Indonesian made a post implying patriotism = bad, other people corrected him. Drama ensues.

25  2019-07-05 by aruyais


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You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


  1. Indonesian made a post implying pat... -,,

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Imagine thinking commenting about a chef on a thread about chefs is annoying.

OP tries to fake depression too lol

why are they switching between english and thirdworld-speak?

Because they're third world poor

Welcome to SEA internet

Wowowowo hol up bois.

What the fuck is going on here ? What are you even trying to do ?

trying to stop people who tries to depression their way out, sweaty~❤️

I guess you never been on reddit before, never heard about joking/storytelling about depression as a coping mechanism before ? Never heard about depression meme ? 2meirl4merl ? Absolutlynotmeirl ? You know, countless of redditor ive seen doing it on meme subreddit....

And then you assume to say that im an incel, i dont really know about the definition of it. But if i just got dumped on my girlfriend last week am i still count as an incel ?

I know, dear. But edgy memes are just memes. I make them too.

And i said "sounds like incel". It sounds like it. I'm sure you aren't an incel.

So what are you actually trying to say about me to people in this sub ? Want to try to tell everyone that im an asshole ? I just dont really understand what i did wrong

Ding ding ding! You are correct!

Im........ confused.

Ok good luck trying to see if people care

I don't take the internet seriously, sweatie! You obviously do though~🎵

Yeah, i understand that you are really desperate for karma especially with 1 year account like that only have 1k karma. But that doesnt mean that you should :

  1. Post someone elses content and trying to make him look like an asshole, AND NOT EXPECTING such person to retaliate and explaining his story.

  2. Assuming someone elses is a part of a group reddit hate so much (incels) without any proof whatsoever.

You can do whatever you want in the internet, but dont cry or complain when someone is tired of your shit. I mean, not one negative comment is in my post, but there are criticism that i agree with. Kau aja yang lain sendiri pemikiranmu.

1k karma insult

Oh baby! You care about karma! That means you take the internet waaaaaay too seriously. No wonder you claimed to be depressed!

Anyway, YIKES! Let's unpack this.

  1. Oh, how sharp of you! But i didn't comment on the thread at all. In fact, i think "over-prouders" are annoying. Those who criticise me for caring too much about them are hypocrites. They care waaaaaay too much about me. So i don't think i'm biased. CMIIW.

You on the other hand, are the OP of the thread. You partake in the creation of a faction in the comments. And when everything fails, you BRING UP your depression to the ONLY COMMENT THAT SUPPORTS YOU WITH POSITIVE KARMA. You're the person that we mock. I think you're gonna be biased with your story there~

  1. I didn't say that! I only said it LOOKS like incels. Saying Antifa tactics is similar to fascist tactics isn't calling the Antifa fascist, sweatie.

Kau aja yang lain sendiri pemikiranmu

This translates to "I am a KV but it's toooooootally because i'm abstaining. Not because i'm a total loser."

Wow..... just wow, is this pretty much how people in this subreddit are ? Just like keemstar trying to make drama out of thin air ? When no drama even exist at all because literally NO ONE in my post fighting , when i literally not even arguing to anyone, AND LITERALLY NO ONE HAVE ANY NEGATIVE ARGUMENTATION beside disagreeing to each other. And also when you try to make a person seems like an asshole, and that person trying to reply back you said :

"oH mY gOD stOp TakInG tHE iNteRneT SEriOusLy"

thats not an argument, you can literally search someones post, try to see his flaws, and take the time to make him look like an asshole, deliberately twisting someones word, and when that person replying to you trying to clarify everything, you thought : "HOW DARE THAT PERSON REPLY WHEN I MAKE HIM LOOK BAD, SMH HE TAKES INTERNET SOOO SEROULSY"

And about my depression comment, its a joke reflecting my life dude, its common in reddit to self deprecating. Youre such a normie oh my god.

And then you point out my 2meirl4irl post about being asexual, trying to make me look like an incel loser. Well yeah iam a loser, but not once i make a negative comment towards women. I mean.... just.... fuck this man i give up

Do whatever you want man

NO ONE in my post fighting

What wacky definition of fighting you have lol

deliberately twisting someones word

Project. I do more than point out that you take the Internet too seriously, hunie.

it's a joke reflecting my life dude

It's a joke. Not a statement. Cool. Now the fake depression is confirmed.


You're not asexual, hunie pop. You were attracted to your ex. She dumped you a week ago, which was when the asexual comment was made. Hmmm........

Do whatever you want man

I'll milk the lolcow for one last time......

Excellent post my indog friend

Do you use an alt to post on braincels?


Listen. We need you to translate if you want us to garner any drama from this.

The second to top (not best) comment chain is literally in full English

sorry, I'm American and thus illiterate.

Oh it's okay. We all have burdens. My personal burden is that i post on a doge meme subreddit.

I saw when I clicked on your profile, to see if you were Indonesian or not.

But its indeed alright. We're all retarded in r/Drama.

I like how one of them is seething about the guy insulting the commenter and his country but says constant bragging about their (shit) country is not annoying af

True. I nearly wanted to make this a "both factions bad drama. But then the lolcow (who came here) brings up his" depression".

I'm going to take a screenshot of this post and subtitle it "this is my anxiety"