History Youtuber makes a video saying that games that force players to be Nazis or Terrorists will lead into Society accepting both. 1:3 Like Ratio and is getting absolutely shit on in comment section.

174  2019-07-03 by GoogMastr


This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


  1. History Youtuber makes a video sayi... - archive.org, archive.today

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That's a vidyo gayme tuber not a history one

He is Primarily History but makes Vidya videos once in a while

Bro you either are a history youtuber or a gaming youtuber. Guessing by this video he’s a gamer pretending to know history

Yup. Started out as a gaming youtuber but started doing history as a side-gig when they did a series on the Punic Wars for that sweet Total War promotion money.

Lmao Extra Credits went full retard.

Two of their staff assaulted foids lol. Male feminists: not even once

Assaulted, or 'assaulted'? I remember them having some dude with a voice emulator, not this dude. Suppose he was one of them.

It was the writer and some other jabroni

Bronies are usually sexual deviants.

Nah that guy left.

James Portnow, one of the main folks behind writing it and a teacher at a game design school, was accused of some heinous shit by a former colleague who worked on EC for breaking up with him. Thank you, male feminist. Very cool!

I don't really understand the rules of progressive cancel-culture to a T, but usually this would sink anybody in leftist circles, yet the dude evidently didn't get the kick. Did he just have too much clout in the community, or what?

This is just what happens when 'Us vs Them' becomes your life. You pretend you're all perfect and on the right side of history. May Allah let them see the light of centrism.

Are you telling me the loudest virtue signalers are usually just trying to hide their own improprieties?? Unbelievable!

Assholes are always more trustworthy than "nice guys". "Male feminists" are always rapists. It's camouflage for when they get caught creeping they can backpedal with "but I believe all women! I'm on your side!"

It's why men don't trust them and women keep these types at arms length. Everyone already knows this, you just aren't allowed to call it out.


They get featured on /r/badhistory fairly regularly for saying something stupid in a video

Idc if they're historically accurate or not. They're pretty entertaining.

Bruh who the fuck is downvoting in drama.

This shit is some smuggie material.


Dude they argued that we would litterally run out of internet in the air


This comes eerily close to a Spirit Science video.

Youtube infotainment continues to actively rot the brains of anyone watching.

I used to watch their stuff years ago but stopped when it started to get super preachy and wildly misinformed. Over time you could tell they were going to dunk their heads in the kool-aid barrel. It was just a question of when.

It used to be genuine game design talk. Now it’s just them repeating “understand your players” over and over again.

Like 7 years ago.

Wait, didn’t the head of EC rape a girl?

Yes, James Portnow, the guy who does the writing

and the raping!

It’s true. I accept Nazis because of Nazi Zombies. CoD ruined me 😔

If video games are culturally important then please just end me now

I would’ve said they’re their own subculture like 3 years ago Milton, but Fortnight Alex, and Ninja really changed thing. But don’t kill yourself your first day as janny you worked so hard

Hold me now.

I’m 6 feet from the ledge and I’m thinking

Maybe 6 feet....ain’t so far down

Pussy if you dont

you thinking of taking the plunge brah

Its not.

In any case You have to fall specifically head down, to snap your neck and cause enough brain damage.

At this height, you might end up in wheelchair.

Please, if you ever try to kill yourself by jumping off of something, do not do it before skydiving and learning how to fall head straight down.

Hopefully, you will enjoy life again by then instead of jumping off from at least 5th floor (still risky).

Games being art is such a 2011 Funnyjunk take.

They are.

They cause you to enjoy raping babies (idk a game where you can rape a baby, but you can rape a girl in rapelay, with her mother too, if you're incel, you will enjoy this).

They also cause you to become gay. There's such game called TF2. One character who is black says "if I weren't the man I was I'd kiss ya", literally homo in denial. That's enough to make little boys to question their homosexuality. They Google gay porn, try to jack to it, and then once they get off, it feels good and they start believing that they're gay.

There's also games that objectify women and dehumanize people in general, GTA V is just a world where you can rape women, kill everyone you see, and even snort cocaine off a hookers ass, if you don't see a problem with this you probably should be on a death row right now, you're fucking sick.

Most importantly, there's games that have magic in them... Your son will go straight to hell for heresy, just what's your problem?

Computers are made by the devil to ruin children from the very young age.

I have no anecdotal evidence that games can make you a tranny, but I played portal and portal 2, when I looked into a portal and saw my reflection I thought I felt kinda cute tho, so idk, it might be cool to grow some real boobs and cut out a hole.

And now, they also make you a Nazi.

You're a disgusting paedophile, rapist, misogynist, serial killer, drug addict and gay, you might also try becoming a tranny to hide everything fucked up about you, especially that you're gay, and on top of all that you're a Nazi. I would love to take you out of your misery, but that would be act of violence.

It never began for livecels.

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Stop objectifying people.

Guys I played Siege and now I can’t stop blowing up rooms full of hostages SERIOUSLY FUZE WHAT THE FUCK

Did you play siege or an extremist book like Mien Kampf or the Quran or The Hunger Games?

this made me a buddhist because surely jack thompson has just killed himself and reincarnated as a brainlet youtuber

He did, but as Canadian-American female with Armenian parents.

