Apparently TD mods are more likely to go-to the Whitehouse to meet Trump than NFL or NBA champs. Who says we do it for free💁🏼‍♂️

39  2019-07-03 by AnnArchist


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The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. Apparently TD mods are more likely ... -,,

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I hope this means that Daddy tweets about the quarantine

i hope daddy declares a cyber war on china, forcing all manufacturing to switch to server production so that we can unleash the mother of all ddoses

e: oops wrong thread

Okay that too

Imagine daddy being the last great protector of free speech unironically

Especially considering he himself is rabidly anti-free speech.

Imagine thinking daddy wants anybody to tell him what he can and can’t include in his retarded boomer toilet speeches

Trump is rabidly anti-free speech lol.

We heard you the first time we just don’t care

Yeah but he's anti-free speech.

Nuh uh

I guess wanting to remove citizenship from people that burn the flag and "open up libel laws" isn't anti-free speech.

That’s not true I’ll need sources for that.

Those sources are obviously fake. Everyone knows theweek is liberal propaganda. Seriously you can’t even find sources that aren’t liberal propaganda.

Nice screenshot of his tweet, which is obviously fake. I would only believe you if you found the actual link to the tweet.

Get out of here.

can’t even provide accurate sources what a literal retard.

Cite me one time when anybody gives a shit

Literal elementary school level bait.

Not all powermods are unemployed. For some, controlling thought on reddit is their job.

This should be fun to watch them doxx themselves on live TV while trump once again rambles about things he doesn’t understand.

Lol this is 100%the reason I haven't leveraged my Reddit handle. These guys gonna get so much IRL hate for this

I think theyre already exposed themselves, ik one of them has a patreon with his face and name. Theyre boomers, you think they care about anonymity?

No doubt President Trump occassionally lurks here and receives regular reports of our memes.

No he doesn't lol

They have this weird fantasy where Trump is one of them, they had it on 4chan too.

At one point a bunch of them were claiming Trump himself was Q sending orders to his "meme armies" via the internet.

And that whole shooting up a pizza shop because some twat on the interwebs told another twat they had all the pedos in there is just the worst optics.

Ah yes, because the pizza shop got shot up. The story isn't just that some moron went in there with a gun, it's that it actually got shot up.

When do I get my invite to the White House? I crushed cultural barriers.