It puts the lotion on the skin or else it gets cucked again. The climax of the belly lotion story posted before.

48  2019-07-02 by Ultrashitposter


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In The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien drew upon the language and themes found in the old Medieval hero-tales in order to construct a kind of new mythology. The brilliance of Tolkien was in his departure from the Pagan modes of conduct and morality of these old tales, his creation of a syncretistic fusion between Christian thought and Pagan language, and so his work achieved a deep resonance with all who read it.

We find this passage at the conclusion of The Return of the King:

The Dark Lord was suddenly aware of him, and his Eye piercing all shadows looked across the plain to the door that he had made; and the magnitude of his own folly was revealed to him in a blinding flash, and all the devices of his enemies were at last laid bare.

Adversaries in the stories that Tolkien drew upon, Grendel, Mordred and the like, often served as obstacles that the heroes could overcome through feats of strength and cunning. Sauron is not like them. When Sauron is defeated, it is not because Aragorn is stronger than him or because Gandalf is wiser. They are not. It is only that his hubris was so great that it never occured to him that anyone would want to destroy the thing he held so dear. It is not until the final few seconds of his existence that he realises his mistake.

I think that I Am Jazz displays a similar moment. In the pictured scene, Jazz's journey to what he believes is womanhood is almost complete. He is resting after surgery, a triumphant smile on his face, his rotting groin held together by a labyrinthine patchwork of stitches and grafts. But as Eru Ilúvatar nudged Gollum over the Crack of Doom into the fires beneath, so too does the God of our world intervene in this.


In a second, the follies of men are undone and Jazz's crotch explodes, a meaty froth of blood and pus pouring out of the hole where his penis used to be.

In that moment of blind panic and terror, Jazz is Sauron. All triumph and victory is gone. Only the Void remains.


  1. It puts the lotion on the skin or e... -,,

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You do have something, you still have a wife. Stop being a fucking bitch and work through this with her. Cheating isn't necessarily the death sentence in a relationship, more so not when you're married. It's a big sign that there's something wrong in the relationship that needs fixing and your wife clearly wants to work through it. Stop acting like a baby and being immature and work to forgive her and move on. You can become a stronger couple through this.

Hmm. I was gonna say based fisherman, but his profile looks legit and pretty le epic default rarditer. Not sure what to make of this.

Guilty conscience or cuck fetish? I’m thinking the latter, everyone knows that the “Mystery Daddy” gambit is a bit more high risk than just porking the landscaper or something.

Maybe he's just that spineless. Unironically the existence of these people make me seethe. Their inability to have a backbone lowers the value of all moids.

You might be right, my dearest Zoomer. I guess I just like to pretend people can’t sink that low.

Caring about how the meme gender views you

Not all of us are blessed enough to be bussy lovers, and have to care about attention from foids.

This is pure projection. When I got cheated on a few years back I acted like nothing was wrong. Got 3 of my friends, and moved out every single thing I owned in the apt while she was at work, prepared my half of the next 4 months rent and blocked her on everything.

The knight in shining armor who decided to call me a “coward” and not “acting like a man and giving her a chance to defend herself” was a boyfriend of one of her friends, who had been cheated on by said girl constantly.

Also took that as a note. Now if a girl is openly friends with cheaters, or excuses their behavior it is a giant red flag and run from that shit.

It's a big sign that there's something wrong in the relationship that needs fixing

Bro don't leave this foid just fix her faggotry, why don't you be a man!!!!!!

fake and gay

whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.

just gay

She is probably suffering from Preconceptive Cheating Syndrome, a temporary mental disorder which causes women to have a strong urge to cheat in the period where a child-wish is established between partners.

It's actually disgusting that people think his wife is at fault here. OP is leaving his wife because she was sick for a short period. Paternity test? It's not his or his child, it's a child that needs all the love he can get! Man up!

Based and cuckpilled

Cuck thinks he can hide that he's a cuck, nah fam:

[She is probably suffering from Preconceptive Cheating Syndrome, a temporary mental disorder which causes women to have a strong urge to cheat in the period where a child-wish is established between partners.

It's actually disgusting that people think his wife is at fault here. OP is leaving his wife because she was sick for a short period. Paternity test? It's not his or his child, it's a child that needs all the love he can get! Man up!](


Wow a woman cheating this is good for bussycoin

Removed. Whah did it say

He is getting cucked

A ledditor? Getting cucked? Truly a shocker,

Cheating isn't necessarily the death sentence in a relationship. It's a big sign that there's something wrong in the relationship that needs fixing!

What cucked motherfucker came up with that?

Fuck I have been waiting for this ty

Fake as fuck, wonder why so many people fell for it

God this is some good rubbing pregnant belly while the cuck watches fetish fanfic. 🤤 🤤 🤤