Commie youtuber gets deleted for making videos with “nazism” in the title. r/Breadtube initiates PURE COPE and “what about 🥶 🍑/ MUH RIGHTOIDS?”

123  2019-07-04 by ThroneshitterCOPE


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  1. Commie youtuber gets deleted for ma... -,,

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Indeed sentient

Private platform, can do what they want, and that's the tea sis. 💅

Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences : ^ )


is there a lefty sentence more retarded than this one?

By any means necessary

Hate speech legislation is not restricting freedom of speech.

Hate speech is literal violence.

The paradox of tolerance crap. Popper is turning in his grave.

"that wasn't real socialism"

Let's unpack this.

I wish typing or saying this shit would instantly warp you to 30s soviet union with all great purge paranoia.

clapping hands emoji


No, we want companies to ban fascists and fascist-adjacents. Complaining about YouTube banning someone who is not fascist nor is fascist-adjacent is, incredibly enough, not hypocritical.

I realise that the centrist brain struggles with the concept of nuance so it might take you some time to digest this information, but I truly believe you can do it.

Sure I demanded and celebrated the normalization of corporate censorship in every corner of online communication, but I only did that because I thought it would only ever be used to silence MY ideological opposition. See? I'm not hypocritical, just really fucking dumb.

No, we want companies to ban fascists and fascist-adjacents. Complaining about YouTube banning someone who is not fascist nor is fascist-adjacent is, incredibly enough, not hypocritical.

I realise that the centrist brain struggles with the concept of nuance so it might take you some time to digest this information, but I truly believe you can do it.

Sure I demanded the public accept corporate thought control in every corner of online communication, but I specifically did that because I thought it would only ever be used to silence MY ideological opposition. See? I'm not hypocritical, just really fucking dumb.

How far does your head have to be inside your own asshole to think that it's remotely equal to host actual nazi content, to hosting actually factually based leftist content dedicated to deradicalize and debunk hateful propaganda?


"you thought bannin nazis was ok so now that your actually sense-making was incorrently deleted by nazi trolls flag spamming the fuck out of it, you can't complain. That's what you get LOL". You actually believe this is an appropiate stance to have. Jesus christ my dude

You can't possibly believe good things are the same as bad things right? When I opened Pandora's box, I specifically asked that only good things come out, retard!

"Police shoot innocent man after they mistakenly believed he was armed"


"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR HAVING A POLICE FORCE! You can't complain about not having a force that protects people from criminals, and then also complain if this force does mistakes! It's either all of it, or nothing! Nuance doesn't exist"


This is your unironical stance. You serious dude?

You’re acting like you wouldn’t be happy to see an innocent person you don’t like get shot. That’s where the hypocrisy lies.

"Innocent". You actually think nazis are "innocent". Alright then.

I kind of have a feeling you dislike more people than only Nazis.

Of course you have that feeling, otherwise you wouldn't be able to strawman me into whatever easy target you want to pidgeonhole me into.

There’s not much need to strawman a white guy who went so far as to fake a picture with your skin darkened so you didn’t have to give up posting in your favorite minstrel show r/blackpeopletwitter.

I have not done at all but nice try my dude

You have though.

Are you honestly just openly lying in hope someone reading this creates some kind of exagerated idea of me to make me look crazy, or do you have anything to back this stupid claim up? What's your angle here

You are white, yes?


You post in that sub?

I have dropped a few comments here and there, sure. Next question.

Did you think that was some kind of April Fools Joke when they asked the users to respect it as a black space? Or did you just figure it didn’t apply to you?

The country club policy was both an april's fools thing and a serious thing at the same time, actually. Moderators have a right to flag certain threads as verified user only, but that doesn't mean the entire sub is. I'm not sure why you are trying to imply that's the case when it has been pretty openly stated. I don't post in country club protected threads when I see them, and if I failed to see it the auto-moderator deletes my comment automatically, which I don't have any problems with because I respect their decision.


Any other attempts to try to strawman and ad hominem or are you done?

I don't post in country club protected threads when I see them

Not on your main, that’s what your alt is for.

Have no evidence to back your crazy shit up? No? Then just make it up! Classic way to win people over in arguments!

If I link your alt you’ll just deny it’s you. But I do wonder what people would think of that account stanning for low key eugenicist three arrows 🤔

You ain’t slick.


All I hear is denial and dodging. Not sure how “low key eugenicist” was vague. Everyone seems to agree he got taken down for fetishizing the Third Reich.

Why don’t you answer why you love digital black face so much, “fam”?

Yeah I tend to deny people when they accuse me of things that are factually wrong, guess it's a slight defect of mine. Whoopsies.


Not sure how “low key eugenicist” was vague. Everyone seems to agree he got taken down for fetishizing the Third Reich.


Sources and proof please? I'm honestly curious, not even trying to be obtuse. I haven't watched enough content of him to stumble upon this. I'm open to having my opinion changed, but I'm yet to receive any compeling argument from you that isn't an ad hominem.


Why don’t you answer why you love digital black face so much, “fam”?


The cringetrain has no brakes, huh?

>I have no interest in photoshop or digitally manipulating darker skin tones

Are you sure I’m the cringey one, Rachel Dolezal?

That's me practicing painting and sucking at it. How do you see an interest in "manipulating dark skin tones" lmfao. Jesus are you for real

I know /pol/ type people use this disingenuously, but it is actually ok to be white.

Yah, I know it is.

Then why do you do it? Why photoshop yourself and pretend to be someone you’re not, then come running to defend three arrows, of all people? Are you a Nazi? Are you black? Both?

Alright I have taken enough dose of cringe for today, you have a good day and good luck with whatever you are dealing with mate.

Alright, but really you should read this and realize what you are doing is not ok. Be better.

tbh we're just sitting on the sidelines shaking our heads at how spot on Nom_Chompy was about you :(

i hope you get the help you need

OMG you admitted to it


So you are pro segregation in 2019? Honestly I understand why corporations censor you now.


Don’t forget about the “fascist adjacents”

I never do. I miss you, Mom. 😢

I’ll always be inside of you my little boy

omg. a lot lewder than i expected.

I actually question his definition of Nazi more than anything

He means"people I don't like".

Question. I know that several of leftist "content creators" (according to them) had some white nationalist views in the past, would you be ok if they got killed during that phase of their lives and never got the chance to change?

