YouTube comes out in support of Radical Centrism™ and bans a Leftoid video for hate speech.

85  2019-07-03 by Ghdust2


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. YouTube comes out in support of Rad... -,

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Oh well shit he got one whole historian to write the video with him. It’s impossible that anything in the video could be inaccurate

love that people think being an academic removes all bias. where do they think the "racism against white people only counts on shrove tuesday" things come from

True and that some fields become so corrupted that they are practically worthless.

Racism is irrelevant. Whether we're racist or not to eachother, we have different cultures and generally prefer "our own" people just because humans are lazy and prefer just being comfortable by default.

Better think about where "trannies are normal people and don't need therapy" came from, because this is making me seethe more than unironic "kys".

I agree. I am confused about why people don't understand racism is a natural emotion. It's literally part of our biological drive. It's a different flavor of tribalism, nothing weird about it. Stay with those who are similar to you, avoid those who aren't.

The thing is, the way in which we decide to express this tribalism is where the moral dilemma comes in. We either take away all the tribalism and end up an identityless, meaningless mess of diversity or we take it all the way to 11 and we start killing those who look different from us.
As with all things in life, radical centrism wins moderation is key. We need to understand that tribalism has positive and negative aspects, and that we should take all the positives while trying to minimize the negative ones.

Also hot take: Without racism or tribalism, we would all be fucking animals. As in, having sex with species other than humans.

P.S.: Yes, this is a seriouspost. Sue me.

The whole premise of his video is shit anyways. Which is "Jordan Peterson gets nazism wrong!" - video by a neet and a historian. Missing the point that JBP is has lectured for decades on the psychological context of how people resort to authoritarian regimes, such as nazism.

Lobster man is incredibly stupid, so supporting his ideas with the fact that he's been spewing stupid ideas for decades doesn't really help him.


How's your all meat diet going lobster boy?

Ask your mom how her meat diet is going

Amazing come back from someone that needs to be told to make their bed as an adult

PHDs also don't mean anything if it's against the opposers morals. Try showing them research that there's no conclusive gay gene, or racial genetics like bone marrow or trans anything. Doesn't matter if it was peer reviewed and written by 5 centrists with PHDs, doesn't fit my world view? Later INCELLLLLL

Bye felecia incel!

I see Google is making big investments in DramaCointm.

Stocks in dramacoin are going up up up. ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

Robots aren't smart enough to be moderators.

Neither are centrists

Can confirm.

(Was a Internet moderator for 12 years; centrism was our team's greatest mistake)

Oh sweetie there was a mistake but I don't think you've properly identified it yet.

That's some quality S E E T H I N G

Wtf I love youtube now

three arrows is fucking retarded. Im glad hes getting the treatment he has supported in the past to be done on people whom he opposes.


as usual the ITS OK WHEN WE DO IT! meme applies.

Hi Dan, thanks for tagging us. We passed this along to the team and, upon a further review, it was confirmed to be an incorrect takedown. The video is now back up. Let us know if you need any additional help!

Twas quick.

Rightoids SEETHING

Hi Dan, thanks for tagging us. We passed this along to the team and, upon a further review, it was confirmed to be an incorrect takedown. The video is now back up. Let us know if you need any additional help!

YouTube only LARPing at Radical Centrism

Can't wait for liberals to find out that hate speech doesn't exist.

TBH that Nazi video was one of his actual good ones.

All the tards here not realizing that the video was taken down by mistake because it had the word nazi in it and is now back up.

Time for a "YouTube doesn't understand Nazism" video

I'm beginning to think they may actively support it


Pictured: Reichsparteitagsgelände II, Electric Boogaloo