User claims gayming is a waste of time, and SRD loses their minds

45  2019-07-03 by -Mopsus-


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Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. User claims gayming is a waste of t... -,

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completely based

gamer-cide when?

I want to ping that guy to tell him how wise he is.

Proud of you, son.


Yo this loser is proud of you 🙄



I do all kinds of cool shit, and now I have actual real world skills.

You're on Reddit, dude.

Srdine lacks selfawareness shocking

I'm REALLY good at Reddit, though.

The absolute seethe of sardines to put that man at -232. I was expecting some kind of death threat or fatwa issued when I saw those digits but this a -4 comment at best.

This is what most srdines believe tho they're shitting him because this is poop tier bait

Someone told him to kill himself. That's pretty close.

Don't worry. I didn't do it.

They hated him, because he told them the truth.

I honestly didn't even read it. I'm sorry. Which is better? to give 1 or 2 GOOD replies, or give like 100 bad replies? I went with the latter.

Hes good.

Are you American? I am. American's aren't fucking interesting. I've traveled the world. I speak 3 languages and not some easy spic shit. I'm well cultured when it comes to books & literature, I'm in shape and do lots of outdoorsy shit. I'm also a former championship gamer and have dated girls of all races. Don't get it twisted, I don't think any of this is shit to write home about, but most people in this country do not do shit with their lives. With the exception of my accomplishments in gaming, I don't think there is anything special about me and yet every single person I meet can't even bring themselves to read a fucking book.

new snappy quote pls

Do you want to hang out?


>5 hours ago

Damm he struck a nerve. May Allah rid us of the g*mer menace

Reason they're so mad is because they're looking in the mirror. That is very much a SRD-level comment, but it attacks them personally and they hate it.

Just look at these comments

SRDines are getting a taste of their own smugness and they attack him the same way anyone sane attacks SRDines.

What's with this weird anti-gamer rhetoric going around lately? It's like a level below anti-vaxxers and flat earthers.

The SRDine is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a snowflake, pussy, beta, shill, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a butthurt gamer and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

SRDines SEETHING after hearing the truth.

Gaming for a hobby is like saying your proud of watching tv as a hobby

Fucking srdines are snarky conceited fuckboys

Odd, SRDines usually hate video games with a passion.

No they hate problematic "gaming culture" while calling themselves the good kind of gamers.

lmao, witness the SRDine in its most pathetic form

god i wish we could ping these retards

see this retard doesnt understand how crappy the world is with... internet. if we didnt have internet then the world would be so much better.

SRDine g*mers absolutely blown the fuck out. It's over.