Kill nazis before they become l*ftists 🤢

Kill l*ftists before they become nazis.

If they went from nazis to commie hell yeah

Wait for realz? Which ones?

Hbomberguy was a huge troll and could be considered a nazi by today's standards


Some balding gay furry who is also a gamer. Makes videos about debunking flat earthers and praises himself for being a super genius. Also if you disagree with him on anything you should be murdered in his eyes

I don't think there are actually any, though I think some were basic right wingers/"anti SJW".

I was just hoping he'll bite and I can milk him some more, but I suck at it and they never swallow my baits :(

Faraday speaks also.

Its no coincidence that retards timbling down breadtube thought holes have a history of stumbling down other retarded tubes

LOL their not innocent neither are commies.

You actually think nazis are "innocent".

Being a retard isn't a crime. Fortunately for you, because you'd be behind bars.

you all are just going to unironically defend naziism like it's not a big deal aren't you. Jesus.

And are you just gonna deny the rise of holodomor deniers, sweaty? It's a thin line between that and holocaust deniers 😡

Advocating for totalitarian systems is protected by first amendment, sweaty. It's immoral, but not illegal. Change it to exclude this kind of speech, like radically-centrist Poland did.

Under the Polish Constitution promoting any totalitarian system such as Nazism and fascism (as well as communism) as well as inciting violence and/or racial hatred is illegal.

undeniable rise of white supremacist propaganda


hahaha i know right, crazy! Idk what i was thinking


Unrelated thing though you got a copy of the VOD of the christchurch shooting though? I need it for a school project

Ok there's retarded commie rallies too. Doesn't mean they're on the fucking rise.

Look I know now that this is a circlejerk subreddit and you might be baiting me, but just to be sure, you did not just compare peaceful comunist rallies with literal white supremacist killing sprees, did you?


This is bait right? Someone help me, I'm new in this sub :(

One person died in Charlottesville. Sounds very much like a massacre and the only people who I've seen support the Christchurch Massacre are retards on 4chan. Not even reddits own far-right faggots were able to support it. 🙄

Last time I checked over 200 people were killed on fucking Easter in Sri Lanka in their churches and even then I don't think Islamic Terrorism is on the rise

Aight first of all, I'm not talking about outward support. I'm saying that shit's on the rise. And just because only one person died in charlottesville, doesn't mean it wasn't meant to be a massacre. The guy literally rammed into a crowd of counter protesters intending to kill as many as possible. It's only through mere luck that one person died, but by all other metrics, it had all of the characteristics of a hate filled massacre man.


Second, actual, labelled, in the open nazis? Sure, they're not out there. But their ideas? They are spreading a lot. Like, don't get me wrong, i'm not going to say that they're NATIONAL MAJORITY levels of bad, and I'm not going to be that stupid guy that says "hurrdurr all trump supporters are nazis", but the talking points man, those talking points are making the rounds. They are sneaky and treacherous, and they do not seem supremacist-y at all, but if we are not careful we are playing into their hands without even realizing it. I've seen people about the JQ, saying the holocaust was exagerated, defending IQ and race realism, defending the deportation of all islamic communities, talking about how dangerous islam is as a cultural force, etc.


Those are white supremacist talking points, and it's through these "centrist", "skeptical rational" idiots that they are able to spread them around like cancer. The more we normalize those ideas, the more social territory they win.

You're a retard if you think that could happen. I'll give you example on exactly how it won't happen. My friend Milton (name made up for anonymity) is a libertarian and he kept preaching to me and my friend Chino (also made up) about the beauty of libertarianism and what not until one day animal rights got brought up. Milton unironically said it should be legal to fuck dogs because animals are lesser than humans. Milton clarified that even though it was degenerate there's no real victim. Now me and Chino make fun of Milton for supporting dog fucking. People won't ever take white supremacist talking points to seriously because once it gets leaves being ambiguously racist people will call it out for being retarded. The end.

People won't ever take white supremacist talking points to seriously because once it gets leaves being ambiguously racist people will call it out for being retarded. The end.


If you think this you are unbelievably optimistic. No they fucking won't. That's the point, that normalizing these things makes it LESS LIKELY that people will see these problems for what they are.

If you think the opposite you're living in a fucking larp. Nazism and Communsim and all other gay retard ideologies only appeal to losers with nothing to lose and to grifters taking advantage of them.

Just because you don't care about shit and you spend your time nihilisticly making fun of people who doesn't mean these aren't real issues affecting real people mate.

You understand we are talking about two completely different things here, right? Not being attracted to men while being a man because you don't find masculinity attractive, and not being attracted to trans people because you can't shake off the mentality of them not actually being the gender they present with, are TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS. One is based on biological impulses. The other is based on socially taught bigotry. This is why one is OK, and the other isn't.

thats gonna be a big OOF and a bigger YIKES from me, my dude. Suck that feminine penis or you are a fucking nazi

At least I got laid in this lifetime, hope you reach that goal one day too my fambrogini

Never! I'd rather be shot as a Nazi than suck feminine penis.

The only people normalizing white supremacy are the lunatics who act like it’s a growing epidemic. Just because the internet has made you aware of all of them doesn’t mean they’re on the rise. It’s the same group of retards with no traction that it has always been. Retards are going to join up regardless of how many YouTube videos you hide from them. Acting like white supremacists only became that was because we didn’t hide all the scary information from them fast enough, is in fact, retarded.

Jesús christ, here we go with the "the actual culprits of all of this shit happening are the people who complain about it" bullshit. Y'all sound like the fucking npcs you complain so much about every time you repeat this nonsense point.

Yes mate, deradicalizing and discouraging fascist content by making sure that it is not allowed to run amok on easy to access sites is a crucial aspect in fighting their spread. How many fucking Charlottesvilles and christchurchers have to happen until you get the memo?

"hurrdurr all your complaining does nothing, stop caring so much!". OK mate, I guess we'll just let it slide and let these fucks do whatever the fuck they want. That will surely stop them from growing further by virtue of... Remind me again why this is a favorable tactic?

You need to settle down

Good advice, I was on my way out anyway. Y'all have a good one, good stuff

No dont go

Unrelated thing btw you got a link to the VOD of the christchurch shooting though?

>tfw I unironically do

Never dissapoint

I'm proud to live up to your exacting standards 😤

Oi you got a license for that video mate?

