Gaymers angry about Blizzard removing tits, ass, and blood from a children’s card game

29  2019-07-02 by closedshop


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I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. Gaymers angry about Blizzard removi... -,,

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Imagine removing tits and blood. Now there’s no reason to play the game, because the players are nerds

Here the question is it the fault of chinese or local mayos.

Pretty sure Chinese.

But why now tho. Hearthstone was popular in China for like 3 years now.

Chinas cracking down on stuff. They recently banned Twitch.

But also, perhaps Daddys trade war is making China crack down on American businesses? A bit of tit for tat.

Gamers bout to turn face and hit Donaldo with a chair shot to the head for lessening the number of 2D tiddies

Blizzdrones are mostly stereotypical redditors so they already seethe over blumpf

Imagine spending time and money on this to begin with.

I mean it's really quite stupid, especially changing succubus to some kind of creature feature and removing minimal levels of blood. It was possible to censor it too, examples are right there.

I remember when they nerfed Jaina. Sad times.

Yeah they've been angry about that, half the front page of r/Hearthstone right now is shitposts about how to nerf other cards for being to sexy or violent.

If there's one thing you should never do, it's get between gamers and their digital representations of boobs. And blood, too, I guess.

Hearthstone is actually dead anyway due to power creep. It was good for a while but blizzard went full left and even banned the okay symbol from tourneys. Pandering to sjw with overwatch was a huge mistake. I remember in warcraft3 they wouldn't remove custom maps with slurs in it as freedom was paramount. Their sales are super down and even the latest warcraft expansion is super trash apparently. Can't wait till someone dethrones WoW in players. FF14 is creeping up on them.

My children's card game is too much pandered towards children!!!


Id be mad too

Lol blizzard is killing all their games, i cant wait for the gems that will pop out of classic wow and ruin it