Reddit auto removes the Joe Biden spoof campaign site without informing anybody.

45  2019-07-03 by iran2019


Thread in t_d

Tested it here got removed as well


This should come as no surprise. These are the same people who literally argue in favor of the mayocide. Did you forget about that? I didn't. /r/Drama posters are literally pro-mayocide. That's not even me being hyperbolic or making insults, it's simply a fact.





They are autists. And they are completely irredeemable.


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"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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Hi '/comments/c8k5kx/reddit_auto_removes_the_joe_biden_spoof_campaign/)', im DAD.

Boo fucking hoo.


Who are you??

And yes, but this is pretty legit cope tbh.

not allowed to satirize protected politicians

The redeeming aspect of this: as online publishers and platforms get bolder and bolder about what they memory hole, the AOC stans of today will in a couple years have their ideas fall out of fashion as not radical enough and be retcon'd into having always been Nazi Hitlers.

im so glad a bunch of fags in sf have effectively taken control over like 90% of what i see on the internet

They too issue legal warnings for Pakistan on twitter and Nike censors in the name of the chinese communist party against the Hong Kong protest. Hail corporate siding with every despot no matter how big or petty.

"reeee, social media is no longer letting my fellow rightoids run fake news campaigns on the internet to indoctrinate and bamboozle a bunch of dumb ass boomers."

Pictures of Biden sniffing girls is fake news now

This is your brain on pizzashill

It's not that they're fake, it's they're often hilariously out of context, and for example, the same people reeing about Biden doing shit like that love voting for a guy that was:

A) Accused of walking backstage to spy on models in the nude. He was accused by both underage models and adult models and his campaign denied it and tried to smear them, and then a video of Trump on the radio literally bragging about walking back stage to spy on nude women dropped.

B) Has literally done the same things Biden has done: And this is just of many.

Sorry, social media isn't going to let demented rightoids run around painting false narratives that boomers are too dumb to think about this time. Find a new strategy.

Pizza"gate"shill giving context to 6 year olds getting titty twisters.

Damn it I keep falling for pizzashill bait recently. So annoying.

Itā€™s super fun though.

He's the only person in /r/drama I downvote because he's such an insufferable piece of shit and he can out autism just about anyone. I figure the countdown timer is the only hope we have with him.

I am guilty of downvoting him as well to be honest. I thought he was a troll at first, then I thought he was real, then back to troll. Now that I saw his stupid pic and shit Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s real.

Which makes it that much worse lol

Yeah, he's real which makes it all the worse. Now that darqwolff is banned from here, only lone 'za is left on my "will downvote on r/drama" list

However when I run across him in the wild I always upvote, because god damn it he might be an autistic retard... but he's our autistic retard.

I never got the appeal of watching people play video games, but people like pizza I would love to stick a go pro to and see what the average day in the wild looks like for this guy.

It could end up just being boring and depressing but it also could be ridiculously funny watching him interact with people.

I think it'd be a 16 hour feed of his handler apologizing.

Okay but when daddy does it it's cute

The people that would care about the criticisms made towards Joe Biden wouldn't be voting for Trump you fucking moron. All the criticism is that he is conservative. People would vote for a more progressive candidate instead, not Trump.

Circo your political illiteracy knows no bounds.

Tbf he is successfully milking you pretty well. I think he is confusing Biden having used to hold racist views and being against single payer, as ā€˜conservativeā€™. Iā€™m not sure on what planet Biden is conservative, but heā€™s definitely not.

"used to" the dude was saying black people can't raise kids properly compared to white kids and this is why black people are not as smart along with telling people Obama is articulate for a black guy. He did this in 2007.

Oh wow I didnā€™t hear about that first part. Still, being racist isnā€™t a conservative view, woke ā€˜cultureā€™ and making white people out as the enemy is the same shit as Q boomers being bigots. Being racist in a view held by morons, in general. Thatā€™s how you get a ps type who is general left leaning, but espouses racist views.

Nothing about Pizza is left wing at all.

And people from coastal cities are conservative šŸ¤” šŸæ

She needed to come to WI less, so she wouldn't do heinous shit like this

The point is a common argument made by stupid people is that ground game had some relevant impact on the election.

It doesn't stand up to even 15 minutes of scrutiny, but they run around repeating it all over the internet.