>tfw I don't need one because of the following.

Amen brother, happy 4th.

I wasn’t aware not wanting 90% of the Earths population in a small number of countries was nazism,but OK then. You do realize you’ll just keep screaming nazi about inconsequential things until no one gives a fuck anymore and votes for actual nazis right?

And you realize that screaming "you're just screaming nazi at everything" at me without even knowing who the fuck i'm even referring to is exactly the same kinda shit you are just now criticizing me about, right?

access to white people is not a human right

Epic gamer moment

you all

Come on buddy say y'all we know you want to

what's wrong with the word y'all, someone pls enlighten, i'm OOL :(

its cultural appropriation you fucking nigger



I don’t think Nazis are innocent. But when someone chants “scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds!”, I’m gonna assume they define “Nazi” a bit loosely.

As far as I know the people three arrows has labeled as white supremacists are the likes of stephan molyneux.

You know, the self proclaimed white supremacist.

I don’t know anything about Three Arrows. I don’t like Molyneux, but it’s worth noting that Molyneux has had Noam Chomsky on his show as a guest. Does that make Noam guilty by association? Asking because I’ve legit seen Chapo users calling Noam a “social fascist.”

Eh i mean the guilty by association is not a blanket accusation that instantly works on everyone, it's a case to case kind of criticism that has to be reviewed individually. Inviting someone to your show doesn't instantly make you guilty of his crimes, but if you do nothing but invite people from the same side over and over and over, in a clearly friendly and enthusiastic way, promoting their products and ideas, it stands within reason that people can look at you and say "Oh, I see what's going on up there".


I guess a one time invite isn't really enough to condemn or condone anyone?

"Innocent". You actually think nazis are "innocent". Alright then.

Maybe he just thinks y'all are hilariously bad at identifying Nazis. You know, based on all the evidence that you're hilariously bad at identifying Nazis and just opt to classify anyone who disagrees with you as one.

Point me to one person three arrows has called white supremacist or nazi that isn't, go ahead.

Oh, you can't? Almost like you don't know what the fuck you talking about? OK then

You're not going to trick me into raising some faggy Breadtuber's view count, heathen.

Fortunately, I wasn't talking about three arrows. (Is that a person or a tequila?) I was talking about the nebulous "left" that does shit like attacking Jews walking down the street for being Nazis, or assaults latinos for being "white supremacists."

Oh OK, so you are just going to proudly announce that your argument is based on fucking nothing, while also throwing the actions of other people irrelevant to this conversation at me then. At least other people try to be subtle when making strawman arguments mate, come on, get it together. Come on bud, I believe in you, you can do it!

They're only irrelevant if y'all aren't in united in solidarity behind lefty retardedness.

I meant relevant to the conversation here but keep being obtuse I guess

Read it again.

Talk to me about reading when you have done yours my guy.

When everyone's a Nazi, no one is.

I love that you all just assume that I think everyone is a nazi. The irony of you all complaining about how oversensitive about putting labels and judging people while doing exactly that against me. Lmfao people you are funny af

Them and "Nazi sympathizers" eh? Amirite comrade? "Sympathizers?"

/wink wink, nudge nudge

You actually think nazis are "innocent". Alright then.

This is why no one takes you or your meme ideology seriously

The day you shit for brain idiots justify to me why stephan molyneux is totally OK and not someone worthy of comparing to a white supremacist, I'll take your word seriously. Until then, you can fuck right off, you fence sitting enlightened centrist sketicunt

The day you shit for brain idiots justify to me why stephan molyneux is totally OK

Lol just because your meme ideology is a joke doesn't mean stephan molyneux's retarded meme ideology isn't a joke.

You can both be morons.

I'd argue your enlightened centrist is way more of a meme than anything I've said but whatever floats your boat.

I'd argue your enlightened centrist

Fucking Americans. Just because I think commies and fash-tards are both jokes doesn't mean I'm a centrist.

"I thought everything would work out if we put Google in charge of writing and revoking the laws, now I'm hearing they have a legal obligation to put their shareholders interests over the common good and they're making decisions I don't like? WTF Google, I trusted you!"

We outsourced policing to Google, and now they are shooting Bing users. How could we have foreseen this?

If you think leftists have any kind of faith in big corporations to act properly on a moral basis on their own, you don't know them at all.


Complaining to them until they pay notice is not the same as "outsourcing policing". The reason they are involved is because they are responsable for what they host on their site. We are just pressuring them into doing what's right, facing social backlash if they wash their hands on the issue. It's THEIR platform, which means they are the ones we have to go to if we want to see who's responsable for hosting that content.


I'm not sure where in this process you just say "the left is outsourcing google to act as police" like people just have a lot of faith in them. Unless you count "hoping they get their shit together" as having faith in them, which is... something, I guess?

Here's how it goes:

  • People use Silicon Valley to host content.
  • Leftoids want Silicon Valley to ban the Rightoid nonsense.
  • Silicon Valley cancels and unpersons the rightoids.
  • Silicon Valley decides it doesn't want the leftoid nonsense either
  • Everyone is now happy the leftoids and the rightoids are cancelled.

Fuck this centrist bullshit mate. If you think actual white supremacist content is even REMOTELY COMPARABLE to a guy trying to debunk it you're gone off the deep end. What are you on about

Maybe go back to chapo we’re you can larp or resistance and beat up some more gay minorities to make your life more surreal and relevant. I know you get confused when you leave your safe space like a dog after you took away it’s favorite bed.

Do people here just go on these insane strawman diatribes about people who have even the slightest differing opinion from them?


Jeez. Imagine thinking you're not the one "in the safe space" while simulatenously being this childish about someone disagreeing with you. Oof.

did i just happen to stumble upon clown hour fiesta today?

That's every day here

Imagine thinking you're not the one "in the safe space"

This but unironically

✌️Choose one finger...

You ok? You wanna fire up the communist rape limo yet? You always wanted to get back at that Becky from across the street that ignores you. You can put her family in your little gulag camp and then threaten her to sleep with you or you’ll kill her family. It’s a great communist tactic or you can just rape your servant like Marx did.

You have gone so far off the deep end in rethoric that it's pitiful man. Genuinely hope you get out of that hell hole of a world view you have right now, cause god damn.

