PoliticalHumor doesn't appreciate radical centrism 😤

431  2019-07-03 by Quietus42


That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


  1. PoliticalHumor doesn't appreciate r... - archive.org, archive.today

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Where is the r/drama?

The comments where rightoids and leftcels ree at each other.

There is no thread linked. Just the image.

Imagine being this bad at reddit.

Reddit is fun just gives the picture and it's too much work to get the thread.

mobile safari browsing wins yet again

Boost For Android is the superior Reddit app. I don't think there's anything you can do that you can't on Boost.



I'm on RIF too. If you click on the headline, it'll pull up options like share copy save etc. One of the options should be "view original at Politicalhumor"


Imagine not knowing other version of reddit don't give that option.


...Err yeah, Sure.

Plus the meme is based

It's a crosspost so the whole picture will display. Click the "view original at Politicalhumor" thingy.

Strangely enough I do not have that option.

I had that happen before. Are you on mobile?

Nope. This is on web and usually it does show me crossposted content, curious if it's somehow bugged.

Strange. Clear cache/cookies and restart your browser?

i see it. Its depressing.

At least the meme is good though.


here's the link to spite everyone else in here telling you to get good at Reddit like that something to aspire for

Holy seethe.

JuSt GeT GoOd At ReDdIt BrO

Wow that's a lot of butthurt

wow that's a lot of taking a shitpost seriously

I meant in the original thread

oh yeah they angery

The drama is the left-leaning posts (no matter how downvoted) are all visible, while rightoid posts with +24 are collapsed. They're doing it for free in that thread, and they're doing it hard.

Welcome late to the conversation.

You've missed that

  • Some versions of reddit don't actually link to the thread
  • It just links to the picture
  • I've now witnessed the juicy drama.

The Babylon Bee is a right/christian slanted version of the onion. Despite this, it is actually pretty funny and I encourage the sub-human scum who frequent this sub to give it a read.

I enjoy the fact that you are a lib who's able to laugh at things you may not agree with. There aren't a lot of people who can do that anymore right or left.

That's what this sub is for, isn't it? So people from the left and right can come together, united by their love for lolcows.

True. But non boomer right wingers are typically thicker skinned than lefties, so it's often time harder to find common ground.

And yet we do Mashallah.

I mean, never has a sub been more united in hating Harry Potter, "redditisms" and Jannies.


No capeshit hate? Weak.

This is just like when the goblins teamed up with Harry's side to fight the Death Eaters.

The death eaters being magacels of course. The libs are always quibbler readers.

Don't forget pibbles!

And pitties

Thanks for sharing this. And there is definitely no shortage of lolcows on either "side".

We are what clown world honklers merely attempt to be


Those are actually pretty funny. I appreciate any opportunity to make fun of Prots

Babylon Bee is very much on point when they mock religion, when they get into politics or culture it's hit or miss - you get pretty decent shit like this one or this, sometimes it ends up just being a boomer tier bullshit or 10000th joke about AOC being dumb.

I mean I agree but isn't this just dependent on whether you agree or disagree with the politics?

Not really. They're just not very good at making fun of democrats and left, this Beto joke is decent I'd say, I'd say this could be enjoyable if you're a Christian, but many are just overdone and tired, this is a joke even Trump has done many times and he's done it better than this.

Yeah those are pretty tired especially from a satire website.

The AOC one is only funny because it’s true that the media always finds a way to defend her dumb shit.

This is the only place I've seen self-deprecating right-wing Christian humor done well. Good shit

idk i think reddit and comedy central has me burnt out on dude rightoids stupid lmao. those are objectively decent satire titles but im just tired of it now

Satire's been dead since current year. It only works now if it's making fun of itself.

the onion has been getting spicy lately too

The Onion has always been good for the most part, but you can tell they lean left. I like that a publication, that is ostensibly right wing, exists and is also consistently funny.

