Gallowgate escalates as powermod gallowboob is removed as a moderator of r/WatchRedditDie for censorship.

281  2019-07-02 by ImJustaBagofHammers


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/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


  1. Gallowgate escalates as powermod ga... -,

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Good, the only bigger fag on Reddit is Phedra

Naw GB is a bigger one because phedre actually moderates his profile or at least used to. She is a jannie for the profile of GB.

Profile jannie? Wtf is this stupid shit?

I'm not sure if they still are since I don't care enough to follow their exploits but I think this info came out around the time GB was really upset with /r/drama and for a while we weren't even allowed to say his name.

Every day we fall further from God's light.

Yeah you wish, there are people way worse than Phed who are power mods

More like Gallowbopped

Cucked and chucked. Day of the actual job when?

Not soon enough...

Didn't he post a picture of his house, which was basically a van or something?

He posted pics of the airbnb he was renting out in the woods somewhere. So it wasn't his house, but he was paying to be in it.

It was a rough built garden shed with lousy off-gassing Oriented Strand Board panels. Unironically impossible to build something cheaper.

Oh wow, I thought they banned you for good, but here you are

FreeSpeechWarrior is a legitimate lolcow. Mod this man!

I bet even Chabanais thinks that guy is a pussy

Honestly tho, whenever it's meta shit I agree with FSW 9/10 times

Then mod him you Iowan Boomer

Only if it's meme mod perms, otherwise he'd be insufferable.

This, we don't need another ego janny.

awwww shit all this powermod drama is making me fap hard.

Woah, look at that adeptemu guy


In my entire life, I've done some pretty embarrassing things (once I was nice to British people), but never in my life have I ever in all seriousness asked for the resignation of an Internet moderator with the moral righteousness that judges have when they sentence rapists to prison.



gallowboob is paid

He does it for a fee

He gets it right in the fee-fees when ever there as an exposรฉ on his vote manipulation and constant repost/delete/repost habits (American Eastern Standard Time 6-9 AM)

The only antifa act that I support.

Gallowcel has been the true fascist all along. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Feels like a slow news day.

"DAE love watching gore videos of white people being tortured/killed?",

"Are there any good torture videos of white people or white kids?",

"Which ethnicity do you guys love to see being killed the most?",

"What's the best and most exciting video you've seen of a black person being murdered",

"DAE love watching videos of white kids getting killed",

"In gore videos where blacks/coloreds die, who else loves seeing the pain and horror in the eyes of the person who's about die? I fucking LOVE it!"

Based and redpilled

I read that in my mind in a Patrick Bateman voice. It sounds better and classier.

It takes a special breed of retards to match Gallowboob's whining but WRD is a fair match.



Again, to address complaints of harassment we will block user pings with automoderator for any user that requests it. Has been a long-standing policy of r/subredditcancer as well. We donโ€™t want to end up like r/drama

How dare you

Are you saying the loss of pinging was a good thing?

Tfw r/drama's neutering was done to serve as a warning to the other plebbit peasants


Post from ur main account, gb

how do we know the boob isnt actualy you? ๐Ÿค”

I have a sense of humor

You're cleared to tell your favorite joke.

Is it over for gallowcels

Based and getajobpilled

Why was he a mod to begin with? It's like modding your own cancer to your userpage.

Do you realize how much credibility you've lost in the eyes of the folks here?

Did you think they wouldn't see this as the betrayal it was?



So, why's Reddit protecting the mod of /r/poppingprolapses, and a bunch of other fucked up porn subs?

Why do you trust these people? They're going to fuck you over.

lmao this guy is mad at some losers for janitoring a porn sub. imagine caring about reddit this much

Why was Gallowboob allowed to mod watchreddit die when he is a large reason as to why reddit is dying lol

Freespeechwarrior has plans within plans, wheels within wheels going on.