You watch rick and morty? Good show huh? You fake rape any babies like the communist creator did? You like children you get as many as you want in communist utopia

unironic oofposting

You're sexually harassing me, please stop.

Cope. Also do you condemn the actions of Antifa when they beat up innocent Bernie supports and Asian fags? Do you condemn communism? If not then yikes sweaty you’re cancelled

Also we’re a safe space away from SRD. It’s in the sidebar. We also host all kinds of ‘tards, leftards rightards and you


You are such a stereotype its delicious

Your too cool for school nihilistic act ain't fooling anyone either. Excuse the fuck out of me if I seem to cRe about things that threaten me and the people around me. Jesus christ, fuck me for trying, right? Sure got em es jee dooboozs

Punches 5 foot gay Asian man over and over while yelling stop threatening my community. Is not a believable line of le resistance

It’s over, he ‘oof’d’ you. Keep it up and you will get a ‘yikes’.

Why you playing the identity politics? Not even chapo cares that ngo is a ricecel and you're taking about minorities like a tumblr bitch

If the proletariat decides all the white male jews have all the money and are the bourgeois. And the communists kill and enslave them all is that not inadvertently innacting Hitlers will?

What Id the proletariat decides they are the bourgeoisie and do a mass suicide that makes people temple look like childs play? Why are you giving me pointless hypotheticals?

Ugh it’s a pointless theoretical to say the world is run by a class of elites that must be taken down? I thought that was the basis for communist power grab.

You're mistaken

So the world is not run by the bourgeois? Then why overthrow them? Why do we even need communism then?

What Id the proletariat decides they are the bourgeoisie and do a mass suicide

god I came so hard

They don't care because he is the enemy. Otherwise they would definitely care. This works for all identities for them.

They don't care because it's convenient to ignore for the purposes of justifying their political violence. R*ghtoids bringing it up is a way of pointing out the hypocrisy of that.

man i wished i had this way with words, damn!

What if hate speech includes content aimed against whites, Mexicans, asians or any other ethnic group?

Would be hate speech too sure. Unsure of how this is related to Three arrows tho?

For the record, saying "white people have a historical track record of oppression from which you could make a strong argument they are benefitting in today's social climax" is not hate speech.

What if someone made a video criticizing Islam and arguing it is harmful to society due to its violent history and track history. Would that be hate speech?

Lets try another as well. How about people YouTube'd about how affirmative action practices were harming society or discussing the Arab slave trade? Would that also be hate speech?

What if someone made a video criticizing Islam and arguing it is harmful to society due to its violent history and track history. Would that be hate speech?


If you do it like Crowder, AKA being a misinformed idiot that, in the process of raising a valid argument (the dangerousness of certain groups in middle eastern regions of the world), end up condemning the entirety of islamd and its 1.8 billion followers, in extremelly ignorant, intentionally warping, obtuse, biased and above all, extremelly dangerous ways, you could make a strong argument that it is hate speech, yes.


How about people YouTube'd about how affirmative action practices were harming society or discussing the Arab slave trade?


Depends a lot, I guess? Nothing inherently wrong about the topics themselves that I can see, but of course the devil is always in the details isn't it.

Yet you’d be happy to see these people shot by the cops.

Strawmanning-man to the rescue!

Murder is wrong. Just because the state does it to people you don’t like for making YouTube videos does not justify it.

you haven't denied you want cops dead yet

Nobody has even mentioned that anywhere in this thread. I think you have misread if you think that's the case. But for the record: No, I don't want any cop dead. I believe violence is all kinds of counter productive, tribalizing and alienating.

But how are you going to remove the very real and very powerful Nazis from society if you're not willing to use violence?

Educating people into knowing exactly what those nazis want and the tactics they use to get what they want, until the fascists are an ostracized small cell of people that is incapable of posing any real danger. Socially pressuring big organizations into not hosting rethoric that can be very dangerous, not only because of how wrong and ignorant it is, but because of the violence it causes, is another part of it, sure.


If you were trying to get me to say "hurrdurr punching nazis is ok!" I guess bad luck, I'm not one of those leftists. I think violence against nazis only furthers their agenda by giving them a martyr card to play. The evidence of that being the extreme amounts of salt I'm being thrown here for merely suggesting that actual white supremacists and leftist youtubers that debunk their arguments are NOT the same kind of people, and do not deserve the same kind of social treatment.


Wild concept, I know.

It’s not a wild concept to mix private corporations with the state to enact ideology it’s the text book definition of fascism. Thank god you picked the anti fascist word first so you can enact fascism without anyone catching on

Nobody has even mentioned that anywhere

Do others have to prompt and prod you into denouncing murder? You’re reluctance to do so without cajoling speaks volumes.

Do others have to prompt and prod you into denouncing murder


Now this is some grasping for straws if i've ever seen one. I don't know about you but I tend to not talk about a topic of conversation if, you know, that topic of conversation hasn't been brought up in the conversation. I know, crazy right?


You’re reluctance to do so without cajoling speaks volumes.



What about the 100 million?

What's wrong with the word y'all, why do you have such a boner about it

. If your argument about islam ignores all nuance, context, and intentionally warps history, for the clear purpose of propagating a racial bias, unironically promoting "remove kebab message", I don't see how you can look at that as anything other than hateful speech

Just last post you said that whites have a huge advantage in the world from oppression of other races.

How is that acceptable but saying all Islam oppress groups around them in the same snide context not acceptable?

For the record, saying "white people have a historical track record of oppression from which you could make a strong argument they are benefitting in today's social climax" is not hate speech.

Mayocide now, inshallah

What about if you applied that same logic to Arabs? The Ottoman Empire was a massive thing, sweaty, and now Saudi Arabia is on the human rights council and are allowed to treat women like shit

I do not know enough about their social and political climate to have an argument to make about islam that is informed enough to actually be of any use, but I sure as hell know it would be all kinds of stupid to criticize 1.8 billion people for the actions of an extremist majority. The only opinion I have about islam is that I do not know enough about them to go on rants about how good or bad they are. I only know that some parts of their culture are bad, and some others are completely acceptable, those ones being the overwhelming majority.


And no, I don't condone biases against white people just cause white people have it, on average, easier than other folks, if you were wondering.


This is hilariously unselfaware. Sometimes I wonder if people like you can even be considered technically sentient.

