Congressional cowgirl has officially declared r/drama an enemy of the state

114  2019-07-03 by Oh_hamburgers_


womp womp


  1. Congressional cowgirl has officiall... -,

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Imagine being this dumb.

Imagine being an inbred BDO tard and making racist insults towards your boss


Watermark likes to post nonsensical takes in between leaving emotional scars on prostitutes.

Yeah it hurts the whores soles when you pay in dinars covered in skat

Burger congress is just a bunch of losers aren't they


They're all pretty bad but she's the bottom of the barrel.

forced majority-minority districts to comply with the VRA occasionally produce hilariously retarded representatives like SJL or Corrine Brown who are bullet proof due to their districts being 90% dem and the political machine backing them in primaries.

its like the political equivalent of tenure, they know they can get away with anything, so no inhibitions plus retardation equals hilarity.

The worst ones are in the competitive districts though

If the three districts were majority white, drawing them as one district would still be majority white. What are you talking about?

So much. We’re taking corporate dick straight to the bussy regardless, nothing is going to change. May as well get some kicks making fun of leftoids and rightoids. Lest fully automated gay space communism prevails.

She’s locking the Internet because y’all can’t behave 🤠🤠🤠🤠

This is the final mod

Congressmen are the jannies of real life.

And you are the Janine of south central

😕 tfw somebody graffitied Fuck Trump over our bathrooms yesterday and I had to repaint the walls.

The real question is, is this on account of sundowning, Florida Man, or "hold my beer"?

Cowboy 🤠 hat 🎩 lady is a weird one

Her voice is awful

sounds exactly like a rooster

Literally something only ever said about women

Women will never be able to speak without men constantly shouting them down angrily for taking up time that they could have been speaking instead

This is going to be unpopular but I totally agree. DJT has to have one of the most braying voices in the history of our species - what could charitably be described as a queens accent - but every foid politician who breathes gets pegged “shrill” or “irritating”.

Trump gets pegged as that all the time.

You think Melania ever pegged Donny?

That's because every foid is shrill and irritating

i've called men out for having annoying voices fie times in the last two days

This is rediculous, women don't have voices at all, the bread cardboard tube told me.

Sure, it's not the foid's fault for being an annoying shrill cunt, it's the moid's fault for noticing.

Women will never be able to speak without men constantly shouting them down angrily for taking up time that they could have been speaking instead

Hopefully one day they actually listen and we can finally have peace

Never seen a shouting man but shouting foids happens daily.

Sounds like a smoker's voice.

i think she finally got forced out of congress by a fraud conviction, this is a different retard

Intentionally changing the spelling to highlight peculiarities in the pronunciation of AAVE and mock them is incredibly obnoxious and elitist. Literally no other accent of the English language do we do this. Regardless of the often huge differences in actual phonetics, we just use the standard spelling. But with AAVE it's more important to point out how the niggers talk like idiots apparently.

Intentionally changing the spelling to highlight peculiarities in the pronunciation of AAVE and mock them is incredibly obnoxious and elitist. Literally no other accent of the English language do we do this.

Oi do you have a loicense to be this retarded?

Did you snort some meth tonight or something?

People definitely don't make fun of valley girl accents, rural redneck accents, Minnesota accents, Irish accents, English accents (both posh and chav ones), Scottish accents, etc. Also on a list of English as a second language accents that are made fun of include Chinese people speaking English, Japanese people speaking English, French people speaking English, German people speaking English, etc.

You’re right, I’ll do better next time.

Yeah, difference between nigga and nigger is just phonetics.


This retard sounds like Steve Harvey doing a woman impression

The only politician who can really pull off the 🤠 look is President Salva Kiir of South Sudan.

War criminal





Tbh making a giant Facebook group full of thousands coworkers at your gov agency and using it a place to say racist shit, flaunt your ability to abuse your power, and throw (usually racist) at high level politicians, is probably not the best way to remain employed in the long term.

Silencing dissent is literal fascism. Hilarious.

Wtf is with her voice hahahahahaha

come at me you silly old fool

I just want commie mommy to notice me.

That's going on my resume.

Unironically all of congress and the senate should be removed and replaced by an ai tuned to a yearly vote on issues by citizens so we will at least have control of the influence. This cunt is happily doing insider trades and threatening peoples freedom because she's an assclown people do and should make fun of.