They’re left leaning with radical centrist headlines, making them based

I've been moreconsistently disappointed in the onion than I expected, but they still do good with clickhole most of the time

I haven't read it in a while but the last Onion headline that made me groan was the Hillary one during the election that was just thinly veiled seething at her unpopularity.

I remember that one too but i think it stands out for how unusually unfunny it was.

Old Onion videos are hilarious. Any Onion fan must watch the entirety of "Porkin' Across America"

I mean the right currently has the world's highest profile tard in the white house

How long until all content mocking Biden mysteriously disappears?

Ive been thinking about checking out its podcast

It has been funny every once in awhile but that graphic in OP is one of the dumbest I’ve ever seen from them

The retardation is thick here.

First time in /r/drama?

I was actually talking about in the posted thread.

How dare you talk about drama in this way.

The retardation is thick here.

/r/drama is full of scholars. Rocket scientists. Chemists. Physicists. Mathematicians. Doctors. Neurosurgeons. Your average /r/drama user has at least a bachelor's; many have a master's or higher. Hell, I personally know two who have multiple doctoral degrees. It takes a certain type of person, one in one hundred thousand, to appreciate bussy like we do. So you can fuck off with saying that we're retarded. We're beautiful.

This bad boy can fit so much autism in it.

You forgot about barbers, lots of barbers here. We are a stylish bunch.

Raise your hand if you wouldn't sell people pies with human meat if you were in the business of selling pies and accidentally came into possession of several fresh human corpses.

unironic chemist here checking in

This is true.

Asking that and not knowing who Milton is


political humor doesn't appreciate humor

Or politics, for that matter.

all material must be in the form of a tweet or it is not suitable

Those people aren’t every humorous

Last one on the left (or right I should say) should read “existence denied by political party” but otherwise good shit

Yeah that's the only panel that I 🙄 at.

That's where the mask slips and you can tell the comic was made by a butthurt rightoid instead of a true radical centrist.

I mean, how many Republicans do you see defending nazis?

They ignore the affinity Nazis have for their party instead

That's different from the left ignoring that commies have an affinity for their party, right?

the left is constantly pandering to the far left commies and progressives

the left ignores that commies have an affinity for their party

Pick one


What a madman

Honestly? Quite a few defended the Charlottesville rally, including quasi support from Trump himself.

imagine trusting MSM and thinking the charlottesville rally had anything to do with nazis LOL

Dude you are still around? Holy shit.

I live here now

lmao look at that utter chinlet. Untermensch doesn't know his place.


Your flair is offensive

Wait, did political humor actually upvote it?

I think it got linked around a lot

I would say do both. They mostly try to deny their existence but when unable to spin around they have to denounce them.

Chapos are getting a little too chummy here lately so this is good for drama coin.

I, for one, welcome our left-leaning overlords.


We are embedded, we are not leaning.

Shut the fuck up Chapo

Never. I have many words, lining up into sentences like crazy. Fuck yourself capitalist serf.

Imagine believing capitalist is an insult. Never change, Chapo.

Oh I know capitalist is not an insult. You wear it with pride. The insult part was in the word serf.

Only a chapo would believe anyone in a first world country is a serf. I knew chapos were shit at history but this is a new one. The funny thing is I don't nearly suck up as much to capitalism, especially when it's shit, as you faggots do to communism.

It's not a matter of belief. Of course you are a serf. Do you really choose how things are decided in your society? Or do you think your vote amounts to anything. Of course you suck up to capitalism, you don't want to have a choice.

Who said I was a communist? It's your insistence in calling me a Chapo making you think of me as a communist? The fact that I comment there? And could it be that in the left there is a spectrum and Communism is but one part of that spectrum? It's not an insult to me. Not even faggot is an insult. About history, care to define what history is, when it started and its relation to Marxist theory?

That's not what the term serf means, but you did show that you're really looking for a more intelligent sounding way to call me a sheep so you don't get made fun of. I'm not currently forced to farm for a lord on his estate in a feudal society, so I'm not a serf. Stop being a retard and trying to use postmodern shit to claim you can just straight up misuse terms that are very well documented and accepted in historical fields.

