Vegan has self-induced PTSD from visiting the supermarket

102  2019-07-03 by baibeewolf


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Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


  1. Vegan has self-induced PTSD from vi... -,,

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The struggle is real. I have similar urges at places like the dog park.

These people are such pussies holy shit. The only reason i dont support slaughtering of animals for food is because they are a huge waste on resources. Dont cry like a little bitch because you saw a dead fucking animal you stupid cunt slobbering imbeciles. When did people get so weak?

As soon as the internet came around and made it possible for the mentally ill to gather in their own communities and validate each other's mental insanity

my theory was too much warm and fuzzy happy unicorn fart movies and tv shows that did it although i know there's way more than one reason

Care Bears were a mistake.

Its next level take your life kinda of shit.

These soy-people fail to reason that participating in society inherently displaces and destroys untold amounts of wildlife. We kill more animals from using electricity or driving on a road than from our diets. Not to mention, all the retard-bred animals that we eat would be extinct if we didn't have any use for them.

Not to mention, all the retard-bred animals that we eat would be extinct if we didn't have any use for them.

That argument always felt off to my. I eat meat and have no plans on stopping, but my brother has been a vegetarian since he was eleven and when we were kids my dad used to say that to him. But if you're a vegetarian for animal welfare reasons, wouldn't you find it preferable to not have any pigs, cows, or chickens then to have them born into a system where they serve no purpose except being killed for sustenance? From the vegan perspective it seems like extinction is the overwhelmingly better option.

I could see that argument being valid if we don't lose out on some unknown nutrients from animal products and if the cost of nutritional replacements are more economical than livestocking. There's also the disruption of billion dollars of annual industry to account for as well.

But say that all works out. Then we should probably extend that to most domestic animals. We've deliberately bred mutant dogs with serious health ailments because they're "cute". And there's also scientific testing on animals to account for as well. The fact is that we're all benefiting from unethically using animals as chattel in more ways than as a mere food source.

hunting is better than farming

I agree. There's this great essay by a guy who kills and eats his legal limit of deer every year but otherwise "tries to be a good vegan." I've tried to bring it up to my irl vegetarian friends before but they generally get hung up on the semantics of veganism and the part where "he's hurting the deer." I haven't been able to get anybody to read it yet. But that sucks, I think it presents a really interesting option outside of the usual strata of of diet and lifestyle choices, and I still genuinely believe that people who participate in any food-production activities more complex than growing herbs in their window have a better appreciation of the impact that our diet choices have. Also we need to kill more deer.

i too hunt to the legal bag limit 😉

That's retarded, you can lessen the damage done.

all the retard-bred animals that we eat would be extinct if we didn't have any use for them

That's what they want to happen

It's still negligible. The real change will come from creating a car to usurp horses, not talking about the suffering of horses or smell of horse shit (sadly). Although fighting billions of dollars industry and thousands of years of culture makes for one hell of a virtuous crusade.

Vegetarianism is a traditional part of all the big cultures of the world (India, China, European), but fighting big industries will always be difficult without your own big industry, like you say. It seems like there's something happening, though; there's lots and lots of veggy/vegan alternatives in supermarkets now even though the best veggy food doesn't try and imitate meat

You gonna blow that dude?

Right after i blow you

lmao we found a tough guy vegetarian

Imagine being alive and appalled by death.

eats a bunch of soy beans that are literally nutsacks of the plant Needless to say, plant was alive before being circumvised, then thrown away like a piece of trash, either into compost bin or biofuel burner...

Yo don't fucking tell them or they will freak out and eat only sanitized rocks and mud.

Yo don't fucking tell them or they will freak out and eat only sanitized rocks and mud and slowly starve to death.

And that's supposed to be a bad thing?

No, I am just supposed to say this so redditcels will leave me alone.

Last time I got suspended for a "It's not illegal if nobody finds out" type of joke that everyone and their mother knows, it's like they suspend based on comment alone and not based on context.

You need to read about Jainism. Vegans from the 900s BC already figured that shit out with plants and bugs.

Holy shit Jannies aren't new, very cool.

their sign is the swastika


Fun fact: milk and honey are the only foods we eat that were never alive

They still need to be produced by living organisms, vegans might find a way to make enough excuses not to use milk, leaving us with just honey, because I'm not sure it's possible to abuse bees, providing where to live, cleaning the hive/checking up on it once in a while is all literally the same as them living in nature, the only difference is avoiding Darwinism with forced rent cost.

They mean sentient life, not life in general. Or do you believe plants are conscious despite not having a brain?


Early fetus isn't sentient, feels no pain, doesnt even have heartbeat...

And theres retards who still sperg out about abortion and how it's murder.

It's as much of a murder as eating soy beans.

It's not, but some faggots beg to differ.

so because pro lifers sperg out about abortion being murder, it must logically follow that vegans qualifier for moral consideration is life and not specifically sentient life?

you're fucking retarded my dude, this shit doesnt follow at all

Vegans have no morals nor care about life, they want to kill nonvegans to purify their own whatever.

You must be born yesterday.

thats some real zero iq shit

So I get people dont want to eat meat because of animal cruelty but these people are divorced from the reality that we need to kill to eat food and its fucking hilarious how dense they are.

First world problems.

Many westerners, whether they be capeshit watchers, wandshit adorers or veganshills are divorced from reality. They should be deported to Africa for a week.

How can you be laughing and enjoying yourself when there's literally death on your plate.

It's hard to grasp because it challenges one's concept of being at the centre of the universe, but the fact is that some people don't care about the things you care about it.

You don't see predators in nature having a moral crisis when they consider the rights and sentience of the little baby gazelle they're tearing the guts out of.

And that's how some people feel too.

animals hunt and eat other animals to survive.
on the other hand I do not support the torment some farms put their animals through and it is very cruel, so i only buy meat from farms i know take good care of their animals, problem solved.

I don't understand why anyone eats meat. I really don't.


these people are retards.

And then they wonder why noone likes them

Literal soyboys

and it just... was so, disturbing.

Can someone please explain this choice of punctuation?

And yet I'm sure this idiot enjoys all those dead plant parts on their plate. The stupid just fricken hurts.

As if the chicken's life was a joke.

why-did-the-chicken-cross-the-roadcels on suicide watch