This is peak pathetic

11  2019-07-04 by MoreSpikes


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I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. This is peak pathetic -,,

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More woke than you, clearly. One of the biggest corporations in the world has managed to show more empathy and humanity for people of different races than you can muster. Congrats.

Lol I thought that was from the thread. Capeshitters are dumb corporate shills

Everyone needs a personal Snappy quote, applicable to any situation these days.

I'd be hyper woke too if you paid me

They're going to have him go on tour as a hologram singing dancing. He and Tupac do an amazing rendition of ebony and Ivory. I heard they're selling the hair out of his combs too... You can have a picture taken in front of his corpse with his crying widow for 5 bucks. His hospital bed sheets are going 2 for one. Christ. They could grind his bones up into a powered and make some kind of sports drink. Sweet Jebus. YOU can wear his dentures for a short time only!!! What won't corporations do to make money? That is an honest question. I wonder if they digitized him?