And you know, maybe people will stop accusing the far-left of being commies if they stopped being commies. There are no syndicalists, old school socialists or non-communist anarchists hanging around the modern far-left. The modern far-left is fucking commies. And I know they're commies because they can't help but only use fucking Marxist theory in all their arguments. I really hate to break it to you, but there are other left leaning arguments besides Marxist theory. Tons of them. Hundreds of years of them.

Thanks for making me seriouspost on drama by the way, retard.

No, I wouldn't call you a sheep. A sheep as no politcal agency. You refuse to have politcal agency in order to free yourself. Its different. For example in the sheep and the slave are repressed from being free, the serf refuses to have a voice or better yet, parrots a discourse with no reflection. Hence you are a serf. You obey a way o being.

Being a communist is not an insult to the far-left. Some in the far-left are communists and others are not. But even if you call someone a communist is still not an insult. The same way you reject the term serf because its definiton, to you, is being reporposed. Like no metaphor, metonymy or any figures of speech right?

You don't really hate to break it to me. Was it stated that marxist theory as the be all of all theory of left thought. But you can't pretend its inexistent or not important. You do know that this... stuff is interconnected right? That thing called history that I asked you about? Like Marx doesn't look down on Hegel, or even Proudhon, (although all of his critique and some mocking). Yes, left thought isn't just marx. But man, have you read Marx? It's good. Very well written and clear. It builds up on Hegel but then goes into stuff that has impact on us, folks, workers, even serfs.

The modern far-left is fucking commies, they're dominated by them.

Well some of us are. Some of us don't mind role playing.

God, this is seriously the most faggoty post on this subreddit that I've seen, and I've seen CAfugees.

Can't reply right, mini minion?

I really don't have the intention to respond to fart sniffing commie re-purposing "you're just a fucking sheep MAN" level arguments with any sort of intelligence. Remember, just because you've chosen to obsess over politics instead of other things does not make you more intelligent and ascended.

My questions weren't about you being this or that. You are simply avoiding it. Do you need me to reiterate?

This is clearly an anti antifa comic lol. Of course PH fucking hates it.

Funny but doesn't say rumpf bad

Having a signed pic by Erwin Rommel would be dope. He is one person that was generally well respected by both sides and was even lauded in the British newspapers as being such a tactful leader in North Africa.

He was given the choice to kill himself after he was part of a ploy to kill Hitler. In many circles, Rommel is considered the founding father of Rad Centrismhes not

Agreed. I would take an Erwin Rommel signed photo any day.

Shame how he killed himself, would've liked to see what would've happened to him post WW2.

He would have been Nuremberged like the rest of them unless he fled to Argentina. Mutual respect for a competent general only extends so far.

He would've been executed had he not

Erwin Rommel the logistics wizard.

He makes supplies magically disappear.

Che gueverra wasn't a dictator

thinks Trump is Hitler 😍

Yeah, if only.

Liking ben shapiro 🤢🤮

wtf have you seen the video where he DESTROYS a hospital full of Palestinian children with BOMBS (of TRUTH)? he's epic and his wife's a doctor

Did he marry his pediatrician?

And his sister has some milkers.

Liking ben shapiro's sister 😤😭

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ KHAZAR MILKERS ♥

Neo-nazis don't like Trump at all lol, they know he's a Zionist.

Also neo-nazis aren't rejected by their party except on a superficial level. Also the dems mostly consist of woke neoliberal/neocon types who don't like antifa at all.

If you think Republicans like neo nazis, than I suggest you lay off the paint drinking for awhile you absolute fucking retard.

I didn't say they like, I said they didn't hate. Republicans aren't neonazis, but they facilitate and align with them.

Lmao. This is your brain on chapo. I live in a read state, and I dont think I've every met another person who is ok with neo nazis. I know that communists are incapable of meaningful thought, but this is ridiculous.

I live in a red state, and I dont think I've ever met another person who is ok with neo nazis.

