's a server called real life, you can go outside at any time and play as perfect carbon copy of yourself.

Who plays a character which resembles themselves in video games?

Most guys play as girls anyway,

People like to at least have the option to play a character that looks like themselves, go figure. Someone needs to make a game where you can play as an race and identity aside from white male.

I never really got this sentiment, I don't care about playing as someone who looks like me. Why have a little pixel version if myself go beat people up when I can already do that in real life.

You are gay.

Based gaymers bashing trannies and niggers while making libtards seeth.

I miss when games were like this.

The g*mers have redeemed themselves in this moment.

Seriously, these people complaining have been spoiled by draconian moderation policies that shuffle the toxicity out of specific words used into other in-game behavior. Siege, Overwatch and MOBAs are actually way more toxic than Mordhau even though you can't use naughty words.

??? There's a mute button, and pretty sure you can report racist or -phobic usernames on Steam. What else do they want?


Canonically, mute button isn't there to create a safespace by your own will if you wish for it, it's there to enable "bad" behaviour, because if you have excuses like "mute me then, faggot", people will be less careful, and it will be easier to single them out, and ban them.

It also creates a victim-prey dynamic, where victims have to sit in fear and effectively entire community becomes "them" vs "us", where them is evil toxic people who want to ruin your life.

When this happens, everyone tries to get rid of everyone no matter what, and once the last gamer gets banned, we create a perfect, toxic free community.

or just say the n word lol

It's spelled nigger, you fucking nigger.

Mute button is for people that can't adjust the mics and sounds like fucking helicopter in background.

they want to use games as a means to penalize bad behavior and reeducate racists, homophobes etc. (which is gay tbh) and using mute wouldn't achieve that

A loading screen with rainbow colored scrolling text "TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN"?

Why not? Isn't that what we keep /distorted_lines around for?



A toxin is a poisonous substance produced within living cells or organisms *snip

Toxins can be small molecules, peptides, or proteins that are capable of causing disease on contact with or absorption by body tissues interacting with biological macromolecules such as enzymes or cellular receptors. Toxins vary greatly in their toxicity, ranging from usually minor (such as a bee sting) to almost immediately deadly (such as botulinum toxin).

TL;DR It can't hurt you if you don't touch it or inhale it, faggot, stop crying.

That's the noun form you retard


Rampant racism and toxicity are driving players away from Mordhau

It's the opposite. It attracts gamers because this is their culture and woketard trannies don't play games other than overwatch anyway.

Check out Overwatch sub to see if there's any new updates that'll make me want to play again

Discover Blizzard released new lore about Reinhardt learning how to self-fellate himself

Discover Blizzard released new lore about Reinhardt learning how to self-fellate himself

Here's the thing

i can't tell if you're lying or not

I'm like 95% sure he is memeing.

Right? This makes me want to play this game.

99% of these people don't play video games. Has no one ever played a game on steam before? Every single game is like this. If they just stopped being offended by everything lmao. How can anyone have such a thick skull as to not understand people are trolling them?

you make sense more than the rest love it

Are you doing a loving kindness exercise?

This fucking bot again! Their fucking everywhere

TF2 is the only game I know where you can call someone a faggot and nobody cares, just comes up to you and beats the shit out of you ingame, instead of crying.

A lot of games on steam are like that try chivalry the game like this that inspired it. Chiv 2 was announced. You can get vote kicked but not banned imo. Never happened to me. It actually takes a lot to get banned on steam. I don't think simple words is enough you need threats.

That's because TF2 is a dying game that no one cares about.

TF2 is still in top 10 on steam but ok nigger.

In fact, they've appealed to that internet troll behavior when they implemented stuff like the Lute, which is both intentionally throwing and unmutable mic spam rolled into one nice bundle.

This is how I know these people just hate fun. The lute thing is hilarious and has never bothered me once.

Oh and...

Just like real life, if you are completely tolerant of everything, then the naturally more aggressive and less-tolerant people will stomp all over everything. The tolerance paradox.

That's right, Karl Popper's argument about how we should deal with violent political groups is being cited in a thread about 13 year olds in an online game lmao

Console matchmaking did this. The multiplayer cesspool era died with Valve Source.

Based, reminds me of my old chivalry sever

And why that is a good thing

Seems like mean people segregating themselves works for everyone. Where's the issue?

Just want to say i love this comment : )

Game company introduces toggle to turn off white men


Game company introduces toggle to turn off women


Well this sold me on Mordhau

During our interview, we asked, "Are there plans to increase, on the character creator side, the diversity of the characters players can create? You've talked in the past about adding female playable characters and changing character's skin tones ... is that something you guys are committed to doing?"

do what the progressive mafia says or we will wring you out in public articles, this is a fucking racket LMAO

If you don't give in Anita might talk about you on her podcast nobody listens to.

This game actually has the most fucking horrible community I've seen in years. Don't get me wrong, at times it can be amazing, but honestly I don't give a shit about the in game chat, I want them to at least clean up their forums.

Triternion stated on Twitter that it does not have plans to include a setting which disables the appearance of "characters that aren’t white," and never did
