Husband has vasectomy. Foid takes birth control behind husband’s back. What’s the reason for taking birth control? Could there be ulterior motives? r/relationship_advice discusses

95  2019-07-03 by JackbootsAtTheDoor


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  1. Husband has vasectomy. Foid takes b... -,

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Why the fuck would you have a vasectomy at 25 lol. I mean yes it’s reversible, maybe you don’t want kids. But you fucking wife is already taking birth control ffs lol

Honestly its best to ask her so you can gauge her reaction also kids are trash idk why this idiot is married if he got cut and not fucking bitches everywhere

What reaction do you need? If I get prescribed a medicine the first thing I usually do in a relationship is call my significant other(who will know I’m sick/had a docs apt/check up, etc) and say “well babe they gave me a antibiotic for my cough, no booze for 2 weeks”

Let me put it this way. Do you think my foid should ask me whatsup and gauge my reaction if she finds condoms in my glove box?

The fact that she has the gall to ask you anything shows that she has forgotten her place and needs to be stoned clearly you're a weak husband and can't treat your wife right

When she’s just my girlfriend she gets the switch instead of rocks.

You're too merciful. 🙄

When she’s just my girlfriend she gets the switch instead of rocks.

The fact that she has the gall to ask you anything shows that she has forgotten her place and needs to be stoned clearly you're a weak husband and can't treat your wife right

The fact that she has the gall to ask you anything shows that she has forgotten her place and needs to be stoned clearly you're a weak husband and can't treat your wife right

The fact that she has the gall to ask you anything shows that she has forgotten her place and needs to be stoned clearly you're a weak husband and can't treat your wife right

The fact that she has the gall to ask you anything shows that she has forgotten her place and needs to be stoned clearly you're a weak husband and can't treat your wife right

Do you think my foid should ask me whatsup and gauge my reaction if she finds condoms in my glove box?

I mean depends on the expiration date tbh

Wife did that to me like a year ago. Found this old ass condom and confronted me about it. Shit looked fucked from riding in the corner of some bag for a couple years. I just kindof held it up to her, was like "really?" and laughed.

Ya if it’s like that no problem. I live by a really simple rule in relationships now that I’m actually looking to settle down. I didn’t care much in my early 20’s because it everyone is just having fun. But now if it looks fishy and smells fishy, 9/10 times it’s fish.

Your old condom is one of those “oh fuck” when she first sees it, but after 2 seconds of rational thought it’s easily not fishy. But fuck has that policy saved my ass. Last year was really starting to like a girl, we met through work(client of different department) and so she would always be by my office I lived by. So when we started hooking up always stayed with me, great, no sweat. It was weird though, she had happened to move into this awesome 2 story loft in a building I wanted to move into, and I remember thinking “how the fuck between the car and this does she afford this shit” since she was the equivalent of a team leader and I was a department head.

So we keep dating, go to dinner by her place, I come over, but she says she has maintenance coming early so I can’t stay. I’m actually pissed bc she stays at my place all the time and I now have to Uber 30 miles but whatever, we had been having a ton of storms and her story about appt windows needing to be resealed added up. Anyway, few days later I’m leaving a meeting right by her apartment, get a flat, and go to the discount tire across the street to fix it. She offers me to change and shower since I ruined my suit changing my tire. When I’m in there I quickly notice something tucked in the corner that wasn’t there last time(she was still moving in) a forest green ammo box. So I asked her what guns she had. She said none, asked her what that was and pointed to it. INSTANTLY her face Went white and she broke down, admitted she lived with her bf etc. people are fucking shady, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to catch them.

I've known more coherent downies.

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I know bud, I’m bored at work

post quarterly report

Trappy I have already posted me minus face and where I live. I’m not losing my job for drama.😘


lol wagecels

The only reason I’m a wagecuck is my degenerate lifestyle demands it. You can drown yourself in drugs, booze and women if you are poor, just not any a cultured UES Mayo like myself would want.

lol trustfundlets

I am part of the DDF, but only my actual daddy! Thanks for letting me borrow one of the boats this weekend 🤤🤤🤤

I enjoyed this story dont let bitchy long lost bot get u down bb 🤗🤗🤗

Ty cutie

My ex pulled that shit with me before. Told her to look in the pockets of my gym bag, backpack, in my wallet and few other places. I'm down to have kids some day but for now I always make sure I got some rubbers.

You ask to have the confrontation.

Right I agree. These people defended me and my loved ones from genocide.

Communists want to willfully evict me from my home(genocide) against my will.

If I resist I will be jailed or killed. Any action taken against communists is self defense thanks to the paradox of tolerance.

I'm going to have to ask you lay off the fent.

Now you want to reallocate life saving medical care. Fucking disgusting.

Sir, calm down. You're in a safe place.

Thank god. Phew. Let me just find this fucking vein

lol imagine never having children and warping their minds with ur weird dad memes

The "just talk to her" people aren't married, or even in serious relationships. They think it's totally normal for cohabiting couples to not know mundane details about each other, including that one partner is having "hormonal issues" and the dermatologist prescribed BC.

