The intellectually and morally superior citizens cope over maga hat wearers being in their city

11  2019-07-04 by Kaiser-romulus


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I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. The intellectually and morally supe... -,,

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I am in DC now and I am absolutely going to the mall. This is gonna be the most american thing possible

I live there nigga and I’m going

Probably the only thing worth seeing in DC.

TFW it literally rains on Trump's parade

And I barely saw any crazy stuff it was just a regular day almost

/r/WashingtonDC straight up sucks. It's full of the worst people in this city

All local subreddits are filled with societal refuse

lol @MAGAtards seething over some joke told by a bookstore. And looking at what's supposedly a list of banned words in there I like them even more.

Imagine living in the city that elected a crack-addict as mayor and openly admitting it.

"A few hours later we're in line at the Natural History Museum and my wife points out "Notice there aren't any red hats at the science museum?" Damned if she wasn't right. I made it a personal quest to find one while we were inside and never did."

Behold, the Kryptonite of the MAGAcel....Science!