Complete retard commits multiple felonies for internet points.

58  2019-07-03 by Clean_lt_Up_Jannie


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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Complete retard commits multiple fe... -,,

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Here we have a coat hanger machine gun he's made which is a felony. Yesterday he posted a short barreled rifle he built without a tax stamp, also a felony. Retard here decided it was a good idea to do that for a couple memes. The entire subreddit is arguably an ATF honeypot so this is extra retarded.

Lol every comment there reads like it was written under the influence of fentanyl

Weekendgunnit is one of the few places more mentally challenged than drama. They communicate only in complaints and advanced meme-speak.

I actually opened that, saw the picture, and immediately backed out. I’m not letting my dog get shot because I looked at some retard trying to get internet clout lol

you really think you're gonna get v& for clicking a picture of a gun? lol

No. But I know better than to hang in those threads.


Guy could actually have and 02/07 and just be fucking with people. But i doubt it. I know when i had my 02/07 when i would post pics i would get nfa nahtzees telling me all about how i couldnt do x or y. Now im just a lowly 01 and i dont get to do fun things anymore :(

How well would that jury-rigging actually work? Also, doesn't he run the risk of turning his receiver into a fragmentation grenade by fucking around with the firing mechanism?

It works good once you fine tune it a little bit, and the lower receiver experiences almost no pressure from firing so that wouldn't happen.

Here are a couple pictures of how the coat hanger is built and works. One



Article about the guy who invented it

Video by inventor showing how it works.

So basically as soon as your bolt drops it’s pop pop time till your mag is empty and locks to the rear? No control at all?

No, there is a notch on the hammer that the trigger catches when you let it go. Look at the xray picture I uploaded in the bottom right.

No, the hanger acts as a disconnect interrupter but still allows for it to go back into position once the trigger is released. If you took your disconnector out completely, yes it would empty the mag on one trigger pull.

So basically as soon as your bolt drops it’s pop pop time till your mag is empty and locks to the rear? No control at all?

Atf is gay

Hourly he posted it through 7 proxies and tor while in Russia.

OP didn't do shit,

The only thing worse than actually doing it is karmawhoring by pretending you did.

Bitch I’m trolling the ATF, get on my level πŸ’…πŸΏ


Well the 4 FBI agents that came by thought it was funny so fuck you stepper fag.

Now I know you're lying because the alphabet never knocks.

The FBI does. They have class and gotdamned common courtesy. Unlike those ATF bois.

You're not nearly remarkable enough for an ATF visit, at most an entry-level FBI grunt is logging the discord servers you're a part of

Don’t be jelly. We be havin a good ole time. Got invited to the yacht party tomorrow at havasu for the fourth. RO is gonna be there and being tendies for us to pop off in the afternoon. Hookers and cocaine and everything. Tootles πŸ’…πŸ»

you're trying too hard

Perhaps. But you’re still a faggot. πŸ’…πŸ»πŸ’…πŸΏπŸ’―



Sorry about your dog

Pupper’s doin fine. They brought treats and their own Belgian Malinois to play with him. It was a good day. Thanks for the thoughts anyways though.

Oh sorry, you said FBI, not SWAT or ATF. My misunderstanding

Explain for a friend of mine

normal gun: pew

autist work gun: pewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpew

A.T.F comes and shoots puper


I'm gonna need a burger to explain what I'm looking at here.

I already did in another comment but ok retard. The coat hanger he cut up allows the gun to shoot full auto. Which is a felony for everyone but people who manufacture firearms and have paid a tax to do so. The other post I linked in the comments here has him making an AR15 with a barrel less than 16" and a stock, that is also a felony because it's considered a short barreled rifle, which you need to pay a $200 dollar tax to the ATF to legally build. The $200 dollars goes towards a "tax stamp" which is why his title says "no stamp Tuesday" because he didn't do that.

Lol its not even his gun, retard. Neither is the SBR.

Burger drama 😴😴😴

None of this sounds very land-of-the-free at all.

Has this freedom thing been a burger cope all along?πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

it is known

so it seems, so it seems.

shoestrings are a felony in america if placed in a certain spot. Not making this up either.

as this freedom thing been a burger cope all along?


wait is the only requirement paying a moderate 200 dollar tax? that's honestly not that bad

There’s also the nice long wait for the ATF to get around to your paperwork.

it's literally this easy to make a semi-automatic rifle full auto, but somehow it's productive to ban them anyway

Bent some coat hanger into a shape that when placed in the action of an AR-15 allows it to fire fully automatic rather than semi auto. Very very illegal.

What can I say? Shall not be infringed wasn't a suggestion.

Tfw my neighbors nuclear reactor melts down and gives me AIDS. -football man STANDS-

Sorry bud, but that tone you're taking violates the NAP, so my recreational nuke is going up your butt. πŸ˜”

Send it daddy I'll take that explosion like a champ




No right in the constitution contains explicit exceptions but almost always they are considered to have reasonable limits when the exercise of that right begins to infringe on the rights of others. Your argument is retarded, there are limits to free speech and even the practice of religion (despite the equally absolute sounding "shall make no law"), but alone the 2nd ammendment apparently had to be interpreted in an autistic and pedant manner to the point where you have a right to nukes or something. Get a fucking life.

Lol call me autistic all you want. Its true.

There's really no limit to free speech, but ok if you say so, it must be true because again I'm the autist here, not you.

It's not the second amendment alone that's being interpreted, it's letters to and from the founding fathers being interpreted where they make their stance of the matter very clear.

I too like to equate fully automatic weapons and SBRs to nuclear weapons for that is clearly logical.

Society has no responsibility to respect a law that condemns it to death anyway.

Maybe it's my extra chromosome but idk what this means.

What is your favorite flavor of leather?

You must have forgotten the first 3 letters "A well regulated".

Those are words, but what about "A well regulated"?

Imagine thinking a bent hanger should be used for anything other than Alabama abortions

Can any fentanyl American explain to me how the coat hanger baptizes a school approved gun into a no-no gun, please?

normal gun: pew

autist work gun: pewpewpewpewpewpewpewpewpew

A.T.F comes and shoots puper

basically he made a part that would otherwise be made of stamped metal from a coathanger, which restores full-auto capability to an AR-15. It's only good for whacking yourself off at the range and doing mass shootings.

Are there weekendgunnit posts without multiple felonies in them?

The porn maybe

Man I love weekendgunnit gonna be sad when it's banned

Ok the RIP pupper memes are pretty funny tbh

ATF did nothing wrong

Take yer swing

Amurrican niggas be like

"Yeah I love freedom! Freedom to die for our greatest ally!"

Rip doggo

Felowhat?! No Italian food tonight, it’s fajitas night πŸ”₯🍩


Homemade auto-seer has arrived