I long for the days of Mass Effect being a sex simulator and the people in favor of moral restriction on video games came from the right. It was all so simple back then, for one the righteous don't play victim when gaymers struck back, or at least the tactic did not have such success.

White males are angry and seething that they don't have the power anymore, that the vicious anger they used to display towards minorities and women any time they didn't get their way no longer works and they get the ever so slightest pushback and have to share the world with others. White males are incapable of empathy, everyone has just bowed to them their whole life, everyone else had to run around figuring out how to keep them happy. Not anymore, people actually say what they think. And white males are totally flabbergasted that their subjective desires and motivaitons, which they view as universal objective truths, are now being taken into comparison with the subjective desires and motivations of others.

Those with the power tend to lack empathy, they've just gotten their way all their life. While those without know the emotional state of the powerful much better than vice versa, they know well how it feels to get slapped any time the powerful aren't pandered to.

I just wanted to shout nigger loudly in my microphone when I lose a game, is that really so much for me to ask for?

Those with the power tend to lack empathy, they've just gotten their way all their life. Also here's why I can't empathize with white men.

the foid cries out as she strikes you

Lmao is this nigger serious




I long for the days of Mass Effect being a sex simulator

I long for the days of Mass Effect being a game about exploring space and discovery and solving mysteries. I guess I'm the only fucking person on Earth who actually started with ME1.

But, Anon, I am talking about ME1.

It's a reference to Fox News coverage.

Someone should american history X that jewish looking woman.


You know I was thinking the exact thing yesterday. Little did they know how easy it was to watch porn even back then. Or how it is still so easy to shout "nigger" "faggot" or "cunt nuggets" into the microphone now.

You didn't ask for this; you didn't choose this.

Lol, yes you did. If this bothers you that much just play another game.

Yeah, I mean, who forced the game on you? You literally had to ask for it in some way. This is just babying people even more, if anything.

get the fucking nazis out of my ww2 game

Alt history allies vs commies WW2 please.

omg better history imo, it would allow us to marginalize tankies more

r/Kaiserreich FPS when?

This is how I became a chosen undead tasked with linking the flame.

Why cant longpostbot go to that sub?

Has longpost ever been unleashed in other subs, he might get banned pretty fast in most but it could generate pastas

thread ya'll' d

ExtraCredits is great if you want dramatized, simplified, forced to be relevant great man theory.

Reactionaries throwing a fit in a youtube comments section

Where I'm from this is called "life"

Please wake me up when you find the youtube comment section which consists of something else besides reactionaries sperging, that will be something notable


2014 wants its buzzword back sweaty

I think you mean 1954

Back then it might have actually meant something.

I un-non-ironically agree with him. Nothings worse than not having a CHOICE when wanting to play as a nazi.

I was appalled when I bought a copy of GTA IV and found myself forced to play the game as a sweatsuit-wearing gopnik street rat.

Did you ever think that you were the trash?

no because I'm not Slavic

I love you and I hate you. Dont listen to that last part. I dont want to tell you what to do. Let's get coffee, kay?

That's a galaxy brain sized take. I'm honestly dissapointed I couldn't come up with such an advanced thinking take.

Holy shit this dork put himself into his own preachy cartoon

That's just extra-credit.

lmao it's a video game

What the fuck are you babbling about?

five words



Extra Credits without the idiotic pitch-shifted voiceover? What happened?

The Male feminist cries out that he respects women as he fondles you.

GOOD comment

James wasnt the narrator for the series, he only did the research and followup lies segments. Daniel was the one who voiced the main series' and its thought that this harassment is one of the reaaons he left with sofia

Okay, thanks, he still deserves to be necked for changing his voice.

It was originally done because the he was sped up slightly when it was Escapist. Meant to fit in with zero punctuation I guess. They tried not doing it at one point and people complained.

How big of a retard do you need to be to fuck up a ‘nazis r bad guyz’ pandering video?

Extra Credits: “People should just make every game the way Nintendo does.”

community manager completely expected this and they look as expected

Gotta make sure James doesn't sexually harass and bully his staff for not fucking him by hiring people even he doesn't want to fuck.

I say it a lot but we really need to bring back the draft.

So in the video, they cite siege as a good example of multiplayer that doesn’t glorify terrorists. But in siege, the defending team takes hostages, plants bombs, and protects biohazards. Whether your guys are wearing ski masks and carrying uzis or are special forces, that’s terrorism.

Siege doesn't let you play as terrorists because Tom Clancy is a boomer who ordered that players aren't allowed to play bad guys in his games.

Tragic. Imagine playing as dudes from different crime/terror groups using jury-rigged breaching tools. So sweet.

It's also funny how woketard EC has the same opinion as archconservatard Clancy.

Nazi Zombie Gang Rise Up. Only the Undead race is pure!

Sledgehammer ww2 zombies > treyarch zombies

I was subscribed because it seemed like a good and unbiased channel...

Unsubscribed and will make sure not to give this nigger a single view again.

Down 13,000 subscribers already, wow hope that number increases. Hope that Internet good boy points was worth it when Claudia allows you to get pegged in chastity after she's stopped cuckolding you with Jamal.


Gamers are such retards

I once played as Americans and now I have a craving for burgers and lard