I was going to say this. Ignore the 3 different ex’s I lived with. I used to know everything both female roommates I had where fucking doing. These people are either completely ignorant or used to lying

all the people who comment on relationship subs I guarantee have never had a relationship last longer than 6 months, if they ever had one to begin with

so probably the first

implying anyone on Reddit has every had a relationship

Oh my sweet summer child...

Hey, I resent that comment. Okay, sure, I might be single right now, but I've had a number of long term relationships in my lifetime. It's not my fault the girls always kill themselves once they realize they'll never escape the basement.

No it's easier than that they are women doing nonsense

Why the fuck would you have a vasectomy at 25 lol. I mean yes it’s reversible, maybe you don’t want kids. But you fucking wife is already taking birth control ffs lol

Because I don't want kids or child support payments and family court doesn't care if "they said they were on the pill tho".

Then wear a condom or pull out lol.

imagine having sex this bad

imagine having sex

Nice try

Have sex

busy right now but 2night prbly 👍

Imagine using the reproductive act for unusual means then being upset it worked.

it worked

it didn't tho

cause snip

In my humble opinion, I think we should be selectively banning MAGAtards.



I'm talking about you specifically.

I hope I don't need to explain why, if I do, it just proves it objectively, get out.

wouldn't be a problem if you chose bussy instead smh


When a guy has a couple of kids at 25 and doesn’t want anymore. It’s not that unusual.

If he has kids sure lol

Because the bull decided he

dude got cucked so hard he got snipped

I mean yes it’s reversible

It's not really a reversible procedure, it's possible that you can reverse it but that's a risky use of vasectomy and a lot of time you will stay sterile.

You could just say - "hey, i was looking for ibuprofen and I found birth control pills in your bag. Are you okay or do you want to talk about it?"

The absolute state of r/relationship_advicels 😂😂😂

Reddicide when?

Not soon enough

sweetheart, you seem to be riding other cocks, do I have permission to discuss this with you?

Based and cuckpilled

a warning: you don't want your wife to be getting strange from just anywhere because that's how you get G-men at your door asking about the newest bull and his ties to al-shabaab

source: this happened to me

I love this bit FYI

Foid is cheating. If she had a legitimate reason for the BC she would have made sure her husband was well aware of it to mitigate situations like this. That subreddit is tarded.

That assumes she is a rational actor, which can't be assumed in this case.

True. I did not take into account the irrational nature of foids.

found in her travel bag

already knew then she was cheating

If she was actually smart she would be cheating but fake a medical need for needing the BC.

This. Period control or something like that would make sense but she probably would've told him.


GPs prescribe birth control for acne and irregular periods.



Or just someone that was prescribed the pill in the exact scenario as the post but still ended up pregnant!



Then why did the husband not know about it?

Imagine thinking periods are supposed to be regular all the time

Irregular can be heavy bleeding every two and half weeks and you end up with anaemia.



Sure, but why would she keep it secret? C'mon now...

Just because you’re married or in a relationship doesn’t entitle the OP to know absolutely everything about you. Some partners in relationships freak out when they get told you’ve been prescribed antidepressants, hormone therapy, sleeping tablets and so on. They also use your prescribed medication as a way to gain the upper hand in disagreements.

I'm not a marriedcel, but if I was I would definitely tell my partner if I was taking antidepressants. What kind of marriage is it if I feel the need to keep such a thing secret?

Might as well get divorced anyway if there's so little trust.

"oh yeh babe I just use condoms to jerk off, less mess you know. why I didn't tell you and why they are in my glove box? well you don't need to know everything"

imagine being this dumb

The condom is your GF.

"I just use condoms to jerk off, less mess you know"

the condom is your gf

did you just unironically become so woke you manage to come to the best conclusion of all time, I agree with this assessment 100%

You just said that you got pregnant when on the pill...

Imagine being a retarded foid who cannot get on pill properly, then suggests fucking foids.

Nice try but I have a brain.

Flashlight literally feels about the same if not better, doesn't whine, doesn't get pregnant and doesn't give shit advice.

Also condoms are way better than anything you could do, cease.

Imagine being on drama of all places and believing what you read. 🙄 Go home you’re fucked

Our sub isn't an excuse to be a brainlet.

It's not irony to admit that you're brain dead.

I wasn’t before but I am now after reading your weak attempts at some sort of commentary. 😴

Literally any sus foid behavior can be explained away using crazy psycho logic. If you're with a person that freaks out when you're on easily explainable medication the whole thing is kaput anyways. How retarded are you?

You’ve just replied to a comment on Drama. You hoping for a dicklet measurement?

Sweety you just posted multiple paragraphs worth of defenses for a fictional hoe that only make sense if you're on dangerous amounts of fent.

She may be a fictional hoe but the actual scenario of shit like that happening is fucking real.

Duh. Still pretending that hiding birth control use is something normal in a healthy relationship is extremely crazy.

Full term abortions is the only birth control needed.

This has confirmed for me that you're simply mentally ill.

You need to take another line. You’re crashing hard.

This has confirmed for me that you're simply mentally ill.

Only because foids like you exist.

