Cuckservatives call Antifa mayos. Mayos seethe

66  2019-07-02 by CapeshitterCOPE


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Cuckservatives call Antifa mayos. M... -,,

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If you can find me a antifa chapter more diverse than a pol meetup, I will but you a beer.

where's the lie? people with actual problems have more important things to do than larp as a v for vendetta reject character

I’m always reminded of that pretty blonde chick turned antifa super soldier, out larping as a member of inglorious bastards, only to be laid out by a Manlet nazi because she thought fighting fascism was just going to be throwing bottles and heroic after parties.

If I remember /pol/ doxxed her, found her bush fetish porn and still sends it to her family members.

Moldy locks?

That’s the one!

This is true but antifa isn't rly arguing for white supremacy unlike the KKK. And both are a perfect example of why mayocide is needed 🐴👞

I don't think it's meant to convince anyone so much as release some endorphins among Federalist readers by triggering the libs. It's using left-identitarian rhetoric to make a bad-faith argument against antifa. Charitably, it's making a meta-argument about how easily and frequently that rhetoric is deployed in bad faith. Realistically, it's a conservative blowing a raspberry at SJWs.

Let me translate this from hyper-autism for some you peeps.


The term, “bad faith” irks the fuck out of me. I have yet to see a person use it who wasn’t a retard.

i prefer "intellectually dishonest" tbh 🧐

Nah, intellectual honesty is a real thing. When some nerd says another person argued in "bad faith," 99% of the time they are just saying "you made a point I don't like."

If you used the Socratic method to make a person see their contradictory viewpoints, I can absolutely guarantee you they'd accuse you of arguing in bad faith.

"Intellectual dishonesty" can be used in the same way but I don't see as many extreme brainlets misusing that phrase compared to people who accuse others of "bad faith."

Also, arguing in good faith is for retards. To be accused of arguing in bad faith should be a badge of honor.

lol my gram grams unironically told me last year that my great grandma is 1/2 Savajo so I'm 1/16th.

Certainly would explain my affinity for archery and lack of tolerance for booze.

mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad

Record this so we can given it a /r/drama Grammy at the end of the year.

Imagine “striking workers” trying to catch felony assault charges.

Lolll someone unaware of what striking blue collar workers do... Especially if they see scabs 😅😅

Well it is true