Study posted on r/stupidpol about how the left can’t guess the right’s opinions, and vice versa, brave chapo disproves study’s point by saying all republicans want concentration camps. Slapfight occurs

26  2019-07-03 by CapeshitterCOPE


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You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. Study posted on r/stupidpol about h... -,,

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Remember when stupidpol wasn’t going to devolve into the same infighting that happens in literally every leftist sub

Stupidpol seems to have become a haven for weirdos that kicked out of their respective niche weirdo subreddits for not toeing the party line, now its like TERF's who like Bernie (and are kinda racist), trannies that are truscum (and are kinda racist), and poorcels that think if Bernie wins all white men will be guaranteed better paying jobs than their high school bullies and a tradwife (and are super racist)

Basically what happens when you combine Chapo with TiA types and each group assumes the rest of the subreddit shares the exact same opinions.

But lmao @ the "bernie is le racist" meme which is only spouted by woketards. The rightoids in stupidpol don't like Bernie.

I'm a Bernie stan. So are some racists. And while rightoids seethe at the Bern, some people who claim to support him are basically Trumptards but they hate Daddy cuz he richer than them and has probably seen Ivanka naked.

It's strange cause Bernie is pretty woke socially, but he just values class politics a lot.

dae everybody who hates idpol is racist

Stupidpol has huge struggle sessions dealing with rightoids/flirtation with rightoid talking points, I pity the mods over there that do it for free, Isn't Cirque a mod over there as well?




healthy debate

To prove someone wrong, just prove them right

Also that’s a funny “romantic” image for that pol

That place hit autism soon after that dude posted his shitty rant on medium.

I don't get it

Unflaired rightoid at the bottom of the thread, do your job jannie!

:( don't make me do stuff.

You will do stuff and you will do it for free, jannie 😡😡😡

12% off on dems and -2% off on pubs. It's hard to put a percentage up, I'd have gotten perfect if I just had to guess the majority position instead of the exact percent.