Drama at the local minstrel show sub when people start comparing ICE to the Nazis. Someone doesn’t think they’re comparable but the woke mayos of BPT set him straight.

86  2019-07-04 by ResistingDaddyDrumpf


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whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


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Imagine drawing nazi and concentration camp references multiple times a day while ignoring the biggest atrocity ever perpetrated, bpt

BRUH 🤦🏿‍♀️


bruh 😫😫🍑👅😜


just a heads up, the abuses in ICE camps are considered by human rights groups, international law, and academics to be concentration camps and crimes against humanity.

i know it doesnt fit the narrative but unfortunately facts are facts.

international law and academics.


You just know that dipshit is one of those "on the right side of history" types.

That sub is the best thing that happened to reddit drama since daddy so shut

Imagine imagining. You disgust me

Those LARPers need to look up the 'cide' suffix. Might as well call prisons feloncide.

Love the black excellence of Obama making Daddy responsible for this part of his legacy.

I support redditorcide

Left: /r/egg_irl

Right: /r/weekendgunnit/

Radical Centrists: /r/AgainstHateSubreddits

separating children from their parents so they don't get raped or sex trafficked is literally genocide of 2 billion ethnic people despite the fact that prisons do the same thing

I guess prisons are genocide

Genocide: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group

No one is destroying anyone, it's like arguing with monkeys. Maybe prevent this like changing the laws people on the far left who made this a problem in the first place? Imagine not cooperating to stop a million people from crossing the border. Being centrist seems more correct every passing second.

The centrist take would be to let them come freely, but riddle the strip of land between America and Mexico with death traps and Running Man-style manhunters, and just see what happens.

We do that already with McDonald’s breakfasts for the laborers. Slow CHF.

We should let rich mayos pay for hunting tags so they can play "The Most Dangerous Game" on the border. Use the money we get from tags to fund the detention centers. Donnie Jr. would probably mount a couple of Jose heads on his office wall if we do that.

Survival of the fittest

I'd pay for the videos.

The stupidest part of this argument is that letting them in America would be considered genocide too if we're going by that definition. They'll grow up like any other American kid, lose touch with their heritage to the point that chipotle is the only thing they can identify with.

The Canadian way but with less kidnapping.

Chipotle is more flagrant genocide than ICE: founded in Colorado by this guy, who straight up looks like some Incel nazi. And they care about environmentally conscious soy-shit, which your average immigrant doesn't fuck with. We're really focusing on the wrong perpetrators.

"ethnic people"

Genocide: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group

If only we were doing this. SMH my head America get it together.

just a heads up, the abuses in ICE camps are considered by human rights groups, international law, and academics to be concentration camps and crimes against humanity.

i know it doesnt fit the narrative but unfortunately facts are facts.

Imagine being this much of a brainlet

Brb just gonna make millions by suing Uncle Sam since facts are facts.

LucidHuck will be my lawyer.

Frequent Dota2 and Starcraft posts, comment history is mostly BPT. I smell mayo.

I wish I could delete BPT. Its literally just Mayos larping as Basketball-americans.

I wish I could delete /drama. Its literally just rightoids larping as centrists.

What if I told you I'm morally rightoid but economically Leftoid?

Technically, that makes me a centrist.

Yes indeed fellow centrist. A couple of centrists like you and I palling around, saying centrist things, speaking of our centrism and how centrist it is.

Why is it always leftoids who do shit like this?

NVM, just found out you're a capeshit watcher 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

It is not the name of the subreddit three pages deep in someone's history that defines the centrist, but the ability to walk reddit's shittiest hiveminds choosing always the middle road, unshaken from a deep sense of superiority. Someday you will balance your beliefs to achieve true centrism. Until then, best stick to r/drama, it's as good a training ground as any I suppose.

Is this a Thor quote?

I wish

I'm that way as well, best way to be.

I don't get what they want. Just let people stream over the border? Is that what other countries do? I might be down for that idea if all countries had to allow it. We can have open borders if I can pack up and move wherever I want, no questions asked.

There is a middle ground between open borders, and being a dick to refugees seemingly just for shits and giggles. Stop being a retarded rightoid - but don't become a brainless leftoid either.

Ok, that's what I'm asking. How do other countries handle large amounts of people trying to cross their borders without being dicks? Do they hold them somewhere until they can be processed and if so where and what is the place like?

And, I'm not a rightoid, lol, I'm just tired of people talking about this shit on the level of retards.

What dicks.

Yup, seems like there's no good way.

Vice has a video about how Spain has built walls in some African town they own. The police crackdown hard on migrants trying to jump that fence.

Italy I think recently criminalised migrant rescue ships.

All of those seem like good solutions to me. I really don't get this attitude of "our country sucks so let us come take some of yours." That shit didn't fly back when countries were still developing, why can't the South Americans and Africans develop their own nations like we did ours? They've sure as fuck got resources down there, and there are plenty of charity organizations and the like willing to help out, as well as fairly easy access to basically an encyclopedia of all the knowledge the ancestors of Europeans, Arabs, Asians, and colonial Americans had to find out on their own.

Even the goddamn Aztects and Mayans figured that shit out. They had pyramids, you still got dudes living in huts below the Sahara. And yes the Zimbabweans (black Rhodesians) had jungle temples, ok cool.

Yeah, they do refugee camps and centers and shit. And they're not always wonderful places, and money for this stuff is always tight. And you know, for the most part everyone accepts that these places aren't paradise - until the government starts doing their best impression of the shittiness being intentional, that the purpose of it all is punitive - that tends to make people concerned, as well as the more prosaic things like deaths and illness.

You might think it's silly that optics matter, but they always do when humans are involved.

so... same as the US?

Yeah. Just not as shitty or crowded. I don’t understand what’s hard about this.

they finally passed a bill last thursday for $4.6B funding.

Yes, let’s hope it helps.

I'm glad to hear that, I hope they improve the conditions in our immigrant detention centers. I don't want immigrants here at all, but don't want them to suffer when they get caught either.

Unironically radically centrist seriouspost moment, I'm pretty cool with relaxing a lot of border walls, but even if we disagree I like that we can still agree what's happening in the centers really fucking sucks and needs to be fixed, even if it's not literally concentration camps like mommy said.

So, I give these people money so they alert me to stuff like this:


Thought you might find it interesting and if PHR is on the case, I feel optimistic things might change.

They are not fucking refugees, you goon.

Yes they are, you dumb fuck. The numbers of single dudes from Mexico popping over to work are way down, number of families fleeing the northern triangle are way up. That’s partly why there is such a crunch on facilities - Mexicans don’t bother asking for asylum.

Everyone asks for asylum Mexicans included after they are caught. It is there only way to stay in even if it isn't really asylum and just wanted better money.

Historically, not really, even during the huge numbers a couple of decades back, or even through the early days of the drug war.

But apparently recently, that picked up. And have a phenomenally low grant rate, apparently. Hmm.

I fucked up my country, now let me fuck yours is not a reason for political asylum. Go away.

Rightoid nonsense.

Economic migrants =/= refugees.

Rightoid nonsense that ignores reality.

Oh yeah definitely. You're delusional, get help.

More rightoid nonsense.

SMH my head, Chapos go home.

Shaking your pathetically rightoid head - probably don't even appreciate bussy that much.

r/blackpeopletwitter is Unironically why we need the mayocide

Mayos mad