Man is upset over thot's bath water. Wants everyone to know how rich and successful he is and argues with everyone.

15  2019-07-04 by d-amazo


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And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


  1. Man is upset over thot's bath water... -,,

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Never said I was better than anyone. The guy asked me "do you believe you make more money" and my answer was "yeah probably I'm a doctor"

Average salary for doctors in 2019 is $313,000

I've been using the same screename since 2001 and verified on /r/science. Alt accounts are for pussies. I've never misrepresent who I am online.

he's kind of a big deal, guys.

I'm on his side more than on the classic reddit 'being an e-whore is not degrading' gang. Reddit needs to just admit that being an e-thot is degrading work and selling your dignity, but at a steep enough price that it's worth it for most.

i have no opinion one way or another about that i just think this guy going "no look i'm a doctor and all my friends are doctors so we're all rich and awesome" is pretty cringey and funny.

that and you can disapprove of a thot's actions without seething as much as this guy is. it's basically a mental breakdown.

Man is seething for sure. I figure he's finally realized that 7 years of school in a life-saving profession for a filthy moid is worth less to society than a pre-wall foids bathwater is to gamers.


i've said it before and i'll say it again: god bless belle delphine for making so, so many different people angry.

You sound like a cunt.

You ever watch porn? Let's be honest you probably have and now youre saying those people are degrading themselves after you have used that service, that makes you a hypocrite lol

It's also funny how you think cause you're a "doctor" and make more money makes you better than others. I also don't really think you're a doctor.

The smugness and Reddit's inability to use hypocrisy correctly makes me take the doc's side. Also being a doctor unironically gives him the right to think he's better than other people.

Eh, being a doctor is just like being a mechanic. If you can change a spark plug, you can probably change a lung.

he is better than other people no matter how much of a faggot he is either way.

Shut up faggot.

If virgins like you didn't give them attention, They would stop being e-thots.

Y'all can't behave.

Based. e-thots BTFO.

I respect Belle Delphine. She's taking those thirsty simps to the cleaners, and isn't trying to hide it.

Ahh so you're the asshole who brought the white night brigade

It all makes sense now