Chapocels invade r/politics, demand national protests shutting down traffic on Independence Day. "Wage Slavery" is brought up in the thread.

58  2019-07-03 by Spirit_OfDarkness


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  1. Chapocels invade r/politics, demand... -,,

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We COULD do a nationwide protest where we get a few people to donate dog crates and other people to donate baby dolls to put in them and with like 10 people per highway we could stop traffic across America

Lol what

Where do these people live? Here in Rust-topia like 20% of the commuters have worked highway construction. They will just park their shitty trucks, maybe one will throw personal flares or vest up, and then they would throw them off of the road in like 30 minutes of the cages being set up.

Actually a lot would probably just take the crates to sell on the BoomerBook marketplace.

there is no place in the U.S. where they would not be lifted, but they have to be thinking that they will guard them.

Go ahead and run out onto I-80 in Wyoming when people are driving by at 85mph and see what happens

Same here in Texas. In the city the highway is 70 and expressway 75-80 lol

Time to shut down highways. We need to step up.

"Let's work really hard to get Trump that win, people!"

How fucking out of touch with the world are these peeps? Lol

“BuT MLK bLoCkEd A hIgHwAy”

Yeah faggot and you aren’t mlk. These days you don’t need to block a highway to get media attention. Literally all these retards do is piss people off.

My boomer democrat father gets so fucking pissed about shit like this. He wants it to be legal to run them over lol

It should be legal.

It shouldn't just be allowed, it should be obligatory, really. It would really help with overpopulation until we get that next plague.

It would also help with the mayo numbers.


I like your dad.

What happened to Trump getting impeached? I’ve had 50 people tell me this was the the last straw and he should be out of office soon

He's going to steal the election. Republicans in Congress are holding the door open for Russia to fuck with our election machines again and you know the Russians not going to leave social media alone, either. Republicans have been engaging in voter suppression and gerrymandered the whole place up. This election is going to a nightmare.

Followed by talk of how all blue states need to secede from the Union after the next election. These fucking morons are basically guaranteeing Trump gets elected again. If I didn't know how insane the average person was on this site, I'd think /r/politics was a false flag operation for boosting Trump by painting the left as completely off the rails.

Weird seeing them suddenly give a fuck about illegal aliens detained at the boarder when we've done that shit for years now, and being inside an air conditioned building is a fuck of a lot better than being dragged through the desert by a coyote only doing it for money/trafficking. But hey, it's another media sponsored "protest" to whine about Trump again, so why not? Fuckin' speed bumps.

These idiots, much like the magatards over at T_D, are a perfect example of what astroturfing and propaganda does to the gullible and uneducated masses. There's plenty of parties involved trying their hardest to shift public perception of these centers into concentration camps, in an effort to invoke Nazi death camps comparisons. There's a reason why this recent ridiculous push started just in time for the start of the presidential race and Democrat debates.

FWIW, if you can't go to a protest, and you have experience caring for children, maybe volunteer to babysit the kids of protestors

Why tf would anybody wanna leave their kid with a male feminist.

Thanks Dr. Pizza(gate).

So your a feminist libertarian?

If I dress up in drag can I skip the background check? Just asking for a friend

It would be transphobic to put you through a background check, since there's a risk of deadnaming.

If all illegals were white this wouldn’t happen, on both sides. Also the only basketball American there is at the front suspiciously lol

He’s their to get some QoS babes who want to make dad mad

Are they really trying to start a gay op in "let's harass a random retard 'we did it reddit!'" county?


NeverAgain - Jews against ICE

I'm extremely proud of my people for standing up to intolerance. We Jews of all people should know better than anyone where this is going for these refugees.

Never Again means Never Again! For ANYONE!!

The chosen ones are here for the browns

Younger generation here. I'm so sick of being the only person under age 60 at the protests I've attended. Don't get me wrong, I'm in awe of the passion and strength of older people and am glad they're turning out in such numbers! It's my generation I'm frustrated with. We talk a big game on social media, but we hardly ever turn up in real life when it counts.

Leave moms basement only to be surrounded by her fb knitting group. Smh

The solution to detention centers is obvious, put them in Mexico.