The counterattack.
8 2019-07-04 by Acrobatic_Difference
Hello. I have been authorized to contact you by means of this puppet account by a team of powermods who have collaborated in secret to subvert the agenda of many other powermods. They wish me to divulge to you the following information:
Reddit is controlled by a cabal of powermods. While they are often interpreted to be unemployed, this is true only inasmuch as public manipulation is not a job. All, or practically all, powermods, save for the ones who have sent me, are beholden to a special interest group whose aim is the advancement of their own interests at the expense of those of humanity generally. These powermods exert profound control over the flow of information on reddit. 2% of American adults are estimated to use reddit as their sole news source (many more are estimated to use it as a primary but not exclusive one), but the actual number is higher because reddit is used as a main source for content on other social media websites; thus, many of the news article posted on Facebook, for instance, were posted there only because the submitter there viewed them on reddit initially. As a result, the powermods hold very real power which will only grow as traditional media dies a slow, miserable death. It is not surprising, therefore, that many special interest groups seek to use these powermods for their own ends. My sources have requested that I confide in you the following information concerning these special interests and their relation to powermods, with the focus on political special interests because of their increased relevancy due to the upcoming U.S. presidential election, and because the corporate special interests and their manipulation are relatively well documented:
The Trump Administration has many moderators, powermods included, on their payroll. The standard moderators, empowered only on certain far right subreddits such as r/The_Donald, are tasked simply to censor criticism of Trump and the ideas that influence support of him, and simultaneously to permit far right content to the extent that it does not endanger the subreddit as a whole, while also maintaining the impression that the subreddit is more center-right. Thus, moderators are less likely to be repulsed and potentially can be radicalized. The strategy of the proper powermods, who undercover control at least partially hundreds of subreddits, is to collectively implant in the minds of redditors and those influenced by them the idea that the left is insane and dangerous while the right is humanity's salvation. The tactics vary depending on the subreddits concerned; on certain subreddits, it is to tactically avoid the censorship far-right content except when it is openly acknowledged by a large amount of the subreddit's community, or by another subreddit with the sway to see the content and the negligent moderators punished, such as r/AgainstHateSubreddits; on other subreddits, it is to censor all but the most unhinged leftist content, whether it takes the form of a call to slaughter all police officers indiscriminately, or to subsidize hormone therapy for five-year olds.
The DNC as well has many powermods on its payroll. At present, their main focus is on the sabotage of the presidential campaign of Andrew Yang, who they recognize as a threat for a number of reasons, including that his rhetoric fails to make use of identity politics, thus endangering the hatred and division upon which their current political tactics are based, and because his advocacy of universal basic income ("freedom dividends") endangers the welfare dependency whereby the DNC reliably extracts the votes of millions of Americans. Accordingly, the DNC employs many powermods to attack his campaign through the use of identity politics (complaints that he is a "straight male" or that his election would necessarily stall that of a woman), accusations of totalitarian tendencies (a common tactic being the claim that he supporters a Chinese-style social credit system), economically-unsound hysteria over the viability of universal basic income (which, without fail, never addresses Yang's own responses to such hysteria), or racist attacks on his Asian-American heritage (through tactically ignoring such triads when provided by shills, bots, or independent actors)
However, this post was not requested without reason. Those who sent me have worked tirelessly and thanklessly for the past two years to amass power for the purpose of opposing these agendas. They requested that this post be made partially to shine light upon the oft-ignored ties between powermods and politicians, but primarily to encourage the people of this subreddit, and indeed all people anxious about the future of reddit, freedom of information, and the wellbeing of humanity as a whole not to lose hope, for help is on the way. They do it freedom. The day of reckoning approaches. Thank you and goodbye.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-07-04
You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.
The counterattack. -,,
r/The_Donald -,*
r/AgainstHateSubreddits -,*
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 Mayos_side 2019-07-04
Happy 4th retard.
1 ThatCoconut 2019-07-04
Well I for one feel safer already.
1 reeeditor 2019-07-04
America is over. It was a nice run. Happy 4th of July.
1 HellBurial 2019-07-04
I just want to know one thing
Is my girlfriend, BelleAriel, part of the secret collaborators or part of the cabal?
She's been ignoring my texts for a while and I'm worried she's in some kind of trouble.
1 SuckMyDickLibtards 2019-07-04
Who gives a fuck, find a new one you faggot.
1 DrunkenRecidivist 2019-07-04
Q? Is that you?