LEFTIES DO MORE THAN JUST DEBUNK NAZI PROPAGANDA. We have a resident tankie in this sub, called watermark, who is a volunteer Chinese propagandist at this point.


Relatively upset

If you think actual white supremacist content is even REMOTELY COMPARABLE to a guy trying to debunk their hateful propaganda

Theyre both internet losers ranting online. I literally dont see the big deal, but then again Im an adult with obligations who generally doesnt have time for this nonsense


Youll be there too someday

Considering that communism killed like 8x as many people as Nazism, leftist content is objectively more worthy of being expunged from public platforms

user reports:
1: please cancel and unperson this clown

Negative. We are not Google here.

Oh you're a mod here. A lot of things just made sense now. Y'all have a great time then.

Hey! I just denied someone request your cancellation. You don’t have to thank me but what’s with the snark?

Thumbs up buddy

Thanks 😁

Why won’t the people listen to me? Ughh gonna have to beat up some more gays I guess huh?


Every time.

Can't help it, this thread is giving me the big creeps mate. It's like a cult in here

You are a hate-filled bully who uses political ideology to be able to be shitty to people to make yourself feel better. You are not a good person.

You can go ahead and use this argument against me when we are not in a thread where people are unironically defending alt-right hate speech and equating it to a leftist history commentating channel like they are the exact same thing.


The amount of insults you throw at me that can be unironically be used to categorize every single one of your own actions is getting funnier by the minute.

Oh look, you're trying to dictate how other people communicate, even when it's not hate speech. How surprising.

You are a bully. It's very easy to stop being one.

I'm not dictating you how to communicate, i'm telling you your argument doesn't make a drop of sense my guy.


Unless you count "I disagree with you" as me trying to take away your freedom and being an authoritative bully. I thought the leftists were supposed to be the oversensitive "safe space needing" ones?

>you're the snowflake that needs a safe space

every time

> you disagree with me so you must not be on the left

every time

>you're disagreeing with me, that means you just want to masturbate yourself morally over how much better of a person you are


every time


>your stance implies i'm not a perfect person, you are just a bully who gets off on shitting on people


every time

You hear those specific things every time?

Huh, weird how everyone thinks that about you. Wonder why.

It's the same stupid arguments you enlightened centrists keep bringing up every single time a leftist voice is raised up, it is what it is man.


If you think i'm a bully that wants to hurt you just to get off and therefore everything I say is just some kind of manipulative lie that I'm purposefully using to cause as much turmoil as possible, I don't know what to tell you. Good work on the delusion I guess? Congrats?


Are you british? If so you should be sent to trumps camps

Oh Jesus you actually said yikes and reported. Come on man.

In case you missed it, that report above was AGAINST me. I haven't reported anyone.


But yeah, I stand behind the yikes cause it's still the feeling y'all are giving me, stronger by the minute.

Ya, I edited because I missed it. That chain just keeps growing.

Nooooo, not the y’all!

It's funny how I see people complaining about "hurrdurr safe spaces and circlejerks", yet all I see here are people talking to me like a strawman and attacking me based on stereotypes and raising 0 arguments in the process. Because clearly your position is self-evident and I'm just some insane EEZ JEE DOBOLYU whose only purpose in life is being overly dramatic.


Not like we are currently sitting in a thread talking about how some perfectly fine commentary channel that has had no history of hate speech anywhere is just THE SAME as actual self-proclaimed white supremacists spreading dangerous fascist propaganda around. Clearly I am the one so evidently in the wrong here that you are so confident on your position about that the only thing you can say is "noo he's repeating the same speech patterns of other people I have disagreed with, noooo!". Right.

Strange. That might be because this is a circlejerk social club where almost no one actually disagrees with you ideologically, and the few that do will not engage with you with any intellectual honesty.

This entire thread is in reaction to some content creator accidentally getting fragged by automated moderation and then being quickly put back up, ya? Then did anything even happen? Where is there even an argument to be had? Why say anything? I think we both know why.


Ugh. Rightoids.

Strange. That might be because this is a circlejerk social club where almost no one actually disagrees with you


I mean i have noticed the exagerated the circlejerk but I thought some of these responses were genuine. My bad I guess? I didn't know of this sub before today. Oopsies.


This entire thread is in reaction to some content creator accidentally getting fragged by automated moderation and then being quickly put back up, ya?


it wasn't when i began posting here. Good that he did.


Then did anything even happen? Where is there even an argument to be had?


IDK what to tell you, but people here were suggesting that this was an actual fair thing to happen that we "leftists" deserve for instigating youtube to remove nazi propaganda. I was merely reacting to that. Was it circlejerk and I didn't notice? Maybe? Certainly did not seem like so.


I think we both know why.



Some are genuine for sure.


Because what else is there to do? I don’t know anything about that channel, but I’m sure plenty of other people are ready to fight you. Godspeed.

user reports
1: this guy is lying he reported me

Big if true 🤔

You're a mod aren't you, you can check if I have. Not like I have faith in you in telling the truth anyway, but hey, you gotta try, maybe you still have some slight hint of honesty left in that enlightened brains of yours! :)

I have to remain impartial here. To assure that, I’ll be sure to not check if it’s true.

That said, I’m certain you’re guilty of frivolous reporting. Smh my head. You had such promise.

And you are certain how?

My instincts never fail me. You’re a snitchy snitcher who snitches.

And I got all of the stitches

No way. I’m not even mad. Just disappointed.

Shit, now that i know what's going on this is some funny shit. They had us in the first half not gonna lie


But for real tho cause it triggered me i didn't report anybody :(

We're not all SJW or even close but you're right that this is not a place to take seriously and most of us are just fucking around for fun.


Can't deny that some of this seemed too real for me to notice. I caught on some of the circlejerk but some of that other shit I have actually talked genuinely to other people around and shit man, I can't help but react to it.


I guess good job on getting me, shows me for caring about social issues :(

Feel fee to bait others back and press buttons. It's the name of the game here. Be sure to come back and harvest the salt with us when T_D eventually gets fully banned. That will be a day to remember for sure.

oh boy ain't that gonna be some shit

Mods can't see who reported what, reports are anonymous. Also girl, you're taking this sub way too seriously.

I realized too late, I see what's going on now. And I oop-

Oh Jesus you actually said yikes and reported. Come on man.

