If Billie eyelash has jumbo yum yums, but she’s underage, but you’re even more underage than her, is it moral? Two retards discuss

103  2019-07-03 by epic_bacon6969


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Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


  1. If Billie eyelash has jumbo yum yum... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Yum Yums

Not using the proper term "foid milkers".

foidie toidies

BTFO by a teenager, yikes.

I never got the whole “you’re a kid” attack. It works if you say it then stop, but if you claim and assume the person you’re arguing with is a little kid, and then you spend hours and paragraphs arguing with them, doesn’t that make you an extremely sad person?

Maybe it's a part of their sexual fantasy.

Foreplay is arguing with a minor and five minutes later they're bottom for a ten year old.

If you stop replying, you lose the argument. That’s how it works. It’s why pizzashill always responds by pasting a wall of text, even when he has nothing to actually say.

pizzashill win every time

Maybe not the place, but I started referring to the gf’s equipment as ‘big catholic beefers’ recently. Didn’t go that great for me. Not terrible, but she doesn’t like it.

Imma DEUS VULT that Arby’s roast beef sandwich

Sheer poetry, good sir.

You have created a connection between your Reddit profile and your real life through information, and images of yourself and your cat, who people you know in real life might recognize. I have not done that. I can say whatever I want because I have kept my anonymity. Additionally, you posted a picture of yourself in r/dykesgonemild, leading me to believe you are a lesbian. That means you are attracted to other females, which Billie Eilish is. Homosexuals also have a much higher chance of being child molestors (I forget the exact percentage), so it isn’t that farfetched to say that you are exactly what you accuse me of being: a pedophile sexualizing Billie Eilish. But you know you can’t “have” her, so you spend your time looking at pictures of her and defending her online. And what happens when someone makes a post joking about her tits? You get angry and jealous, because you’ve created a false reality in your head where you actually have a relationship, and seeing a picture like this puts it all in perspective, and kills your illusion. It angers you. So I ask you this, what do you believe the future holds for you? A fulfilling life in which you realize your delusion and try to make something of yourself? Or one where you let it kill you, emotionally and possibly literally?


Fucking based

Uh sweaty this is a hate crime. Mall cop jannies do your thing pls.

Fucking christ that zoomer killed a foid

Based zoomer BTFO's foid

Fucking BTFO! This shit needs to be a Snappy quote.

For lesbian parents the molestation rate is around 40%

for homosexual parents the molestation rate is around 20-30%

Because it’s extremely hard for gay people to adopt. If the threshold was as high for straights I imagine their percentage would be way lower

If threshold is higher it should be less of them molesting kids.

Wrong, the suspense and excitement of finally getting a child causes them to overreact and molest it

Let's all just stop for a moment and admit that this was hilarious bantz.

It was medium tier bantz for sure

Truly the pibbles of child molesting

This really activates your almonds 🤔

Who is going to try harder to adopt a kid? A regular person, or a pedophile?

Isn't Billie Eilish 21 or sth?

Funny but -3 basedpoints for effortposting

jesus that foid was btfo

So what’s the over/under on that guy having used the term “femoid” unironically?

What's wrong with that? We mock the foids here all the time. Bussy>Gussy.

On one end, zoomer autism.

On the other end, this was an enganging rendition of kys.

Imagine a world where lesbians don’t get regularly dunked on with logic balls. Oh yeah wait that’s twitter and fb. Report

Mod this zoomer

someone stop him. he's gone mad

“Yum yums” just say “tits” you moron. I fucking hate Reddit talk.

I love when the wifey lets me touch her boobies during sexy-times.

you're gonna make me puke 🤮

You're a good hubby, would love to wash your doggo sometime

my wifeys boyfriend

says the virgin who frequents r/naruto and subs for gay fighting games 😂 😂 😂

Or he could be black fucking mayo coochie

I dunno if you actually follow her career but Billie has managed to become one of the most successful artists by not dressing trashy AT ALL.

She literally looks like ana animated pile of clothes.

I think they’re referring to dressing promiscuously. If so, they are right, she purposely covers her body to avoid perv comments.

>she purposely covers her body to avoid perv comments.

>sings about giving blowjobs

Unironically this

Hmm I’ll have to admit I don’t know her music enough to discuss this. Does she really sing about bj’s?

What he said, I need to wank off

Yes. Her hit single "Bad Guy" which propelled her discography to new levels of fame is basically teen angst at the current sexual market and how it interacts with members of both sexes.

It of course contains lines about her having "bruises on both her knees", a shallow disguise for the action of fellation in a crouched position.

I mean the whole song is provocative.

Even if you know that you don't Own me, I'll let you play the role I'll be your animal

Also, on 'Bellyache':

Mouthfull of Gum

Some people might argue that its a juxtaposition for 'mouthful of cum'. No wonder she has a bellyache.

Excellent addition, thank you my friend.

The absolute state of the music industry.

Imagine thinking zoomers actually listen to song lyrics. She is def avoiding perv comments by wearing oversized clothes and shit so none can see what she looks like. Also it adds to the AyySthethiccc

Oh good, after I heard her singing about fucking my dad, I thought she might be a pervert.

Smart tbh, before this I've never seen anyone really sexualize her.

Hmm yes I’m sure a gay twink with ass aids could totally beat someone in a fight.

Lmao wrecked

still not funny

White knighting fans are turbo gay

Basically the only comment left:

Nigga its ok for a chimpanzee and a quadriplegic to fuck

Call me old-fashioned, but I don't think it is?

Snappy exists for a reason

You are either here for the gimps or the chimps; just come clean, /r/drama is not a judgmental space.

Do you want me to fear you? To be scared of being “banned?” Banned from what, the online forum for a trendy celebrity that I don’t care about? Do you think I can’t just create a new account? Do you think I won’t go through the effort of it? Because I won’t, honestly. I don’t care enought to. I also don’t care about how many people here are older than me. I don’t care about Shilly Irish’s “wishes” either, because I have no reason to. So go ahead and report me, throw your temper tantrum, edit your comment again, and reply to me angrily. It won’t change anything.

Ngl I jizzed a bit when I read this.

This kid is going places, holy shit

First zoomer president?

is this the ubermensch that nietzche fortold, unbound by herd morality

Can this shitty Lorde rip-off just fuck off already?

You just mad you can't squeeze her English milkers.

She has to be hosed down and thoroughly washed first. Can you imagine the smell?

She's from LA apparently...

From removeddit

siracha_ass: [deleted by user]

It doesn't matter if shes older than you, what you said is gross. You need to learn to treat people better. You probably will in the next few years.


You have created a connection between your Reddit profile and your real life through information, and images of yourself and your cat, who people you know in real life might recognize. I have not done that. I can say whatever I want because I have kept my anonymity. Additionally, you posted a picture of yourself in r/dykesgonemild, leading me to believe you are a lesbian. That means you are attracted to other females, which Billie Eilish is. Homosexuals also have a much higher chance of being child molestors (I forget the exact percentage), so it isn’t that farfetched to say that you are exactly what you accuse me of being: a pedophile sexualizing Billie Eilish. But you know you can’t “have” her, so you spend your time looking at pictures of her and defending her online. And what happens when someone makes a post joking about her tits? You get angry and jealous, because you’ve created a false reality in your head where you actually have a relationship, and seeing a picture like this puts it all in perspective, and kills you illusion. It angers you. So I ask you this, what do you believe the future holds for you? A fulfilling life in which you realize your delusion and try to make something of yourself? Or one where you let it kill you, emotionally and possibly literally?

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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This sub makes me cringe