Male feminists debate if you should let women continue throwing punches at you

63  2019-07-03 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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  1. Male feminists debate if you should... -,,

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I've seen plenty of women smash dudes in whether they are shorter or not.

Also doesn't stop them going for a bottle or something if they can't get the punches in, Some women can be as feral as the small guys.

Nah dude it's better to just do nothing than show them their place in food chain.

i respect this. never acknowledge your foes existence.

I didnt know you were a jedi master

Punches don't counter punches. If a child is mad at me, I'll hold their head at arm's length. If someone my size but weaker wants to go, I'd just grab their wrists and call for assistance. Equal strength? Grapple. Stronger than me? I'm running.

This is how you know this person never fought anyone in their life.

Other than toddlers.

If you can't cause women to give up immediately due to your overpowered man pheromones and beg you to sleep with them then you're not really a man.

Based and Chadpilled

Besides, holding the head doesn't work, they have hands and that's enough to pinch and scratch that you'll let go.

This dude haven't fought even a fetus.

This guy would get his ass kicked trying to perform an abortion, by the baby! (The baby is also a human life)

Life begins at conception

Keep on cruisin Chet 👍🏻

lmao at grabbing their wrists. Literally the most useless thing you can do in a fight

This is what happens when the only fights you ever get in are with your little brother who's 5 years younger than you lol

This is one of my biggest gripes about reddit. They give advice and condemnation as if they have experience but it's just recycled knowledge from what they've seen on sitcoms.

The redditor take: women are literally children and should be treated exactly the same way in most situations.

There is a roughly 1,000% chance these guys get off on having the shit kicked out of them.

So... mod them?

You don't think there's a difference in strength between male and female teenagers?

Aren't they the ones saying that there are no diffirences?

Well who can keep up? What i know is they are retarded and should be gathered and put in a retarded ranch.

When weakness aid women, women are weaker than men and you should treat them with kid's gloves; when it doesn't women are as strong/good, or stronger/better, than men and don't need no man. In any regard, you are a sexist either way.

I'm all for solving disagreements with minimum force and shit but idc if its a 4'11 midget, if you punch me you're getting knocked the fuck out. People don't realize how dangerous punches can be

Lol yeah, I wonder if these dickless retards think I should be able to slap Mike Tyson with no repercussions.

The back of ones hand, with significant speed, should be sufficient to discourage the further violent protestations of lady folk

That teenage girl could put 75% of these guys in the hospital

Q: What do you say to a bitch with two black eyes?

A: You shouldn't have to, she's already been told twice

the dudes all thought it was hilarious when Ogg told that joke for the first time to the other cavemen.

simpler times

My take is that 'don't hit women' comes back from the days when there were no divorce or social services. so the best people could do was teach their sons not to knock their wives around. it should never have been meant to imply that a woman can start throwing punches without a dude doing what it takes to make her stop. tho, I guess people do have to keep in mind it's easier for a guy to hurt a woman, so maybe try to keep themselves out of trouble by not flat out decking a woman.