If you think leftists have any kind of faith in big corporations to act properly on a moral basis on their own, you don't know them at all.

And you lot REEE at daddy youtube to stop the meanie videos all the fucking time

Complaining to them until they pay notice is not the same as "outsourcing policing". The reason they are involved is because they are responsable for what they host on their site.

Yup, you've made it perfectly clear to them that they are responsible for the content hosted on the site. They've then decided that they don't want to be responsible for hosting the content you like on their website.

Free speech arguments have gone out the window already, because a large chunk of internet commies (aka "useful idiots") decided that it was a good idea to give a ringing endorsement of two or three massive, unaccountable corporations controlling everything people are allowed to say online.

It was obvious to everyone except you guys how this was going to turn out - they're not just going to come for the right-wingers, the entire thing is going to get sanitised as much as possible. Have fun!

"Police shoot innocent man after they mistakenly believed he was armed when he was in fact not"

More like, police was allowed to pass laws and passed a law that allowed them to shoot robbers and robber-adjacents (LMAO) without any formalities, and THEN you got surprised that they shot an innocent man.

We have a complex system heavily leaning towards not punishing the innocent (or is supposed to at least) and a large part of the attractiveness of the idea that large content-hosters are supposed to only remove content that literally breaks the law is that accidents like that are much less frequent.

It's like that time antifa beat up a Bernie supporter with an American flag: maybe it was an honest mistake, but such mistakes are inevitable if you beat up people on a hunch that they might be nazis. I might agree that nazis deserve being beaten but believe that legitimizing beating nazis is not worth it because of mistakes like that.

The other half of the issue is the work "nazi-adjacents" does. Today the banned person turned out to not be a nazi-adjancent according to the corporate, tomorrow you might not be so lucky.

I'm cracking up that this got ignored but comments made 1 hour afterwards got a reply.

u smoking sum crack?

What are you talking about, sir.

stop downvoting this wonderful humor bovine please

Can y'all stop making fun of me for daring to care about social issues pls :(


bullying is bad guise

"Bullying is bad"

See kid, that's where you're wrong.

when you trade freedom for safety you deserve neither.

When you defend people fucking other people over for no other reason other than xenophobia as freedom you have a fucking problem.

are you saying the only reason cops shoot people is xenophobia?

The cop thing was an analogy. I was no longer using it, no.

You shift positions and goal posts faster than a candidate talking at a private dinner after a rally in rural penn

You not being able to understand what someone else 8s talking about doesn't meant he is changing his point or being vague. Get some reading comprehension

I think my reading comprehension > your typing and writing ability if you're "8s talking about"

When you defend people fucking other people over for no other reason other than xenophobia because it's "freedom" you have a fucking problem.

The reason isn't "xenophobia," it's a desire to not turn into North Guatemala, because Actual Guatemala is a shithole and who would want to follow them down the drain?

for no other reason other than xenophobia

There are actually several other reasons. Do you want to live in the places these fine gentlemen and ladies are coming from? Probably not. Now, most of us don't want where we live to become like where they live! I realize this is hard to comprehend as a middle to upper class privileged mayo but some of us have had to work hard for what we have and don't want to see it decimated to serve your commie agenda.

This is your unironical stance on this issue. You serious dude?

I thought you tards were all about being against logical fallacies and shit? That is a fucking textbook strawman, my brainlet friend.

No it isn't, it's literally his point used with an analogy. Please explain how it is strawmanning in any way

It's more like:

Leftiod: I think the police should be more aggressive about shooting those who they suspect of being criminals

Police: Hey I think this guy is a criminal, he's talking about criminal activities *shoots leftoid.*

Leftoid: Not like this.... *dies*

Are you seriously arguing that three arrows is not a crypto fascist?

Lmao just don't ban anyone

It's important to protect the rights of those whose liberties are being threatened by those who which to exterminate and/or mass deport them for fascist reasons.


Getting rid of content that promotes this mentality is one step to stopping the spread of their misinformation. I don't see what's controversial about it.

Then why are you upset three arrows got taken down?

Can you just go ahead and post your rant on why you dislike this guy so much instead of going on these cryptic circles about it. Go ahead, shoot, I'm listening.

Have you ever beef seen his videos? Or are you just commenting in this thread about him in pure ignorance?

I have watched three or four and he seemed fairly progressive and anti-fascist. I'm open to being enlightened. I'm genuinely asking for your rant on him, I'm open to having my opinion changed.

We know your on the fence. Your basically with whatever team is most likely to fire up the rape limo again. If the commies lose the street battles like in the 30s you’ll join the brown shirts just like back then. Just here to find whatever vehicle will give you the best chance of rape, murder and subjugation and domination of others.

thinking anybody but degenerate rightards will watch videos about the JQ

Lmao @ u

Depends on the context of why the JQ is being discussed my guy

The REAL holocaust is when all those jews who dont believe in jesus burn in hell. Thats the REAL burnt offering they should be worrying about.

Cool beans bro.

jewish nigger

I'm confused, other people in this thread are attacking me for being white, which one is it?

Jews are white 😂

He's quoting Marx at you. We are anti-mayo though.

😴 😴 😴

Lmao this is some good cope 🤣🤣🤣

I’m convinced after the great Chinese execution van destroyed pizza the made the serg the sperg alt.

Why stop at fascists? Should we start banning commies and socialists as well? They've caused more suffering and death than stupid ass fascists ever have.

I don’t like commies but this is a dumb take. Fascists haven’t had nearly as much power as commies have had, and they’ve caused nothing but mayhem whenever they’ve gotten even a bit of power. Commies at least tend to purge their more radical comrades once they get power, and once they do that you can sorta reason with the ones who are left.

Commies tend to kill millions of people, let's not forget about that.

I can only assume millions of them are radicals.

Literally all fascists.

I mean, that's kind of irrelevant. The ability of an ideology to enable mass murder/genocide is the point. If commies have killed more because your average liberal democracy is more likely to allow them to do so, then commies are objectively more dangerous.

Commies don’t ever take over liberal democracies, do they? They always come to power either via outside regime changes or else in chaotic trainwreck-tier countries where people are desperate enough to give them a chance. Fascists do much better in liberal democracies because they’re good at tailoring their message to the least common denominator.

Nah I mean on a global scale. The rest of the world tolerated Stalin a lot longer than they tolerated Hitler.

