Radical Centrist take on The Little Mermaid fiasco

56  2019-07-04 by saint2e

You've got an overweight white woman (Ursula) using a PoC woman's (woke Ariel) vulnerability to her advantage and literally oppressing her for personal gain.

Seems pretty legit to me.


Imagine remembering the plot of Little Mermaid.

I'm a poor and unfortunate soul.

In pain

In need



nigga she purple

Rumour is Mellissa McCarthy is gonna play her in the movie.

She super white.

"Disney announced today, July 1, that Jacob Tremblay and Awkwafina have been added to the Mermaid cast to play two of Ariel's close friends."



did some retard literally take their name from the retarded abortion dolphin from Bojack Horseman

They just really like bottled water, okay?

Well, in their defense, most kids and adult Disney fans probably wouldn’t have watched that far into the show to catch that.

i stand corrected.

it's weird that the dolphin in the show is a teenager but this Awkwafina chick is like 30.

Awkwafina the actress had the name before the Bojack character.

Wait is it not the VA just being referred to by that name? I legit thought that was the case

They're not even going to tell her about the movie, they're just going to lure her onto set and film her for twenty minutes.

I can't wait to fuck Ariel

the radical centrist take is that all these live action reamkes are terrible and shameless money grabs by disney.

rewatch the originals from the 90s

I rewatched Little Mermaid a few months ago. Absolutely gorgeous film and pretty fun. The remakes going to be a soulless piece of shit though.

i saw the beatuy and the beast one and it was very average, i didn't see the aladdin one because the trailer looked like a low budget porn pardoy and im not gonna see the lion king one because the original lion king is sacred.

The Cinderella remake was good, but that’s mainly because the original wasn’t anything special to begin with.

Oh btw look at this monstrosity brought to you by Disney and Funko Pops!

literally the "consume product, get excited for next product" meme

True but most disney films are hard to enjoy as an adult. The animation and art will least be something to behold.

i disagree, lion king, Aladdin, little mermaid, mulan, and others all hold up, but that may be nostalgia, but my main enjoyment of those movies is probably the soundtrack, which the new movies have butchered.

hell i saw frozen in theaters as a college student and liked it, though not as much as the others.

The real radical centrist take is that the casting of Ariel should have been a 40 year old Italian American named Benny.