Circo is one of those people. I absolutely dismantled him last time he tried it and he just still kept repeating the talking point well after the fact even though he knew he got put down and had no valid response to anything that was said to him.

The only person that could give Circo a run for his money is dropper.

I know you're physically incapable of not seriousposting, but I was only making a throwaway joke about her pouring a draft beer poorly in a state full of alcoholics

This is weak bait ps, besides I thought yang was the neet candidate šŸ¤”

but drumpf

I'll take the centrists position and say both men belong in a reeducation camp but only one of them is put on blast on Reddit 23/7

Every criticism on the clearly labeled PARODY website is true and sourced. The same criticisms mentioned on the site are getting repeated by his rivals on live televisions debates for the world to see. Is that fake news too?

95% of the shit that comes out of the Trumptard world is fake news.

See: pelosi drunk video.

What was fake on the website? Daily show is right wing fake news?

I have no idea what you're talking about you illiterate moron. I'm talking in a general sense, not even this in specific.

I swear to god circo you're the dumbest person I know.

What was fake on the website?

Simple question. What was fake? Stop derailing.

The site obviously isn't a "news" site either. I doubt pizza actually thought it was a "fake news site", seems like your not seeing the forest for the trees.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

What information provided by Biden is fake? Why are you a pussy that hides from simple questions?

Running away from being wrong, tsk tsk.

I'm honestly baffled at how dumb you are. Let me break this down for you circo.

A) I was speaking in a general sense. I am saying social media is done letting rightoids run their bad-faith smear campaigns, which are often fake news in the first place.

B) the website is riddled with things void of all nuance, context, or any reasonable discussion. It's a smear website, political propaganda, meant to mislead.

I get you don't have the higher thinking skills required to even comprehend what I am saying to you, to even grasp how dumb you are or anything else, but holy shit Circo, you need to seek mental health help.

So for the record, a website is linked and you try to derail by avoiding it to talk about "in general" is that right? And you also think Biden groping women and children is actually fine but simply out of context?

All the complaints made about his voting record and actions have been duplicated by members of his own party. Nothing, literally nothing, on that website is rightoid "fake news" especially considering the complaints are that he isn't progressive enough.

At what point in your life did your hatred of women make you take the political platform of pro groping of children?

Circo, you have a severe learning disability and can barely read. I'm not interested in having this argument with you because I literally do not think you have the cognitive ability to grasp how absurdly stupid you are.

You need to work on your reading comprehension, it's at best 2nd-grade level.

Lol ok. You are wrong and embarrassed šŸ˜‚

You went from incel to literally defending sexually assaulting children caught on video. Oof. Not a good look.

Literally illiterate.

Not really. What does it feel like when you need to dox yourself every time you move because you aren't allowed near children?

Only pedos would defend literally groping children on camera over and over for years in between groping women and being creepy as fuck.

Do you not know how to act around people? It is actually making a lot of sense now on why you have piss bottles in your bedroom and avoid human contact.

Get help before you hurt someone women or children. I don't want to see you in the news.

Lmao, this coming from a guy that supported Donald Trump, someone literally on radio bragging about walking backstage on models after being accused of doing so by multiple underage models.

Guess you're a pedo.

As the only centrist here Iā€™m gonna have to give this one to Circo. Literally nothing on that site is not factual, and defending pedos, is low, even for an incel.

Go down what road? You are just making things up at this point to rationalize pedophilia tendencies on your end.

Simple question, is groping children bad? Why can't you condemn Biden sexually assaulting women and children on camera?

Go down what road? You are just making things up at this point to rationalize pedophilia tendencies on your end.

Gonna pretend you weren't a Trumptard, now?

Simple question, is groping children bad? Why can't you condemn Biden sexually assaulting women and children on camera?

Is groping Children bad? Sure. Did Biden grope childen? No, he didn't. He's a dumb ass old boomer that gets too handsy, that's not groping. Trump on the other hand decided he'd go spy on underage girls behind stage, and you were a Trumptard, therefore you're a pedo.

Definitely sound logic, in full display ^

Saying things doesn't make it true, Pizza. He is literally on video with women and children trying to get away from him while he gropes them.

It is on video.

Nothing about anything on this thread is about Trump. The website also makes clear that Biden is too conservative. This isn't rightoid soon spin.

You need to get over your obsession with my personal politics that you know nothing about. This is just getting weird.

You were a Trumptard, Trump is a pedo.

Therefore you're a pedo.

