User posts photo of his cat killing native wildlife to r/natureismetal, others duke it out on the morality of outdoor cats

11  2019-07-04 by Tobor27


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  1. User posts photo of his cat killing... -,,

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Cats are for women, gays and transgendered folks.

Imagine letting a smelly flea-infested animal that hates you into your home and then caring about it.

Fuck feloids.

Looks like someone's abusive foster parent liked cats

That sub should have videos of pibbles shredding toddlers.

Outdoor cats should unironically be killed. I would leave out poison if I didn't live in a duplex. My yard is full of native birds, which I like, and there are often cats lurking around. They're super destructive pests, but "kItTiEs ArE fRiEnDs" so people get upset if you try to do anything about them.

ye i wanna eat the birds myself mm

this is the same sub that posts lions eating deer or w/e. cats should be gassed cuz of toxoplasmosis a literal brain parasite thats in humans from cats ... not eating

Animal does what millions of years of evolution intended


Unironically gas these retards please