Regardless, it doesn't even matter. The argument you're making is "Well the commies only killed more because they were in power longer," as if that's somehow a mitigating factor for how dogshit they are. The fact that they're able to stay in power for longer for whatever reason makes them much more dangerous. They kill more people, they maintain authoritarian strangleholds on countries for longer. That's not a point in their favor, lol.

Exactly, good intentions + bad ideas are generally more dangerous than bad intentions + bad ideas, because only one faces steep opposition.

Getting rid of content that promotes this mentality is one step in stopping the cancerous spread of their misinformation.

This is such a fundamental misunderstanding of human nature it's unironically hilarious to watch.

It's also hilarious that you think being this much of a bigoted asshole is human nature. I guess that's a good way to rationalize how much of a piece of shit you are. If it helps you sleep at night bro

Nah it's not even specific to bigoted beliefs. Trying to suppress free discussion of any ideology leads to a victim mentality in its adherents. You can't actually censor these beliefs off of the internet due to its decentralized nature coupled with 1A which makes it impossible for the government in the country with a majority of the internet's infrastructure to censor political opinions.

Because you can't actually fully remove access to these arguments, censoring them off of the larger tech platforms actually gives them a boost. It feeds into the victim mentality, and lends an air of legitimacy to their grievances. People hear about dudes getting booted off youtube for being LE EVIL NAZI, go "well I wonder what that's about," go looking out of curiosity, and voila. It also very much gives the impression that you can't actually debunk what they're saying, and your only argument is to try and keep them from being able to talk. With nazis, I know you actually can debunk their shit because their shit is fucking retarded, but this lazy failure to do so gives the impression that you can't.

Unironically, I'm a TERF and this is exactly how I found the gender critical community.

In terms of right-wing political violence, if you study the actual psychology of violence, you'll understand that violence is almost always the last resort of someone who feels they can't achieve their aims in any other way. If you have some loony tunes who believes that jews are ruining the world, but he thinks that he can mitigate this perceived threat by posting his retarded takes on Twitter, he's not gonna resort to violence because he doesn't feel he needs to. This person only ends up shooting up a synagogue if he feels so disenfranchised and hopeless in his efforts to mitigate this problem that shooting up a synagogue looks like the only way to get his message out.

Every single thing you morons do to get r*ghtoids deplatformed both intensifies their movement and incites them to violence. You people are so, so fucking dumb.

inb4 your only response is personal insults

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Mommy really loves me!

inb4 your only response is personal insults

called it

Factually based leftist content doesnt exist dont @ me 💁

How far does your head have to be inside your own asshole to seeth this hard

Lmao, Nazis. As if there's a sizable Nazi population.

Yeah I don't know what I was thinking, I surely am just exagerating

White supremacists aren't Nazis, and none of those videos look like white supremacy videos.

White supremacists aren't Nazis


Aight sure, but there's a lot of overlapping. They might be different camps but they are part of the same shit and both don't have any place in any kind of conversation, nor should we allow them to spread their ideas around, specially when they intentionally targetted misinformed young angry people to turn them into propaganda filled resentful people.


none of those videos look like white supremacy videos.


He is a self declared unapologethic white supremacist mate. The actual white supremacist content is inside them, the thumbnails are intentionally vague to not trigger word filters. You can go take a look at them if you want.

Oh Jesus Christ, it speaks illegal immigrant.

Imagine thinking Molyneux is a white supremacist. He’s an ancap, stupid.

Imagine thinking he is not when he has self proclaimed to be one. Keep living in your bubble bro

Source? Last I checked he was an autistic ancap who sometimes made videos with content that catered to white nationalists and race realists.

I recall him explaining his ideological position in a documentary he was in and it being a clear euphemism for white supremacy. Not like it matters if he has said it himself or not considering there's countless evidence of him spouting white supremacist propaganda, which makes him one already.

Oh, you recall? Hey guys, he recalls that someone said something, it's over and centrism is cancelled.

I'm outside the house right now and unable to look for it, but you can look for it anyway, it's fairly easy to find. In any case, as I have mentioned, his constant racist tirades that defend white supremacist talking points make him enough of one anyway

He’s an ancap, stupid.

This is a retarded take. Some people are AnCaps specifically because they believe it will allow them to form exclusively white communities.

Also, Molyneux has recently said some very positive things about white nationalism: That video is not the only instance.

He's also too retarded to realize that his obsession with IQ statistics and how they should inform policy is literally identity politics, which he claims to categorically oppose

Tbf you have to be very high IQ to understand high IQ person identity politics.

unsurprisingly, this high IQ individual demanded evidenced, but just downvoted and didn't respond when it was provided

i wish we could still ping people here lol

Molymeme the Nazi


Jfc right back my guy

It's just hilarious because the actual nazis believe he's a Jewish plant meant to pull people away from white identitarianism. You're the clown dancing in the leftmost ring in the circus while the nazis take up the rightmost ring.

Lmao have an upvote, lolcow.

You too you ignorant airhead ❤️

Jesus Christ this is a galaxy brain sized take. "Why won't Google only take down Nazi propaganda and support only Communist propaganda?"

Get a fucking clue sweaty.

Because three arrows isn't communist propaganda you fucking donkey

  1. Anything left of me, a radical centrist, is communism. By the way, just like Cultural Marxism, the Alt-Right is just some boggeyman the Communists dreamed up to rally their base. Anyone who unironically talks about the "Alt-Right" is actively spreading Communist propaganda.

  2. You're right. Communism is way worse. At least Nazis can be honest with themselves and say they really did want to kill those Jews. This "Communism has never been implemented" bullshit is just another way of justifying continued genocide under Communism.


Lmfao between the bitter, angry COPE tears. Get your brain off chapo, dude, you'll be happier.

It's hilarious y'all think I watch that chapo thing. You ever have a political view that isn't comprised entirely of stereotypes and strawman igh?

three arrows isn't communist propaganda

Have you not been present for the last 3 years when almost anyone to the right of Joseph Liebermann has been accused of fascism? Now anyone left of Joseph Liebermann is a commie, it's only fair.

But the political spectrum is actually circular so now I'm a commie...

Leftist content isn’t “factually based” though, at most it’s emotionally, and morally based.

“Race can’t be real because white supremacy is evil”

“Jews can’t do any wrong because something, something Nazi propaganda.”

