"I would call all pap and pelvic tests rape" --foid

80  2019-07-02 by ineedmorealts


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the family doctor had already given the girl a gynecology exam for a Christianity camp

Your local priest isn't a family doctor When your family doctor looks suspiciously like your uncle They're doing virginity tests on 11 year olds nowadays? Lmao Who the fuck goes to a Christian summer camp? Parents who send their kids to Christian summer camps not realizing putting a bunch of emotionally repressed, scared, and curious kids together is the recipe for kids doing sexual experimentation

So many takes, so little time 😂

For hundreds of years since it's inception by serial killer and rapist James Marion Sims gynecology has been a regular but dreaded part of many people's lives. Most women and people with vaginas have a Gynecologist they see regularly, doctors claim they practice gynecology because it's such a "happy medicine" but the dark side of gynecology is often ignored. That needs to stop. With rampant sexual abuse, a serious lack of informed consent, and lies around every corner it's time for a #metoo reckoning to reach the doctors office. This subReddit is a safe space to discuss sexism in medicine, debunk the misinformation and lies, and discuss medical abuse, birth rape, and Gynecology caused PTSD. Please note that this subreddit is an anti Gynecology space

The fuck kind of sub is this?

The fuck kind of sub is this?

It's a sub filled with women who think having to tolerate being poked and prodded during medical examinations is rape.

potentially life saving procedures are raep!!!!!

when did people become so painfully fucking stupid

"But it hurts and makes me FEEL bad there is no way it could be life-saving."


Well at least this will be a fairly quick breed of stupid declining medical advice because it's icky normally does wonders for the life expectancy, that combined with homeopathy and crystal magic woo means that this is going to be fairly self-limiting as problems go.

Honestly this and the billion other similar subs that this handful of people frequent come off as the product of serious mental illness on par with /r/gangstalking or /r/targetedenergyweapons.

Foids aren't people.

They honestly don't have to tolerate it. It's not forced. People will try and pressure you to get gyno exams but you can say no right up until you die of cervical cancer if you want to.

Damn I thought it was going to be a Larp but these people dead ass want to get rid of gynecology whats next is the Dentist oral rape LMFAO?

It is.

Last time I went to dentist, they drugged(!!!!!) me and then put various objects into my mouth.


Meh let them die of their cancer then lol

Birth rape? Damn, no wonder Ron Paul was an obstetrician, can’t get the lolis any fresher than that

👆🏻🧠👨🏽‍🎓 💯 🔥 🔥 🔥👆🏻

A retarded foid one.

Why did you repeat yourself?

I didn’t.

A retarded retarded one.

ok lol.

Do you know what a foid is?

All foids are retarded.

But the word foid itself is a female retard. That’s the distinction.

A retarded female retard one.

Retarded to broad, hence retarded foid.

Guess you are since you think it only means retarded.

So foid means men being retarded as well?

Please note that this subreddit is an anti Gynecology space


It's a fucking amazing one, holy shit.

women and people with vaginas


This is legit Stop the Thyroid Madness level of internet crazy here. This is 'shampoo causes schizophrenia by depleting nitrous oxide' level of stupid wrong bad science and bad medicine. A conjunction of 'everything I don't like is rape' radfem insanity with just a dash of performative wokeness to appeal to $currentYear. Everyone involved is stupid and paranoid.

Great find.

shampoo does fuck with your skin tho. also nitrous oxide is a good high

That's why the only thing you wash everyday is asshole, whatever fuck you have there nowadays, and armpits.

Washing hair 1-3 times a week is more than enough.

Good news is it’s survival of the fittest. If they are so dense to think that a Pap smear and pelvic examinations are rape, than they may as well die from cervical cancer. It also isn’t a rare cancer, hence why they test for it. People get it from STDs. These women aren’t the brightest bulbs. I guess they won’t check for PID either. It’s another advantage because they won’t be able to have kids either from scarring and not getting checked for PID from STDs. It won’t get treated as the only way to find PID is pelvic examination.

Based and Darwinpilled

It’s true. They’ll die off quicker. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Possible confound is that they are probably way worse than average at family planning and birth control. Then again, probably all interaction with men is rape. So maybe they aren't getting knocked up before coochie cancer gets em.

You wish.

Those are the same foids that surprise some loser with "honey I actually wasn't taking the pill for last 3 months now".

Wow, thanks for talking down to us as if we're thirteen year old girls who have no idea what the purported reason is for the doctor fiddling with our privates and just reject the test as "icky poo", rather than as the highly informed women we are, who know both our rights and the complete lack of actual medical utility or accuracy in these tests. Which you would know if you'd bothered to read about in here rather than just bestow your no doubt superior wisdom on us poor befuddled creatures who have the audacity to refuse intrusive and unnecessary exams.

Coercion is one thing, and is rape, but you're claiming that a gynecological exam is rape. It's not torture, it's medicine, and you are minimizing the impact of the word rape by using it so indiscriminately.

Once again, assuming were all just ignorant silly idiots and accusing us of minimizing the experiences of "real" victims, while clearly you haven't read even a bit into this sub before dropping your wisdom-nuggets everywhere.

Let me spell this out:

Accessing and penetrating another person's orifices with either items or body parts against their will and without their enthusiastically informed consent, including by deception, is rape. Just like the nerd in Revenge of the Nerds who had "consensual" sex by wearing her boyfriend's mask and posing as him is by definition a rapist. No kidding, people have gone to prison for gaining access to other people's sexual parts through deception, and that doesn't change just because you give the rapist a clean white coat and snazzy title.

That means that when a doctor states or implies a woman is legally required to submit to paps and pelvics, or otherwise has no choice in the matter, the procedure is rape.

