r/unpopularopinion: "Rich people want illegals, because they work harder for less pay and drive down wages for domestic workers". Rest of the thread REEEE's over "racism" and open borders.

25  2019-07-02 by Spirit_OfDarkness


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I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


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they are so this post is retarded. It’s called hb2


work harder

Look I would work harder if I could be shitfaced on modelo all day at work while no one understood what the fuck I was saying to my buddies while being paid cash lol.

No you wouldn’t.

Well ya I mean modelo is shitty beer, but revolver blood and honey? You fucking bet.

I like the part where you posted a photo at the safe Fransisco safe AIDS injection site and couldn’t even get it right.

It’s ok, reading this attempt at bants did the trick.

No I mean it wasn’t even banter. Just the influx of wealthy white leftoid agenda posters lately has been insane. It’s something about certain self loathing mayos i can’t understand, I’m trying to study you people more.

It’s pretty simple really - mexicans are useful people who make good food. As a wealthy mayo, I have a use for these people.

Lazy rightoids like you, however are worthless. Even the bussy is substandard.

muh food

Oh holy fucking shit, he did it, he did the bit.

Serious question. Is prep going to be subsidized for them as well? I know you guys struggled to do that neat “Medicare for all thing” going, how is the “tax the middle class for illegal healthcare” thing going? And will prep be part of the deal?

It’s simple - mexicans do shit for me, and you flyover mongs do not. Hence, you’re fucking worthless and they aren’t. Capitalism.

I’m not into healthcare for illegals, makes them lazy.

I’m not from a flyover. I’m from NYC and I live in one of the largest cities in the country lol.

Eastfag, whatever. Still a worthless mayo.

Threatened? I don’t run a fucking landscaping company and I’m not running on any piers any time soon.

And I no longer live on the east coast.

Ps: whose ban evading agendaposter alt are you

says he’s not threatened

bbut guyz i could totally be less worthless if they let me drink on the job

Day of the cope indeed.

no ability to laugh at a hilariously true stereotype of Mexicans because of white savior complex

This is why lefty agenda posters are a cancer.

I’ve known enough Mexicans growing up. That stereotype is absolutely reflective of reality, and I don’t find it even remotely controversial.

The part that’s funny here is a mayo who thinks he can work like a Mexican, modelos or not - and gets all fucking booty blasted when that’s pointed out.

Are you saying I wouldn’t make a good hitman or gardener?

Having poorly enforced rules isn't the same thing as having no rules. We have rules. None of the candidates are calling for the removal of those rules, so no, none of them are calling for open borders.

That’s a stretch in logic

Ugh... TD is brigading this place so hard it's not even funny anymore. They're not illegals, the actual legal name is undocumented. By the way they're people too... Sick of alt right's play on words like this.