Again not what I'm beating. I have not stated that people who vote republicans consciously accept or support neo-Nazis.

What I mean is that they don't meaningfully reject them, and facililitate and align with the far-right in rhetoric and policy.

Look we aren't going to ever agree on this, so I'm going to stop. You were a good sport and I'm sorry for being rude to you.

Look we aren't going to ever agree on this, so I'm going to stop.

I'm going to upvote your comment for doing the smart thing then downvote it for not being dramatic.

The far right is correct, why would any person want to reject it?

Not being mentally impaired.

MDEcels downvoting the truth smh

I dont think I've ever met another person

Yes, that's why you're here.

Well, r/frenworld did use T_D user as an insult and the Australian alt right terrorist also said he didn't like Trump's policies

Are you saying that they're not representative of the alt right?

Does anybody even laugh anymore when posting on /r/PoliticalHumor? It basically turned into /r/politics with pretentious memes

Calling trump hitler from the nazi side is an inslut to hitler. Trump is the biggest jew shill



You're not wrong though

Im mexican born in 88


Yeah I have a friend with the same issue. Born in 88 so he put it in his username. Now everyone keeps calling him a Nazi.

Poor gasthekikes88 😢

i was that friend.

Internet Nazis fucking loathe Trump. A lot of them thought he was secretly on their side and was gonna go all exterminatus on the Jews and the rest think that him being in power is delaying the race war

well from trumps pov he needs support of more people.

its a trade. from what it seems to me, he disapoints even the evangelicals.

but if the democrats are still retarded he would win again.

Just checked /r/politics and yup they’re still retarded


Really, Steve King who literally hangs out with Nazis doesnt belong to Republicans. A person belonging to the Nazi party ran under the Republican platform in Chicago.

Someone should fix it.

If I wasn't a mobilecel and lazy I'd do it myself

I think if there were an "alt-right" or "white nationalist" column, us centrists would appreciate it more. I see the stupidity in fighting for nothing, except the representative govt, which is a shill for anything topical, and emotional. To be a ninny fighting for what? Both sides have daddy issues.

Regarding the bottom left panel, [citation needed]

Mods can collapse comments with positive karma?

No they're just retarded

Didn’t think so but what’s the actual reason for them being collapsed

That I don't know.

I'm honestly shocked that the image isn't mostly downvoted. As of now, it's sitting at around 73% upvoted.

It was at zero earlier but maybe there's hope yet

My problem is that this isn't even funny, everything except the bottom left is just a statement of fact.

🐎 ed and 👟 pilled

You know that’s a joke right

The thread got linked and crossposted a few times. It was at 0 earlier

They don’t carry automatic weapons around, do they?

I am become seethe.

By own political party

Remember when American Republicans founded the NSDAP?

By own political party

Remember when American Republicans founded the NSDAP?

Okay this meme is retarded though. “Own political party” lol, antifa are too special and pure for the Dems.

There’s no way the Left thinks Antifa are buncha heroes. They’re pussies who run around in masks because they know their actions are highly illegal.

“Actions” defined as inciting mass hysteria, beating up old people, journalists and anyone who doesn’t agree with their point of view.

Democrats and Antifa hate each other. Otherwise, it’s mostly correct.

I mean, I kind of get their point. The whole meme acts like it's being a "radical centrist" until the very last panel, where they manage to condemn the democrats as being literal terrorist supporters and the republicans as being innocent do-gooders.

The whole point behind a lot of these "centrist" posts is that they're subtle propaganda pieces meant to push people to the right by acting like hahaha wtf are you doing reading a serious post on /r/drama dude bussy lmao

Thanks drama. I posted this last night and was met with downvotes and bitching. Around sometime this morning i see the upvote count going up, I thought that maybe r/politicalhumor wasn't as bad as I once thought...


Then I looked at the comments and saw the term enlightened centrism a bunch of times and I knew it was you assholes.


The mods are hiding comments to the original post. Talk about peak janny.

Oh whoa...whoa what's wrong with Coors?

Found the Nazi