Cope more

There's nothing to cope with.

What’s it like being such a dumb cunt

Wouldn’t know. But you sound like a someone with experience.

All my experience with dumb cunts comes from taking to you


No u


Speaking of faggots, isn't what whores like you constantly drool over?

90% of thread outcomes on /r/relationships, /r/relationship_advice and especially /r/amitheasshole are explained perfectly by the women-are-wonderful effect. A woman has to literally be caught with a dick in her mouth for any of these boards to consider that she might be in the wrong.

The other day on AITA there was a woman from a rich family who wanted to offer a refugee man marriage, because if he marries her, his family will not have to worry about money ever again.

She is a good person.

Of course she is, she has a vagina.

Actually, you know, the vagina was never confirmed, so we'll withhold judgement for now.

Troids are the worst kind of person.

A woman has to literally be caught with a dick in her mouth for any of these boards to consider that she might be in the wrong.

But then again, just what was he doing (or not doing) that forced her to find other avenues of companionship?

The smart move is to just continue business as usual with weekly STD tests. When you finally catch something, then and only then should the possibility of cheating be considered

Yeah, this is good advice if you're a pathetic retard.

Yikes at this toxic masculinity

Smart move is to leave the foid.

Thats extremely possessive and jealous. What if its just a test?

Anyone who would "test" their partner like that deserves to be single.

Not to project, but you might want to get some relationship counseling if you're this insecure.

Lmao bait harder.

Honestly, I agree with them, you really need to send the food to get checked out in white room just in case.

Lmao the first edit and then the second where he is close to offing himself hahahaha

Where are all these naive guys with no backbone coming from? Imagine if his wife was like “uhh yea totally it’s for medical reasons” the poor guy would totally believe her bc of reddit simps.

Where are all these naive guys with no backbone coming from?

Behold, the plebbitor.

Unfuckable dudes lack self-esteem and don't think they can get another girl so they will bend over backwards for any that will touch their penis.

If your wife convinces you to get a vasectomy at 25 then you deserve to be cucked.

i'll be getting a vasectomy within the next year (24) because of a horrible genetic disorder that runs in my family that i have no intention of passing on to any unwilling children

really the only acceptable reason to do it so young


I'll never have kids, I don't have vasectomy done yet, but I definitely will get it done before 30.

There's no single foid that will change my mind about it. If I'll really become desperate, I'll adopt a boy and raise him alone.

That's also very fucking unlikely, considering I'm not just indifferent to children, I literally and unironically hate them. Why the fuck would I ever get one? On top of that, growing up without mother must be traumatizing even if it's not as bad as without a father. Why would I ever want a kid to suffer? I hate them, but I'm not a foid to unironically abuse someone with no qualms about it.

Women in general? Why would I want to put up with one? I have everything I need or want as it is right now and if anything, living with someone else would be nothing but a fucking chore, add kids and I'll be coping with a rope pretty fast.

There's simply nothing another person could add to my life by living with me, that they couldn't do by simply being a friend and minding their own shit at their own house.

And that's not good enough reason to snip "that early" right?

I'd rather get prostate cancer and die than hear "I'm pregnant". Who the fuck can be so fucked in the head to be happy about that?

inb4 "your parents brought you into this world blah blah", not really, they stopped being excited about me before I could talk and realized what mistake they made to ever have kids when my 2nd sister turned 4, I was 12.

Kids are a massive pain in the ass and if you think that it would be cool to have a kid, you should buy a pit bull and fuck off, you faggot.

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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New pizzashill alt??? 🤔🤔🤔

Not sure if I should be flattered or concerned.


Foids are the one subject pizzashill is right on.

Literally everyone and their mother knows that foids are cancer.

If you love pizzashill so much, why don't you marry him?

Hey man trust me it’s really not that bad being a manlet you don’t need a vasectomy

We should just rename /r/relationship_advice to /r/cuckolds_advice, because they aren't even pretending they aren't siding with cheaters anymore. I think they even enjoy it a bit.

Assuming this story is true (it's not), the fact that she didn't have the pills on insurance proves she's cheating.

"EDIT 2: she is likely cheating...why is this happening?"

because y'all are child-free weirdos and god has punished your sinful lifestyle

Based and divinepilled

Praise the lord.

Relationship Advice is a favorite of mine when I want to see men being shit on. Even after the OP updated that the wife is probably cheating and she said she doesn't have a reason to take BC there are still people saying "her body, her choice" and that the OP has no right to be angry.

When a woman goes off birth control she begins to feel a greater attraction to men with higher testosterone levels. On the pill, they are more attracted to gentler and less aggressive mates.

Perhaps she is taking birth control to hold on to her attraction to such a weak man.

Based and dual-mating-hypothesis-pilled

People that have themselves mutilated over their unnatural desire to not have children are weird to me

Having children is an instinct and humans are above instincts.

You're either baiting or don't have kids and have no clue how much they weigh you down.

And if you enjoy having kids, you're a normie who has no desires in life, as you unironically enjoy being locked down with kids.

Wtf is this comment section. So what he doesn’t want kids.
