Bad mans guilty of wrongthink, ruins vacation. OP is totally not a prude. Also Louis CK should be drug through a town square and cast away.

85  2019-07-04 by DiogenesBelly


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This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. Bad mans guilty of wrongthink, ruin... -,,

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I can’t believe those girls are cumtown listeners

This isn't even good bait

no point in good bait if AITA will bite on anything

But look at all those people gobbling the bait. As a foid who is constantly on the lookout for non-retarded foids, there is pretty much 0 chance that three women randomly put together in a car will all be the type to want to listen to Howard Stern or Joe Rogan or whichever Nazi made this bitch cry.

Holy shit you must be ugly to be so based.

Yeah but mostly just on the inside, so its fine.

Yeah, make up nowadays is the only outside.

Nice try though.

You're my waifu now.

Dude, I just googled Murdoch-Chan. No fucking lie, I kind of look like her. Dyed red hair and pale as fuck, poorly applied lipstick and all. That's creepy.

its over

From the description, its either Jim and Sam or Legion of Skanks. Either way, this is fake like 95% of AITA posts.

Ciswomen or Caitlyn Jenner type women?

Troll obv

This is like what O&A fans would come up with when asked to think of a person who hated the show.

I called my mom and asked if she would send me the money to fly home because to me this is intolerable. After I explained why she said she absolutely would.

Proof that what these """"people"""" needed growing up was a parent to tell them to stop being retarded instead of indulging them


Nah, that's emotional abuse, they just needed more support obv

I called my mom and asked if she would send me the money to fly home

Nice detail, will really make the redditors relate

Who the fuck trolls for Jim and fucking Sam of all shows

Doesn't this post go against the whole "No Politics" sticky on AITA anyway? She's clearly trying to shoehorn some woke points.

Nice to know /r/opieandanthony live.

I'm actually at the airport now, I decided I didn't want the confrontation and got an uber this morning before they woke up.

This is bait and all but if it were real, holy spineless chickenshit batman.

I really want to report them to my school's diversity office when I get back.

I would like to hope that listening to a show like that is grounds for expulsion.

Believe all women

I’ll say it, alt-right, nazis, conservatives, republicans and libertarians have no right to express themselves. None. Cancel. Deplatform. Remove.

lmao op is a raving nutter, this is beautiful

pity the mods are removing their posts

It's over for Cancels.

See that's funny in two ways

  1. Not soon enough.

  2. Fascism is inherently a libtard idea, so why doesn't she deplatform herself?

I’m spitting on two roads instead of one today, just to spite him

I think reading those comments convinced me we're going to have a civil war...

Tbh if my friends listened exclusively to any talk radio on a vacation trip I would bail out too

The amount of retards who think this is a normal reaction to such a stupid thing does not surprise me.

Just throw in some headphones