“X is wrong because the Nazis liked it”

Etc, etc

Says he, emotionally arguing about something while having informed himself about it for exactly 0 seconds of his life.

“No u”

You are really owning the fash, my dude.

They already own themselves with the inane "lol the left is bad cause say so am I right guise" verbal diarrhea

“I have never read a serious opposing view in my life”

I was a centrist right winger some years ago. Then I started actually learning about shit. I suggest you do the same

I was a a centrist, then I became a communist, now i’m a fascist. When I first started learning shit I became a commie, but I as I learned more I realized that communism wasn’t for me, and fascism was.

Cool beans

Yeah. Hard drugs will do that to you.

The hardest of them my guy, I once did 2 weeds

factually based leftist content


three arrows is white. that's literally just one step away from nazism, and he honestly deserves to be taken off youtube for it. shame he got his channel back

Ahhhhhh, the stupid is coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!!!

Have you ever stopped for a second, in a moment of introspection, to ponder if your moral crusading is worth the effort? Because let's face it, you can't do away with stupid ignorant people, no matter how hard you try, there will always be people that fall into these extremist ideologies.

Also, I agree with you that banning Nazi and fascist propaganda content is necessary and justifiable. The problem that some people have, even myself, is who gets to decide who the Nazis and fascists are in a time where people intentionally muddy the definitions and descriptors of said ideologies. When you have paranoid people, that believe everyone around them is a crypto fascist or a white supremacist, calling the shots on who gets censored or not you're bound to have plenty of situations where people are wrongly accused and censored. Not to mention possible scenarios of those people using that power to wrongly censor individuals or parties for political gain under the guise of fighting Fascism or Nazis.

Who gets to be the arbiter? Well, if you say tech oligopolies, like the user that was quoted, then you're really asking for situations like these. You won't get any compassion from me if you do.

"you thought banning nazis was ok so now that your actually sense-making channel was incorrently deleted by white supremacist trolls flag-spamming the fuck out of it, you can't complain. That's what you get LOL". You actually believe this is an appropiate stance to have. Jesus christ my dude

Well, once you give people this type of power to censor, be it with mass flagging or algorithms, then this IS what you get.

I've known more coherent downies.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

> nazi propaganda content



If you watch stephan molyneux and don't think it's exactly that Idk what to tell you

I exclusively watch Richard Spencer now. He literally made me hate capitalism


I realise that the centrist brain struggles with the concept of nuance

Literal projection

Who'd have thought ceding control to a bureaucrat that is unelected and unaccountable would backfire

See? I'm not hypocritical, just really fucking dumb.

That's a good line.

Have you ever coped so hard it reminded you of the Becky and her hot chad bf across the street?

Uh oh, turns out those multi billion companies are not exactly on our side? Yikes y'all.




Zozzed and Zlepilled.

A true slavoc zozzik.

Huh, it's almost like the left opposes the capitalistic nature these companies were built upon, super surprised they arent siding with them.

Yet they usually support them when they do these exact same tactics to the unwoke working class 🤔

63% upvoted

lol seething

Where are the trusty right wing free speech warriors to defend him?

They can't. They were banned in the first purge. Enjoy the second one.

they don't want to seem biased against conservatives. So they're essentially pandering to them to make sure they can project a sort of twisted interpretation of neutrality. The only problem with that is when one side wants to make life hell for immigrants and other marginalized groups and the other side wants to stop the other side from doing that, you just have to take a fucking side.

These retards are literally too stupid to realize they did this to theirself. If you scream for censorship you cant be surprised when you get censored lol.

“We just want to make things better for immigrants by endorsing open borders, racist academia and beating up Yong Wang whenever he says we’re bigots!”

If richard spencer weren’t banned he would have defended some commie to his last breath 😭

Unironically this.

Now everyone can enjoy an Internet so inoffensive a Disney lawyer wouldn’t think twice about spreading it on toast

WHAT THE FUCK!? I just watched 6 of his videos today and they are all gone now. This is fucking crazy. Three arrows did nothing but tell the truth. Youtube is beyond fucked.

I'm in fucking tears after this. Three Arrows was my go to after I exhausted Sauns channel for content.

Wtf I hate censorship now!!

Imagine using breadtubers as substitute for friends

I use r/drama 😎😎😎

Based and lonelypilled.

My to watch list has been nuked and my day has been ruined as be was the only thing I was planning on watching for the rest of the week.

Can't lie, sometimes i fall into the YouTube hole and binge for a couple hours, but, preplaning what YouTube videos your going to watch throughout the week? How can this person type this out and not realize how pathetic it sounds lmao.

as be was the only thing I was planning on watching for the rest of the week.

The absolute state of these losers

Y’all cokmie can't cope. SAD!

All that for some gay politics video. We never should have taught the public how to read.

Eternal September was a mistake.


17 Karma


Hold my beer I’m going in

We're over 100 cummies at 30 karma!

The channel is back up including the video that started it all here:

But I liked his channel. I never knew he was a communist. Mind showing me where you got that information? If that is true and you are not just being over dramatic, it would completely change my view of him.

Most likely still considers himself succdem based on the name but you can tell he's sympathetic from his videos.

No one that breadtube stans is a communist

Three Arrows is a pretty well known symbol adapted by the Communists.

It is kind of weird that his channel was taken down, considering all of the other people making videos with the same subject matter. I'm betting something is going on behind the scenes, maybe he got caught robbing a bank with a trained parrot or something.

It's well known that Youtube uses smaller channels to test out new algorithems. They're probably just rolling out the next wave of censorship programming, and he got caught up because he talks about Nazis so much.

Where are the trusty right wing free speech warriors to defend him?

Where are all the trust left wing private company rights warriors to defend Youtube?

Oh yeah.

Should anything other than child porn be banned on the internet? I'm starting to think there's nothing else I would support banning


Then you should also say twitter instagram and facebook and all social media. Reddit isn't any worse

Snuff and rape. Other than that I think anyone should be allowed to go ham.

Wtf is a breadtube? Is it like that roll of dough you buy for making rolls?

It'll be back up within a day or so, and these screaming faggots will go right back to preaching censorship as if this never happened.

That whole post is literally "what if the places were reversed" irl

Now they just need to ban contrapoints so people will stop lining me their videos. I’ve told them many times that I’ve already seen the alien movies.