I'm just using your own logic.

You were a Trumptard

Based on what?

Dude you are sitting in this thread literally defending children being groped sniffed kissed grabbed you name it.

Log off call it a day. Sperging fake news over and over to video proof is fucking bizarre. How did you sink this low?

I'm not going to play this game with you where you deny the past and pretend you weren't a Trumptard.

What game? You have the right to your wrong opinions like defending children being groped on camera, but you don't have the right to your own facts.

You have no proof of anything and you just flail as usual. Shit is sad to witness. Best part is doing it in defense of a creepy segregationist bought and paid for by multinationals lol.

Again circo, I'm not doing this dance where you deny being a Trumptard before.

you're a pedo because Trump is a pedo and you were a Trumptard.

That's just your own logic being used against you.

I accept your concession regardless of how much projecting you are doing in it.

It's ok pedo, better luck next time.

For the record, only you are going around defending groping of children.

I didn't defend anything. I don't even like Biden, but he didn't grope anyone. An old guy being too handsy does not a grope make.

I don't even like Biden I just defend his every fault everywhere I see it because spinning for him is just the right thing to do!


I didn't defend his faults you moron. He's an israeli shill and corporate shill. He's done tons of bad things.

Again, there's a difference between understanding political realities and defending Biden.

Yeah better start repeating your weird understanding of events.

I swear to god Circo you have smoked yourself retarded.

Ya I just checked the site and everything there is factual. Just point out the fake news really quick so we can be advised šŸ¤”

You're literally the only person dumber than Circo on this sub.

Go back to denying climate change and shilling pizzagate and stay out of this.

I just find it hilarious how you consider Circo a ā€˜rightoidā€™, and fancy yourself to be a liberal, while he thinks the exact same thing about you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

This is some major autism, thatā€™s all we know for sure here

Circo is absolutely a rightoid. He's a rightoid larping as leftist on the internet. He can fool retards such as yourself, he can fool the retards of /r/stupidpol, but I know what he is and have had enough arguments with him in which he invokes "race and IQ" to know exactly what he is.

And that may all be true, but do you not see the humor in the fact that he thinks the exact same thing about you?

Heā€™s also pro sanders/Medicare for all, and that gives him better footing to claim being ā€œleftā€.

Pretty amazing tbh. Literally anyone in the world can start a website, and yet not a single conservative-leaning group has managed to make even one popular mainstream website (this is as close as they got).

We've been focused on blue-check "journalists" but maybe we should have been spamming #LearnToCode at all the conservathots and Alex Jones types all along...

We've been focused on blue-check "journalists" but maybe we should have been spamming #LearnToCode at all the conservathots and Alex Jones types all along...

I was telling the boomers at FreeRepublic this 15-20 years ago. Even back then, Democratic Underground was a better looking site, but they'd ban you at the shop of a hat while FreeRepublic would argue with you. Anyway, they were telling me this liberal sites wouldn't last.

If you posted online 15-20 years ago, you yourself are a boomoid

Day of the old age when

I prefer that term boomling, thank you very much. Now get off my lawn, you filthy renter.

The left can't meme, but the right can't code.

Got someone who has been on DU longer than me.

not a single conservative-leaning group has managed to make even one popular mainstream website

It's not fair! You can't get a great website cause your uncle is the Sherrif, or the manager at the hardware store, or because every other website is black! You can't just get born onto land that has great websites in the ground for you to pay others to dig up! It's impossible for a conservative to succeed in these unfair oppressive conditions!

You're their bitch and that is the natural order.

rly makes u šŸ¤”

The same people who cry about Chinese censorship are cheering censoring done by muh private companies.
Internet went so fast from being 'wild west' to widespread censorship being accepted that I can't imagine how it will look like in another 10-15 years.

Then they tell you ā€œcreate your own platformā€ so they do but then they still go and Lobby to get them shut down including by going to every payment provider available and completely shutting them out of the market

The meme that people can just go create their own thing is absolute and utter bullshit. And the left absolutely knows it. Look what they did to Anglin with the stormer. Just like AHS there is more of a push to shut down mean words than actual pedophilia and such. Itā€™s insanity.

It was auto removed from my profile, but I was able to approve it:

It isn't autoremoved.

otherwise we would have to take Saturday Night Live off the air

Wtf I hate parody now

Jesus the DNC is really pulling the leash with 2020 coming up.