That means when a doctor withholds actually necessary care and prescriptions, or implies he will, unless the unwilling woman submits to paps and pelvics, it is rape.

That means when a woman refuses and she is shamed, chased, hounded, insulted, threatened, and made to feel stupid or reckless to the point she gives in to stop the harassment, it is rape.

That means when a doctor gains consent from a woman by only telling her the pros and no cons to paps and pelvics, that consent is nullified and it is rape.

That means when a doctor gains consent by failing to inform woman that non-invasive options exist (lie of omission) or, if she brings it up, dismisses it as absurd or unviable (lie of commission--the Dutch and Finns have been doing such a process for many years with great success), her consent is nullified and it is rape.

The only invasive exams that are not rape are the ones that satisfy all of the following:

1). The patient is given all the accurate information regarding both the pros and cons of the exam, including the prevalence and detriments of false positive follow-up and the rate of false negatives. No profit-seeking propaganda or other material intended for manipulation. No lies about "painlessness" either.

2). The patient is offered other, less invasive methods such as urine or blood testing, or self-collected HPV testing, and also given the full scope of accurate positive and negative information on that for cross-comparison--no profit-seeking propaganda or other material intended for manipulation.

3). The patient is clearly informed that screening is a choice, and that she should weigh the options and decide solely on her own views of what constitutes acceptable risk to benefit. Her total freedom of choice should be openly emphasised in unbiased language free of emotional appeal and no efforts to manipulate her decision will be tolerated.

4). The patient is completely free to decide if testing is right for her and, if so, which test she wants to have. This means no bullying, no insults, no emotional appeals, no harassment, withholding of prescriptions or care, no fallacies of appeal to their authority and the patient's intellectual unworthiness to bodily autonomy, nothing outside of a cheerful acceptance of her decision regardless of what the answer is will be tolerated. You gave her the info, so you've done your duty, and she knowledge to find you if she changes her mind.

5). Should the patient consent with all of the above being satisfied, the patient may still opt out of the test or abort the procedure. Any pain she claims to feel must be taken seriously as real and may not be dismissed, mocked, denied, or ignored. Effective pain relief must be offered for test and any follow up that occurs. If she says to stop, the doctor must stop at once, regardless of whether a "large enough sample" has been taken or whatnot. Her power to refuse and to stop the procedure at any time must be an absolute priority.

The vast majority of gynecological exams done do not meet these criteria, in fact few even meet 1-4 to begin with, and therefore the vast majority of gynecological exams qualify as rape. Full stop.

Snappy pls 😂

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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Well shit, is there any medical procedure that's comfortable?

Prostate exam.

my urologist would always do my prostate exams with his penis and wouldnt stop until we both came. A bit unusual but its ok since hes also my uncle.


And that's a good thing, they did it to themselves.

If I'll ever see an unconscious foid somewhere, I'll just act like nothing happened, because I cannot even try to revive the cunt without getting charged with sexual assault.

reminds me of when i was a literal child under the age of 10 and my dad had to get out of work to physically hold me down because I didn't want to get a vaccine, except these are grown adults that still haven't reached the conclusion that not everything that is good for you feels good. it's like this micro cult saw mtgows stereotype all women as children and aspired to be just that

Don’t drink the fluoride? You get the poorly-lubed probe. /conspiracy tried to warn us.

These are the women that created the necessity for the prefix 'actual' for the word rape

Could say the same about word "women", actual women don't go on that sub.

They're foids.

Eh dunno what kinda smear tests the OP goes for but getting “stripped naked” and “metal torture clamps” ain’t part of the procedure. Hopefully she’ll post recommendations for a private “clinic”!

How are clamps being involved at all here? There's a speculum but that's literally the opposite of a clamp.

I haven’t got a clue why clamps are involved or even what they’d be clamping down.

Mentally ill need to be held down.

"For a while the metal clamp almost ruined one of my fav animals, ducks, bc they sometimes compare the clamp to a duck beak. I had to remember that ducks did it first dammit!"


"There is no such thing as legitimate gynecology."


"Rape birth"


Guess which one I made up?

Trick question.

Get an axe.

The second one is least retarded as it doesn't have buzzwords.

Alex Jones was close again. Instead of turning the frogs gay the chemicals are turning foids retarded


Makeup is put on the face.

Skin isn't very good at isolating anything.

Chemicals seep through the skin and reach the brain.

Oh no.

Of course r/topminds are defending that sub lol. Making excuses.

The average weight of the people in that sub starts with a 4.

enjoy your cervical cancer and chlamydia lol

Wait a minute, so one of the foids said that gynecologists are essentially rapists because they only do things with gussy. They said that getting vaccinated isn't rape, but a gynecologist checkup is rape just because it includes gussy. Does that mean if I shot some chick in her cooch that would be rape?


Topmindsofreddit crosspost comment:

Honestly, if this person has experienced some kind of sexual trauma in their past, I could understand this POV. But that sub seems like it's really on the same level as anti-vaxxers. There are absolutely cases of medical rape and sexism towards patients, but to say that ALL paps are rape is just... no. I don't enjoy them, but I do enjoy knowing things like the fact that I don't have various cancers.

Why do they have to empathize with literally every fucking foid no matter how off her rocker she is

Why do they have to empathize with literally every fucking foid no matter how off her rocker she is

Because TMoR has power jannies now

Pap tests are rape? Just get cancer then, lmao

>the so-called test do not save lives they actually are more harmful than anything else because women are afraid to go in because of them


Isn't that foid issue and not anyones elses?

Why do these foids assume all doctors are men lol. I know plenty of OBGYNs who are women, is that also rape?