r/news seethes after Navy SEAL and war hero turns out to be innocent

53  2019-07-03 by eleven4for20


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This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. r/news seethes after Navy SEAL and ... - archive.org, archive.today

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I like how the medic says he was doing it as an act of mercy because the Iraqis were going to murder him anyway but reddit is still angry because American soldiers are all evil.

Leading a country means killing POWs.

You know the reason that japs wouldn't surrender and killed so many jarheads fighting to the death instead of just surrendering like would normally occur? Because of the marines own racist take no prisoners policy with regards to japs. They summarily executed like 95% of surrendering Japanese, everyone knew this and that it was retarded to every lay down your life without killing as many racist jarheads as you could. Literally a lot of these battles probably could've been settled with a few thousand deaths on either side and a surrender agreement, but the because of the marines insistence on hunting down and killing literally everyone even after the battle is basically over and you've won, they had to send tens of thousands of racist rednecks back to their families in caskets. Makes me smile when Americas own cruelty and barbarism comes back to bite them, every marine who died hunting down a Japanese teenager who was fleeing long after the order of battle had collapsed, richly deserved their death.

Sorry, I didn't get that. Can you try saying it without Chomsky's cock in your mouth?


Do you lick hapa dick before or after you kiss their boots?

Imagine still cheerleading for the Nippons.

The war ended in like 1945 why tf are you still butthurt

Imagine being upset because big government won’t hang a citizen found innocent of a crime and unironically using the word bootlicker

Dude is as innocent as OJ wa innocent

So completely?

The most delicious cope is always "w-w-well, I, some random rarditer, know better than the legal system and they were guilty!"

Double jeopardy, found not guilty, cope harder please.

Coming from the same rightartds that declared everyone guilty of murder and satanic child rape on the basis of 4chan speculations the irony is as always 100 % lost

When you have nothing, just accuse someone of being a pizzagater


–]diggity_md -8 points 2 days ago Oh right as an alt righter, I'm totally going to believe that Joe Rogan is an ally and was supporting my cause after he hosts a hotep.


LOL, what was that about copeing again?

quoting a hypothetical statement to try and epic dab on the redditor


Cope more lil buddy

Nice postmodernist deconstruction

no hes for sure a piece of shit

Cope that the chad Navy Seal makes an Army faggot like you look pathetic.

His own people hate him, makes sense every one else would too

A sane person accepts that the legal system makes mistakes that have to be accepted from time to time - while understanding that yes, OJ did it.

Yeah but he's cool on twitter now so it's k.

He's not a citizen, he's a rabid dog now with no leash

Pibbles need to be banned across the country

I mean, there is also the randomingly shooting into iraqi villages for fun and the torture and all that stuff

That doesn't actually change the ethics of the situation - or the legalities. This doesn't look good for our boys, tbh.

If the Iraqis were going to murder him let them do so. That's their concern, not yours.

The whole concept of charging your own soldiers with warcrimes is retarded.

Better to do it yourself than to have the international community come and do it for you.

Implying that the international community isn't just Euro whining backed by American force of arms

Implying Euro whining doesn't run the world so it's better to stay out of it's way.

The un bows to the burg

Why the fuck would it be retarded? Letting your troops run wild leads to indiscipline and negative publicity. A soldier who can't do what their told is no better than a bandit and of little use to the officers who have to lead them. Without discipline the unit will turn into a roaming crew of bandits, looters, and rapists. Again, their only job is to do what their told, if you order a troop or to kill someone and the do so anyone, they're useless at their one job and it's a small loss tossing then in prison to improve the discipline of the rest of the unit and their respect for orders and rule of law. The police put rabid dogs down, they're useless as a police tool. Military commanders shouldn't be expected to do any differently. If I had any say this dog would've been euthanized on the spot afterwards, in full view of his comrades to serve as a teaching moment and hopefully lead to improved discipline and respect for orders.

The soldier serves the nation, the nation does not serve the soldier.

I never said they should be able to violate their own laws. I'm saying the law is retarded. Softening negative publicity is what allows the international communities appetite for 20 year occupations.

This wasn't disobeying a direct order. This was "murdering" a combatant who had fired on them earlier.

take this article with a huge grain of salt

Eddie Gallagher's Wife explains why he is on trial

But that is a fascinating read. Even if only half the shit is true, its fucked.

There are entire massive lobbies dedicated to defending war criminals and undermining the militaries attempts to enforce discipline within their own ranks.

The loss in discipline caused by not enforcing war crime laws on your troops is tremendous, it encourages worse and worse violations and insubordination and leads to degrading performance for the unit in question as they stop focusing on completing their orders and instead focus on just using they gun to satisfy their thirst for blood and libido. Winning a battle is about controlling territory and breaking the ranks of the enemy, troops that just focus on their blood lust and lose site of the objective are much less useful from a military perspective.

Americans don't understand this because they've defied the soldier. Literally the dumbest thing in history. Nothing on earth is quite as useless as a soldier that can't even follow orders.

Boy you have quite a vivid imagination!

Why would their be massive lobbies for that? Watermark I get that it’s a bit but please make sense.

Saving for later

Yea an article in Breitbart sourcing the accuseds immediate family is definitely the place to get cold hard facts Hicks πŸ‘Œ

believing anything that comes of of his foid's mouth



America will not punish its war criminals, all troops are possible rapists and murders and there's zero chance they will be held accountable for it. Just a group of undisciplined violent bandits. If you allow these violent bandits into your country your retarded.

Imagine thinking war crimes are a thing

I dont understand what people expect from soldiers.

these guys want to kill someone, and are willing to pull that trigger to do it. soldiers have never been some flower toting bunch but a village torching rape brigade. 1,000 years ago to now its been the same. I dont understand why people think these guys can be progressive human rights spouting humanitarians when they are there to shoot some fucker
