The autistic english/ philosophy undergrads of r/stupidpol get catty

9  2019-07-05 by Slump_o


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I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. The autistic english/ philosophy un... -,,

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From the Chapstick thread

If Chapo hosts need a comedic leftist woman to fit some weird idpol quota, Jamie Peck is barely a borough away, and LivvyFAnon checks two "boxes".

I always like when brappos expose themselves like this. I looked into this individuals profile, found nothing interesting after scrolling down several pages until I realized I had seen only one day's worth of their comments.

starting to think perhaps it was a bad idea to create a liberalism that is incapable of critiquing nationalism and militarism.

lol, that is already part of modern liberalism.